11 Very Common Things That Millennials And Gen X’ers Did Growing Up That Today’s Generation Just Wouldn’t Understand

In the days when I was growing up, we were required to memorize phone numbers, blow into Nintendo cartridges, and rewind VHS tapes. These are all activities that children of today would undoubtedly consider to be strange and out of date, relics from the late 1900s.

Every single generation will, at some time in their lives, utter the words, “When I was younger, life was so much easier.” But now, with so much technology, the lives of children in today’s world feel as though they have undergone a significant transformation. For instance, the difference between the year 2004 and the present feels like it is much more significant than the difference between the years 1994 and 1974.


Gsquat, a user on Reddit, recently posed the question, “What is something you did growing up that today’s generation will NEVER understand?” in an effort to have a better understanding of the ways in which things have changed since the 1980s and 1990s.

The discussion received 2.8 thousand comments. The following is a list of the most, finest, and most often recounted things that older people experienced while growing up, which today’s children just would not comprehend:

1. Spending hours making mixtapes


Oh, how I miss the days when I used to make mixtapes! while you are poised with your cassette deck ready to record while you are waiting for that ideal song to come on the radio, there is something so magical about the experience.

The excitement of getting the timing exactly perfect, in addition to the anticipation of creating a customized soundtrack, evokes a period of time when listening to music was more of a treasured experience. In the past, the act of sharing music required a great deal of ingenuity and patience, and this is a wonderful reminder of those qualities.

2. Organized my activities around TV 


That is a fantastic example of a television flashback! Because you planned your life around the showtimes, such programs had a really particular quality to them; they were like a social event that you simply could not miss.

The joy of getting together with loved ones or friends to watch a well-known television show, knowing that you had to be there or you would be missing out on the experience entirely, provides a dimension of excitement that is difficult to reproduce in the modern day. It is a delightful reminder of how much we appreciated the memories we shared with one another and the excitement we had for the next episodes.

3. Checking which movies were showing at what theaters

That is such a wonderful return to the past! The act of searching through the newspaper for movie showtimes used to seem like a little bit of an adventure before the arrival of internet listings. You would make a list of the movies that you wanted to watch, make a map of the theaters that were available to you, and maybe even make a move to the snack bar. It made going to the cinema feel like a momentous trip, with the added anticipation of experiencing the pleasure of seeing a movie on a large screen.

4. Having to actually memorize phone numbers

There was something about learning phone numbers that made each one feel like a small bit of your inner circle of friends and acquaintances. In addition, are you navigating using a paper map? In particular, the fact that you had to pause and inquire about the guidelines was a genuine test of both your talents and your patience. Having a certain level of awareness and connection to your environment was necessary, which is something that is partially lost in our lives now, which are driven by GPS.

Undoubtedly, they were some very insane occasions! Every memory is a reflection of a simpler period and the difficulties that have arisen as a result of advanced technology.

5. I went outside when I was bored and just did stuff


The recollection of that is very invigorating! Simply stepping outdoors to discover new things, have fun, and make your own entertainment was a liberating experience. The natural outdoors and your creativity are all that you have to rely on.

No screens, no planned activities. These impromptu experiences, whether they consisted of climbing trees, riding bikes, or coming up with games with friends, helped to build creativity and resourcefulness. Engaging with the environment around you may lead to some of the most memorable experiences of your life, and this is a lovely reminder of that fact.

6. Taking pictures, then waiting for them

a familiar source of annoyance in photography! The feeling of suspense that came with waiting to see how your photographs turned out was a part of the joy, as well as the misery. You would take great care to catch moments, and then you would cross your fingers and hope that they would turn out nicely.

A mixture of frustration and hilarity ensued when it was discovered that a roll had been damaged by the thumb of another individual. The creativity and unpredictability of photography before to the advent of digital technology were brought into sharper focus by this.

These recollections are extremely relevant, and they call up feelings of longing for days when life was less complicated!

7. I used to blow into video game cartridges to make them work

That is such a flashback to a simpler time! When video games were first introduced, blowing into video game cartridges was almost considered a rite of passage for gamers. When it came to the technological issues that plagued the age, it seemed like a miraculous answer. The gaming experience was enhanced by the ritual of withdrawing the cartridge, giving it a hard whack, and then praying for the best.

This provided a special and distinctive charm to the experience. It is incredible how much love and care was put into preserving old games, and as a result of all the sophisticated digital downloads that are available now, it is a talent that children of today could never comprehend!

This compilation of recollections is just awesome!

8. The simple reality of wondering 

You have made a very profound observation there! There was something meditative about sitting with a question and not being able to check it up immediately away, even though we live in an age where knowledge is readily available. Curiosity, patience, and frequently thoughtfulness were all nurtured as a result.

There are occasions when those queries that weren’t addressed might lead to conversations or discoveries that were completely unexpected, while the mystery itself would continue to remain in your mind for days or even weeks. The pace of life became more sedate and reflective, which made it possible for ideas to grow in a natural way.

During a period in history when life moved a little bit more slowly and curiosity had chance to develop, this theme beautifully portrays the essence of that situation!

9. Having to use the TV Guide

Utilizing the TV Guide was an adventure in and of itself! It was similar to a treasure map for your viewing schedule, and you had to flip through the pages in order to locate the various shows that you like watching.

You would make a note of the timings, organize your nights in accordance with them, and occasionally you would even be required to select between rival shows. A significant portion of the routine consisted of the thrill of discovering new shows or making plans for your amusement for the upcoming week.

This nostalgic homage captures the essence of a period when we had to put a bit more effort into the kind of entertainment we choose to consume.

10. Having to converse with your crush

Oh, it is a timeless remark! An embarrassing yet hilarious rite of passage was having to navigate talks with the parents of your significant other or the person you had a crush on. When you finally worked up the nerve to ask for their phone, you would find that a parent was the one who answered first.

It frequently evolved like a game of “how to not sound completely nervous” as you were attempting to explain your desire to the authority figure in charge of the parental gatekeeper. As a result of the uncertainty around whether or not your crush would even be permitted to talk to you, the experience was much more exciting (and nerve-wracking)!

The situations on this list are both pleasant and relatable in equal measure!

11. I used to buy cigarettes for my mom and got to keep the change

It’s such a nice and sentimental memory to think back on! Having the opportunity to retain the change while being dispatched on a short errand must have seemed like a small adventure to the person who received it. One of the most memorable experiences of my youth was when I would use that money to buy myself some sweets or Coke. In addition, the combination of clear cream soda with M&Ms seems like a one-of-a-kind and delectable treat; it is undeniably a delightful way to enjoy.

A moment like this perfectly depicts the uncomplicated pleasures of childhood and the teeny-tiny delights that felt so extraordinary.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.