10 Celebs Who Have Super Interesting “Secret” Second Careers, Like Race Car Driving, Clowning, And More


She has received training to become a doula. More than fifty kids have been born to her since the year 2001, including three that were born to her fellow artist Summer Walker!

To many people, the realization of their desire of becoming a renowned singer or actress would be a dream come true. On the other hand, many people who have accomplished that ambition have now established new goals for themselves.
The following is a list of fourteen famous people who have fascinating hobbies or secondary careers:

1. In 2024, Keanu Reeves made his racing debut 

Keanu Reeves made his start in the world of racing in 2024, competing in the Toyota GR Cup, which is a competition for amateur racers.

His first race resulted in him finishing 25th out of 33 competitors, while his second race resulted in him finishing 24th.

2. Frankie Muniz took a break from acting in 2006

In 2006, Frankie Muniz took a vacation from acting and began his career as a professional race car driver. However, three years later, he suffered an injury that ended his successful season while competing in the ChampCar Atlantic Championship. On the other hand, he made his comeback to the track in 2023 as a driver for NASCAR.

While speaking to AP News in the year 2024, he stated, “The only thing I can compare it to is like going to a new school.”

At one school, you can have the impression that you are the only male student, but when you transfer to a different school, you might find yourself thinking, “I don’t know anyone.” Am I going to be welcomed by the individuals that are here? I am experiencing a small amount of the sensation. Even if I were to stroll into the garage, I wouldn’t know if people would accept me on that level just yet.

3. Morgan Freeman took up beekeeping in 2014.

He made this statement while appearing on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: “I just got them two weeks ago.” I’m just starting off with this…They have no idea where the food is, thus it is necessary for me to feed them on a consistent basis. Both sugar and water are what I give them.What I’ve found out is that I don’t need to put on the bee suit or anything else in order to feed them.

During the year 2019, he transformed his property in Mississippi into a refuge for bees.

4. Truly fulfilling her role as Queen B

Despite the fact that Beyoncé is not a beekeeper in the traditional sense, she does have a connection to bees, which is an interesting fact!

In addition to producing honey for her family, she disclosed that she maintains over 80,000 bees in her domicile. Her association to bees in popular culture is further cemented by the fact that she refers to her followers as the “Beyhive.” This serves as an intriguing metaphor for the way in which she cultivates her community!

“I know it’s random, but I have two beehives,” she said in an interview with British Vogue in the year 2020.

These are the real ones. I have been keeping them at my residence for some time now. There are around 80,000 bees that I keep, and each year we produce hundreds of jars of honey. Beehives were established by me since both of my children, Blue and Rumi, suffer from severe allergic reactions, and honey is known to possess a wide range of curative powers.

5. David Arquette is passionate about clowns

David Arquette has a deep love for clowns, and more especially for Bozo the Clown, and in 2021 he purchased the rights to use his cartoon character. In addition to the fact that he had a deep affection for the clown figure from his childhood, he is also driven by the desire to “rehabilitate” people’s perceptions of clowns in light of the success of the It films.

“I don’t know, my great-grandparents were in vaudeville,” he said in 2023 when he was interviewed by ComicBook.com. That being said, there may be something related to that, specifically the element of a touring circus. That is something that I absolutely adore; there is something in the realm of wrestling that is extremely circus-like.

There is something in my DNA that enjoy that. I lived in Chicago for a few years in the beginning of my life, and it was there that I fell in love with Bozo the Clown. After that, I went to see the Ringling Brothers and then I watched the entire circus, and it just kind of blew my mind. I said to myself, “Okay, I really do love this entire world.” Therefore, I have always had a deep affection for it.

6. Erykah Badu is a trained doula

Erykah Badu has worked as a doula in the past. More than fifty babies have been delivered by her since the year 2001, including three that were delivered by fellow singer Summer Walker.

“It’s a sisterhood,” she commented to Essence in the year 2024. It is a ceremonial, it is a spiritual trek, and it is the birthing of a child. It is not possible to make doulas; rather, they are born. This kind of compassion and patience is something that you were born with, and you are naturally drawn to the task. Shafia Monroe was one of the many instructors I had who were both extremely brilliant and patient with me.

[The International Center for Traditional Childbearing] was established by Shafia, who is also the founder of the organization. After taking part in fourteen births, I decided to enroll in her program. Therefore, I became familiar with what is known as direct-entry midwifery. This means that you gain knowledge while working in the field.

In the year 2001, I received my certification from ICTC, where I was taught textbook and technical information that I would not have received otherwise. Because you are a birth worker, you not only have the instinct, but you also learn to speak the language. Due to the fact that we did not own that prior to the late 1900s.

To be birth workers was not something that we were authorized to do. We were doing it, but it wasn’t until the 1980s and 1990s that we had a significant amount of success in gaining acceptance. It is therefore essential to have a network, and the doula should not be excluded from the network.

It is the doula who acts as the conductor. In spite of the fact that she has disappeared into a corner after bringing everything together, the doula continues to assist and hold space as required. You learn to be patient. You have a slight gait. It becomes commonplace in your day-to-day life. You are always available to be of assistance. The one who is the most powerful among you will serve for you.

7. Bella Hadid is an avid equestrian

Seventh, Bella Hadid is a passionate horseback rider. She was diagnosed with Lyme illness in 2016, which meant that she was forced to abandon her hopes of competing in the Olympics. Her return to the sport, however, occurred in 2023 in a tournament held in the state of Florida.

More recently, Bella has been competing in cutting competitions.

Her passion of horseback riding was the catalyst that lead her to find love. At a horse event, she was introduced to her future boyfriend, Adan Banuelos, who is a professional horseman.

“If it weren’t for horses, I would have never met the love of my life,” she said in an interview with W Magazine in the year 2024.

8. Mary-Kate Olsen is also an avid equestrian.

She began riding when she was six years old and quit for a short time after she graduated from high school; yet, she “missed it every day that [she] wasn’t riding.”

She stated in her HITS rider profile that “It was the hardest thing to leave and the hardest thing to come back to.” both of these statements are true.

She competes in show jumping.

9. As a theater student at the University of Illinois

When Nick Offerman was a student of theater at the University of Illinois, he worked in the scene shop. Years later, when he began performing professionally in Chicago, he supplemented his income by making props and sets. Afterwards, when he moved to Los Angeles, he started constructing decks and cabins, which led to him developing a passion for the joinery of old-world furniture. As a result, he established the Offerman Woodshop, which is still in business today.

He even wrote a book, Good Clean Fun,  about working in his shop.

10. Steve Martin is a banjo player

Steve Martin is a musician who has won at least one Grammy and plays the banjo. Around the age of 17, he taught himself how to play the guitar.

“The thing about the banjo is that when you first hear it, it strikes many people as ‘What’s that?'” he said in an interview with National Public Radio in 2009.

There is something that is really captivating about it for some individuals; that is how I was, and that is how a lot of people who play the banjo and people who are passionate about the banjo are. I would like to believe that it is because we are Americans, and the banjo is a genuinely American instrument, and it expresses something about our history.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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