10 Stylish Large Plants for Living Rooms For A Fresh Look


Want to make a big statement in your living room? There’s a chance that big plants will help you. I’m going to tell you all about the hottest trend that’s taking over everyone’s living rooms. Large plants make a difference. I’ve turned many dull rooms into lush, green havens, and I can say this from personal experience.
They’re not just pretty to look at, though they are that too. These green giants can change the mood of the whole room. We’re going to talk about some unusual plants that will make your living room look like a page from a home decor magazine. These plants will make a statement, from the well-known fiddle leaf fig to some more surprising greens. Put down your coffee (or quickly water your plants) and let’s talk about the wonderful world of big plants for living rooms.

1. Fiddle Leaf Fig: The Plant World’s Supermodel

Fiddle Leaf Fig

First things first, let’s begin with the fiddle leaf fig, also known as the shrub that became the inspiration for a thousand Pinterest boards. The large leaves that are shaped like violins? The absolute highlight of the show. Be warned that this plant has the potential to be a bit of a diva. Exactly as it wants things to be. So when do you finally get it right? A kiss from the chef. Exactly what you need to fill that space that has been bothering you. It is important to keep in mind that bright light is your friend, and you should not go overboard with the watering can.

2. Bird of Paradise: Vacation Vibes 24/7

Bird of Paradise

Do you ever wish you could carry the sensation of being on vacation in the tropics back with you? Greetings, and welcome to the bird of paradise! It is like having a one-way ticket to paradise but without the sunburn and the expensive cocktails. This plant is like that. These large fronds that resemble banana leaves? It is pure magic. What is the most enjoyable aspect? Despite being such a show-off, it is surprisingly mellow. There is a strong chance that you will be able to keep this one satisfied, even if you are not exactly known for having a green thumb.

3. Rubber Plant: The Cool Kid on the Block

Rubber Plant

Don’t be fooled by the term; there is no exaggeration when it comes to the incredible benefits that rubber plants provide. The large, lustrous leaves, are they? They are comparable to works of living art. It is the adaptability of rubber plants that is the most fascinating aspect of these plants. This plant may thrive in any environment, whether it be a bright room, a dim room, a modern vibe, or a classic look. It is comparable to having a friend who is laid back and gets along well with everyone at the party.

4. Monstera Deliciosa: The Holey Grail of Plants

Monstera Deliciosa

That being said, let’s speak about the monstera, or the Swiss cheese plant, as I like to refer to it (because, well, holes). This plant is like the hip art instructor of the plant world; it is a little wild, a lot of fun, and it is impossible to not enjoy it. These peculiar leaves, which are characterized by their characteristic splits and holes? They are not merely for display, even though they seem so wonderful. The plant can absorb more light in its natural environment as a result of their presence. Isn’t that clever?

5. Dracaena: The Low-Maintenance Overachiever


Have you been looking for a plant that appears to require a lot of care but does not? Get to know the dracaena. One thing that all of these tall, elegant plants have in common is that they are as strong as nails. They come in a wide range of colors and different types. Have you not been watering for a while? Not a big deal at all. Any light that is less than ideal? It will be all right. On top of that, they are excellent at purifying the air. It is comparable to having a fashionable air purifier that does not require a new filter at any time.

6. Kentia Palm: The Sophisticated Beach Bum

Kentia Palm

Do you want to have the sensation of being in the lobby of a luxurious hotel? Invest in a Kentia palm for yourself. It is all about those laid-back, tropical vibes, but with a touch of class as well. This plant is all about that. It is tall, it is graceful, and it can tolerate minor neglect (this is something that we have all experienced). This is the ideal solution for that nook when nothing else seems to match up well. However, make sure to avoid placing it in full sunlight because even palms can become sunburned.

7. Snake Plant: The Unkillable Wonder

Snake Plant

Now, let’s say that you were the one who, at some point in the past, managed to kill a cactus. To begin, that is very outstanding. To begin, let me introduce you to your new best friend: the snake plant. To put it simply, this thing is virtually indestructible. Have you neglected to water it for a whole month? Not a problem at all. Your apartment is as gloomy as a cave, is that correct? Yes, it will endure. Those tall, stunning leaves also appear nice in whichever environment they are placed in. It is similar to the plant equivalent of that friend who always seems to have their life under control, regardless of the circumstances.

8. Philodendron: The Friendly Giant


Okay, my fellow plant lovers, let’s have a conversation about the philodendron. This legendary leafy plant is available in a wide range of types, but each one is just as amazing as the others. Which one is my personal favorite? The philodendron in the hope. In the world of plants, it is comparable to the gentle giant; it is enormous and majestic, yet it is very simple to get along with. There are a lot of empty corners that are crying for some green love, and these plants are excellent for covering them up. In addition, they are rather forgiving if you forget to water them every once in a lifetime. Simply provide them with some indirect light, and you will see them flourish. Having a roommate who is not just low-maintenance but also incredibly attractive is one way to describe this situation.

9. Yucca: The Desert Meets Design Star


First and foremost, if you are looking for the whole desert-chic vibe (and who isn’t these days? ), then you should introduce yourself to the yucca. This spikey beauty is like the plant equivalent of that cool and edgy friend who always manages to appear effortlessly stylish but never seems out of place. Yucca plants are hardy cookies; they can withstand a little bit of neglect and yet maintain their stunning appearance. For those of us who periodically forget that we even have plants, this is the perfect solution. Once you place this bad boy in a sleek pot and place it in a bright position, you will have an instantaneous increase in your style.

10. Banana Plant: Go Big or Go Home

Banana Plant

Are you feeling brave? Now is the time to move the banana plant indoors. Indeed, you did hear me correctly. The world of plants is filled with exclamation marks, and these leafy giants are like those places. They expand rapidly, they become quite large, and they make a really serious statement. Please be aware that they require some area to stretch out, so it is probably not a good idea to try to fit one into your studio apartment, which is quite small. But if you have the space available? I can’t tell you how excited I am for you. Even if you are just watching a bunch of Netflix on a Tuesday night, those enormous leaves will make you feel as though you are living in a tropical paradise.

Styling Your Large Plants In The Living Room

Now, let’s say you have your plant (or ten – I’m not going to judge you on this). What should we do now? To ensure that your new leafy pals look their absolute best, here are some short tips:

Assort and combine: You might want to try combining plants that are of varying heights and leaf shapes. The experience is like making your very own private woodland nook.
Who says you have to limit yourself to the most basic clay planters? Get creative with your planters. It is possible to go wild with colorful pots, sleek modern planters, or even vintage discoveries that have been repurposed.
1. Making use of plants as natural partitions: The use of large plants is an excellent way to break up wide areas. If you want to create a wall between your living area and your dining area, you may try utilizing a tall fiddle leaf fig.
2. Consider the vertical space: don’t overlook the possibility of hanging plants or tall shelving. In addition to being an excellent way to add greenery, they do not take up any floor space.
3. Conform to your taste: Choose plants that are a good match for the decor you already have here. To get a boho look and feel? An abundance of plants that trail. To a greater extent… The use of something like a snake plant will help you maintain clean lines.

Keeping Your Plant Pals Happy

Let’s be real – even the chillest plants need a little TLC. Here are some general care tips to keep your green gang thriving:

  1. Light it up: Most of these big guys love bright, indirect light. Near a window is usually perfect, just avoid direct sun unless your plant specifically digs it.
  2. Water wisely: Overwatering is the number one plant killer. When in doubt, stick your finger in the soil. If it’s dry a couple of inches down, it’s probably time for a drink.
  3. Dust those leaves: Big leaves can collect a lot of dust, which can block light. Give them a gentle wipe-down now and then.
  4. Feed your friends: During the growing season (usually spring and summer), treat your plants to some fertilizer. Think of it as plant brunch.
  5. Watch for pests: Keep an eye out for any unwanted visitors like spider mites or mealybugs. Catching them early makes them way easier to deal with.

A Few Large Plant FAQs

How often should I repot my large plants?

In general, every one to two years is a decent rule of thumb, but it is dependent on how quickly they are growing. If you observe roots emerging from the drainage holes, it is time to consider upgrading.

Can I move my plants outside for the summer?

Without a doubt, the majority of plants enjoy taking a break during the summer. All you need to do is make sure that they are gradually acclimated to the circumstances outside, and then bring them back inside before it gets too chilly.

The Bottom Line:

Take a moment to listen, when it comes down to it, introducing large plants into your living room is about more than just following a fad. It’s about making an environment that makes you feel alive, that makes it easier for you to breathe (both literally and figuratively), and that makes you grin every time you come through the door. You should have fun with it, regardless of whether you go all out with a banana plant forest or keep it simple with a single, magnificent fiddle-leaf fig. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself.

Try new things, discover new things, and don’t be scared to talk to your plants; I promise they will listen to you. Within a short period of time, you will become the go-to plant guru in your social group, and you will be able to provide watering advice like a pro. All you have to do is get out there and make your environment more green. Your long-term self, as well as your Instagram feed, will be grateful to you.

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Aria has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.


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