10 People Shared Before And After Pictures Of Trees Growing Through The Years


All the trees, all the trees! Our modest view is that there is not enough natural nature in the earth, despite the fact that we are neither Ents or Elves. In addition to all of the adorable animals and creatures that can be found in the great outdoors, one of the things that we like the most about being outside is going for a lengthy stroll in the woods. When you glance out the window and witness a sea of greens, it is a great feeling to experience.

Those of us who believe this are not the only ones! The members of a particular online community known as “Trees Growing Up” offer some of the most compelling before-and-after photographs of locations where young trees were planted and eventually grew into magnificent trees, so enhancing the region. We are going to highlight the greatest pictures today.

To have a look, scroll down the page! However, when you are on your lunch break, go embrace some trees; we are certain that they would be grateful for your gesture.

Dominic Sberna, a photographer located in Ohio, was contacted by Bored Panda because we were interested in gaining any further knowledge regarding before-and-after photographs and capturing photographs in natural settings. We were fortunate enough to receive some of his knowledge and skills from him.

#1 Amazing

The couple made the decision to rehabilitate their abandoned plot of property in Aimorés, Brazil, which was 600 hectares in size. A total of almost two million tree seedlings were planted by them. Because of this, the location is home to 293 different plant species, 172 different bird species, and 33 different animal species, some of which were on the point of extinction years ago. 18 years went by.

It is incredible that such a high level of biodiversity can be achieved via the concerted efforts of reforestation and ecosystem restoration. Something that is particularly motivating is the fact that they were able to provide help for endangered animals.

#2 Amazing – 125 Years Of Growth

Through the patterns of their development and the structure of their branches, trees may provide us with a great deal of information on their age as well as the history of the ecosystem that surrounds them. A tree that is so ancient has probably been exposed to a great deal of change in its surroundings and may be an essential component of the ecology in the area.

It is estimated that the tree is at least 300 years old simply based on the form of the branches in the bottom photo.

#3 Forestation Of Uluborlu

There is a difference of 34 years between the forestation of Uluborlu and Isparta in Turkey.

The forestation project that has been going on for more than 34 years at Uluborlu, Isparta, Turkey, sounds fascinating! Reforestation activities on a large scale have the potential to have a tremendous influence on the ecosystems, climate, and even the community in the area.

The photographer Dominic, who hails from Ohio, suggests that if you want to capture nature in its original state when shooting photographs, it is “best to leave things as they are.”

“I am a strong supporter of the ‘Leave No Trace’ movement and the ethos that it represents. As he urged everyone to respect the environment that they are in, he stated that it is OK to bring contemporary requirements into the natural environment; however, it is not acceptable to leave them there.

As Dominic said to Bored Panda, “The natural area that you are photographing ought to be left in the same condition that you found it.”

“If you want to capture a scene in an authentic manner, your photographs should be a reflection of this ideal.”

#4 10 Year Growth Of Trees Native To The Philippines

The growth of trees that are native to the Philippines on a college campus over a period of ten years

When native trees are planted on a college campus, it may improve the environment for both students and wildlife by increasing biodiversity, providing shade, and creating a better environment overall. Native species are often better able to adapt to the circumstances of their environment and are able to provide more effective support for local ecosystems than non-native trees.

#5 A Dad And His Tree At 4 And 63 Years Old

At the age of four and sixty-three, a father and his tree

The life of a person is compared to the development of a tree, which is a really lovely metaphor. Being able to contemplate not just the development of the tree but also the memories that span over sixty years must be a fantastic experience. Trees are frequently used to represent tenacity and longevity, and in this particular instance, it is a heartwarming link between a parent and the natural world.

#6 Boston Big Dig Before, 2004, 2024

The change of Boston that was accomplished through the Big Dig project is one of the most noteworthy urban infrastructure projects that has been undertaken in the United States. In the beginning, it was intended to lessen the amount of traffic congestion and enhance the appearance of the city’s environment. However, over the years, it has brought about considerable changes to the layout and functionality of Boston.

Prior to the construction of the Big Dig, the principal artery of Boston consisted of an elevated roadway that across the city, resulting in substantial traffic jams and separating communities.

At approximately this time in 2004, the Big Dig was finished, which resulted in the subterranean burial of a significant portion of the traffic and the creation of open places such as the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Parts of the city that had been divided for decades were brought back together as a result of this.

2024: It is probable that the project will have a long-term impact that will involve the creation of even additional green spaces, the improvement of traffic patterns, and the revitalization of urban neighborhoods. Observing how the city continues to develop in response to the changes brought forth by the Big Dig would be an intriguing prospect.

On the other hand, the photographer provided some straightforward guidance on the process of capturing before-and-after photographs of particular spots.

According to him, the most important thing is to take pictures of these things as near as possible. To do this, you will need to conduct study and position the shot such that it is aligned with the angles of the prior photographs.

“There are instances when regions have undergone significant transformations, which may be a difficulty. “As long as you have done everything that you are supposed to, I have no doubt that the outcomes will be fantastic,” Dominic told Bored Panda.

Taking a forest bath, also referred to as shinrin-yoku in Japanese, is a technique that involves spending time in a forest, listening to the sounds of birds and insects, touching trees, smelling flowers, breathing in the fresh air, and generally enjoying your environment.

Apparently, this has the effect of enhancing your immune system, enhancing your mental health and mood, lowering your blood pressure, and reducing the amount of stress you are experiencing.

#7 Bishan Park, 30 Years Apart

Over the course of thirty years, Bishan Park in Singapore has undergone a spectacular metamorphosis that serves as an example of urban ecological restoration. The following is a concise summary of the modifications:

In the beginning, Bishan Park was more of a typical, constructed park with a limited number of natural elements. This picture was taken in 1988. It was a normal recreational place, consisting of open fields, concrete canals, and paths; nevertheless, there was no integration taken into account with the natural environment.

Bishan Park has seen a substantial transition by the year 2020, as shown in the bottom picture shown above. One of the most significant alterations was the transformation of a concrete canal into a river that was surrounded by natural vegetation.

This alteration not only improved the visual appeal of the park, but it also made it possible to better manage the water and increase the amount of biodiversity throughout the park. The park has been transformed into a verdant and lush area that is home to a wide variety of animal species and also functions as a natural floodplain.

#8 Norway Maple 1987-2017

The development of the Norway Maple from 1987 to 2017 served as an excellent illustration of how trees age over time and the influence that they may have on the area in which they are located. During the course of thirty years, a Norway Maple would have most likely developed from a seedling tree of a modest size into a more mature species with a broad canopy, which would have provided enough shade and contributed to the ecosystem of the surrounding area.

A tree that is quite young, maybe just beginning to establish itself, with a narrow trunk and a modest canopy. This tree represents the starting point for the year 1987.

In 2017, thirty years from now, the tree would have grown significantly, with a trunk that was bigger, branches that were more wide, and a canopy that was more densely packed. At this point, the tree would most likely be giving shade, purifying the air, and providing support for local fauna such as birds and insects.

#9 The Connecticut River

The view of the Connecticut River Valley from the peak of Mount Holyoke between the years 1900 and 2022 illustrates both the natural beauty of the region as well as the changes that have occurred as a result of time and the actions of humans.

Around the year 1900, the valley was probably a patchwork of agriculture, woodlands, and small settlements. This was the beginning of the 20th century. Despite the fact that industrialization was expanding, a significant portion of the area remained relatively rural and undeveloped. It would have been possible to see a harmonious combination of natural landscapes and agricultural fields from the vantage point of Mount Holyoke.

Over a century and a half later, in the year 2022, there are probably obvious changes. Even while a significant portion of the valley is still lovely and verdant, with woods and agricultural land still existent, there is a possibility that urbanization and development may become more apparent.

It is quite probable that towns and highways expanded, and there may have been an increase in the amount of infrastructure associated with contemporary living, such as bridges and commercial districts. On the other hand, it is possible that conservation efforts in the area have contributed to the preservation of a significant section of the natural landscape.

#10 Mosquito Crossing

The comparison of Mosquito Crossing, Greensboro, Georgia between 1939 and 2021 offers an interesting look at the development of rural or less developed places in the United States over the course of more than a century.

At the end of the 1930s, this region of Georgia was probably a straightforward and rural section of the state. It is likely that the roads were either unpaved or just little built, and there were a few residences, farms, or small enterprises interspersed along them. It is possible that the region would have had a terrain that was more centered on agriculture or wildness, and the infrastructure would have been quite primitive.

By the year 2021, it is quite likely that the region has seen tremendous development and modernization. Roads would now be paved, and there is a possibility that the region may experience an increase in residential construction, commercial development, or infrastructural expansion.

Mosquito Crossing may have stayed relatively small, so preserving its rustic allure, or it might have developed greatly as a result of population growth or additional economic possibilities, depending on the trends that were prevalent in the area.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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