08 Facts That People Feel They Should Have Known For Ages But Just Learned


Was it brought to your attention that when a pufferfish “puffs up,” they are really filling themselves with water rather than air? You should be congratulated on your common sense because this is not as well recognized as one may believe it is. If you did, you have more common sense than most people.

However, given the abundance of knowledge that is currently available, it is not at all impossible to remain ignorant of “regular” things for a considerable amount of time.

The question “What is a fact that you have only recently learned, but that you should have known for ages?” was posed by someone. and internet users submitted their most compelling instances. So make yourself comfy while you go through, give your favorites a vote of approval, and don’t forget to leave a comment below with your own story.


That is right! As opposed to taking in air, pufferfish inflate themselves by gulping water. They swiftly take in water and expand in order to make themselves look much larger to possible predators when they perceive that they are in danger. Their very elastic stomachs are filled with water, which causes their bodies to swell when they consume it. Utilizing water to inflate them also makes it far more difficult for them to swallow, which is an excellent defense mechanism!


A significant step in achieving self-respect and emotional well-being is the acquisition of knowledge regarding limits, regardless of one’s age.

Recognizing when you are uncomfortable and maintaining your composure is a difficult task, especially when other people respond with resistance. Saying “no” and sticking to it provides you with a sense of empowerment; it’s about defending your serenity! It is wonderful that you are beginning to accept it now!


Indeed, it is mind-boggling to contemplate how dreadful the journeys across the ocean must have been in those days. Before the advent of modern technology and the ability to accurately anticipate the weather, sailors were completely dependent on the elements.

Those enormous storms and seas that we witness now would have been considerably more terrifying for those who were traveling in little wooden ships, as there was no assurance that they would survive. The bravery (and desperation) that was required to complete the journey across the oceans in the 1400s is quite remarkable when one considers how vulnerable they must have felt at the time.


The skin of a human being does not possess the ability to detect water. Since humans do not possess the appropriate receptors for water itself, the only way we are able to determine whether or not something is wet is by observing its temperature or pressure.

This is the reason why sensory deprivation tanks with water that is either at room temperature or just slightly heated work so well, and why it is impossible to determine whether or not clothing that has been put out to dry is moist or simply cold.

It was a tremendous mindf**k when I realized that I had read that someplace. Currently, I am continuously thinking about it.

Due to the fact that we are aware that certain animals possess these receptors, we are aware that humans do not possess them. For example, fruit flies and cockroaches are included. I find that peculiar.

In response to all of the individuals who have stated that they determine whether or not an item is moist by pressing it on their lips or face, I would want to clarify that this is still the same idea that I have described earlier. The sense of air flowing against the moisture is what you are experiencing even if you are unable to feel the wetness itself. This is exactly the same as if you were holding the thing in your hand. In order to determine whether or not something is moist, we rely on indicators such as temperature and pressure.

To clarify, a lot of people are arguing that this is a complete and utter fabrication, and I made it up since it is possible to know when something is moist. Congratulations, you are accurately reiterating what I have previously stated. To determine it, we rely on indications from the surrounding environment. Additionally, the term “hygrosensation” is what I am referring to. Carry out your own independent research. Look it up on Google.


Absolutely! Oxen are essentially mature male cattle that have been castrated and taught to perform, particularly for labor-intensive duties like as plowing or hauling carts. (They are often bulls). A castration is performed on them in order to make them more submissive and easier to control. These are not cattle of a separate species; rather, they are normal cattle that have been educated for labor in a particular manner. Within the realm of bovines, they are comparable to the workhorses!


Wow, it is really incredible! There are certain individuals who do not have any experience with an internal monologue, which means that they do not “hear” their own thoughts as a continuous dialogue that occurs within their skull. The alternative is that they could think in terms of sensations, visuals, or abstract notions.

Finding out how differently our brains may absorb diverse events and thoughts is a fascinating phenomenon. It’s hard to fathom what it would be like to think without that continual mental conversation, especially for those of us who are accustomed to it!


Haha, you’re quite right about that! In all likelihood, the well-known phrase “don’t scare the fish” was nothing more than a cunning strategy for grandpa to get some peace and quiet.

Because fish are unable to hear noises in the same way that people do, even if they are able to detect vibrations in the water, it is highly unlikely that your words were making much of a difference to them. And what about grandpa? It is undeniably more tranquil when there is no noise or conversation!


My cat used to never drink a lot of water and she would just spend a lot of time staring at the bowl, turns out she was experiencing whisker fatigue so I got her a wider bowl.

There is really a thing as whisker tiredness. The whiskers of cats are quite delicate, and if they are continually brushing the sides of a dish, it may be very painful for them. Changing the dish to one that is broader is unquestionably a clever answer, and I’m sure your cat is happy with the adjustment!

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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