10 Cringe worthy Design Fails That Are So Bad, They’re Funny


The entire reason for employing a professional designer is to ensure that the task is completed successfully. So that’s what we’d want to believe. However, it appears that even the most well planned plans can be thrown away, along with your idealized view of how the plan should be carried out.

Thankfully, the internet has developed a fascination with shaming poorly designed websites as a popular sport. The legendary “Design Fails Wall of Shame” is filled with pictures that range from foolish to wacky to confused to downright harmful to just plain stupid. There is no shortage of pictures on this wall.

You should check out the Instagram account for Design Fails if you are seeking for ideas on things that you probably do not want to be in your immediate vicinity. There are hundreds of entries on it that chronicle the failures of interior design and architecture. It’s possible that some may make you chuckle, while others will make you want to cry.

There are also those that are simply irritating to your eyes. A compilation of our own favorites has been compiled by Bored Panda. Please continue reading for a feast of hilarious blunders, and don’t forget to give a vote of approval to the ones that leave you speechless.


Eventually, Mom was able to cash in her Marlboro Miles.

That’s a nostalgic moment! The Marlboro Miles program was a significant advertising initiative that allowed individuals to accumulate points from cigarette packs and then redeem those points for branded products. Your mother appears to have been holding on to those points for a considerable amount of time before eventually investing them on something.


Something that needed a high degree of talent has left you with a remarkable impression! To what specific points are you making reference? I would be really interested in learning more about it, regardless of whether it is a technical accomplishment, a physical challenge, or an artistic accomplishment.

a particular ability or skill that was so amazing that it left an impression! It doesn’t matter if it’s a great performance in the realm of artwork, athletics, or technological professions; there are a lot of different areas where talent really shines.

If you have a specific example in mind, such as a magnificent piece of art, an athletic feat that will leave you speechless, or a technological accomplishment that is extremely difficult to accomplish, I would be delighted to hear about it! Additionally, if you are seeking for examples in a certain field, I am able to provide you with several.


One of the individuals who is responsible for the Instagram feed is really a trained interior designer. Eric Dillman is active on a number of social media platforms and also hosts a podcast. Dillman attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Interior Design program and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Moreover, he launched his first design account in the year 2018.

“I was at the beginning of my career and wasn’t really getting any good leads from my first job,” Dillman said in an interview with Canvas Rebel. “I wanted to market myself and get my own customers.”

Within the first month, I was able to secure my first customer, and ever since then, I have been steadily expanding my visibility on the internet.

I went from having a website that would inspire people to renovate their homes to having a page that would design my business, as well as my podcast and my networking events. Eric Dillman conducts interviews for his podcast titled “Pro Series with Eric Dillman,” in which he interviews professionals working in the design, construction, and real estate sectors, as well as stars from home design television series.


Thinking back on an incident that was either frustrating or unsatisfactory. When it is shattered, trust may be a delicate thing, and it can be difficult to repair once it has been broken. What transpired that caused you to feel this way, if you are comfortable sharing it with another person? Having a conversation about it may sometimes be helpful in processing those sentiments.


Because everyone was banging their heads as they down my stairs, I decided to put up a sign as a warning to everyone.
That is a very ingenious solution! In situations where people are not aware of their surroundings, it may be quite frustrating. It is possible to help avoid accidents and ensure that everyone stays safe by simply putting up a warning sign. What kind of unique language did you come up with for the sign, or did you just go with something straightforward?


What if you were to forget that Gramma is sitting on the porch?

That is quite the peculiar situation! When someone is sitting quietly, it is quite simple to forget about them, particularly if they are in a location that is familiar to you, such as a porch. If someone were to abruptly open the door or walk out of the house, I can only image how surprised they would be.

According to Dillman, when he first began, he put up advertisements for things that he cherished or materials that he had produced. At some point in time, he reached a stage where he was able to publish the work that he had completed for customers. Like the majority of the rest of humanity, Dillman was caught off guard by the events that transpired in the year 2020.

Adding insult to injury, the content producer had to cope with the fact that his Instagram account had been hacked in addition to the catastrophe that was Covid. In the course of his quest, it was a defining moment.


Actually, that is rather amusing to say the least.
What a fact it is! Those unanticipated moments have the potential to bring up some good chuckles, particularly when they include members of the family. It is one of those situations that is so real that it makes you appreciate the tiny peculiarities that life has to offer.


The worktops in my office were shattered by a bowling ball that had just fallen from a tremendous height. I believe it had fallen from the International Space Station. Here is the insurance claim that I have filed.

The response from ChatGPT was:
The idea of filing an insurance claim is both humorous and thought-provoking! Putting a bowling ball falling from the International Space Station into your mind is an outrageous way to lend a humorous spin on a situation that might otherwise be serious. It’s an excellent illustration of how to find comedy in accidents that you didn’t foresee. How I wish that insurance claims could come with explanations that are as interesting as they are!


It would be helpful if you could explain why this was a phenomenon.

In reference to a widespread problem that a lot of people encountered during the epidemic, when having an internet presence became even more important. Hackers frequently target social media accounts, particularly those with a substantial following, because these accounts may be beneficial for spamming, phishing, or even selling to other people.

The person described in the narrative most likely fell prey to a phishing scam in this particular instance. Hackers frequently send emails that look like they are real, saying that the account has been compromised and demanding payment in order to reclaim the identity of the user. At first glance, it is not difficult to understand why someone may consider it to be a joke, particularly if they are not aware with the strategies that con artists employ.

It is both irritating and sadly frequent to have to fight an uphill battle in order to regain an account. A great number of systems feature recovery procedures that are difficult to understand, particularly if two-factor authentication is not enabled.

It is always preferable to take preventative precautions such as tightening passwords and being wary about questionable communications. However, there are occasions when hiring someone to help, such as a social media recovery specialist, might be the quickest method to handle these concerns.


A humorous approach to talk about a restroom’s layout! It seems as though the interior design or the arrangement may make one feel as though they are surrounded by something magical or strange, like something out of Harry Potter. It is certain that the use of the phrase “chamber of secrets” brings about a fun twist! Could it be that there was a particular aspect of the restroom that prompted this thought?

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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