12 People Who Completely Missed The Signals From People Who Wanted To Hook Up With Them, To Hilarious Effect


“Is my bra in the way?” she inquired. I advised, “Nah, don’t worry about it.'”

Many of us may identify with the sense of recognizing you were being flirting with and your complete ignorance of it. Orrrrr is that only my perspective?
Said another way, am I simply that blind?

Still, Redditor u/UnawareMother said, “What’s the biggest hint you’ve ever missed from a woman?” And the mostly male replies were funny but embarrassing tales of absolutely little knowledge that someone was interested in them. The finest ones are included here:


“Short road trip with a female from work. She advised getting a single room with separate beds while choosing hotels for the trip to save money. I proceeded forward thinking it was a great concept.

She said, “Make yourself comfy!” while I was showing her a YouTube movie on my phone that evening before bed. Why are you perched on the bed’s edge? She lifted the comforter, saying I should slide in next to her in her bed (which I did).

During our chit-chat, I unintentionally touched her bra strap with my elbow while reaching out for a water bottle on a table across from her. I mumbled apologies and drank some water. ‘Is my bra in the way?’ she inquired. ‘Nah, I managed to obtain the bottle; don’t worry about it,'” I said.

One day after the road trip ended, it hit me.

And yes, I know I’m an absolute dumbass.”


“I once came into a really attractive student seated at my desk in high school. She went brilliant crimson and seemed rather ashamed as she turned to see me. Hours later, I discovered that a love letter had been penned straight on the cover of my notebook. And all I thought was, odd.

I still find it embarrassing how dumb I was at sixteen.


“‘You know I’m single right?’

‘Yeah, me too.'”


“I was Snapchatting a girl from my high school when she paused. She then sent me a post-shower image with her arm just barely covering her breasts with the phrase ‘come play zombies’ (she had mentioned playing [Call of Duty] zombies previously in the discussion). and my morons goes:

‘Do you have Xbox Live?’


‘Then how will we play?’


Her shirt was back on after that.It’s been 10 years and I’m still kicking myself.”


“A female approached me for game recommendations—for the Switch generally and especially multiplayer games—when I worked at an electronics store. I showed her the finest of the console; she chose a single-player game she like and we discussed it for some time. She then enquired as to whether I lived here. Indeed, I said.

She inquired whether I would be interested in playing with her sometime. That’s not particularly a multiplayer game, I remarked. The conversation stopped then when another client asked a question. The female fled fast but did not buy the game. Every now and again I still consider this interaction.


“I believed she was kidding when a female told me straight out she liked me and wanted to date. She was not.”


“A university student asked me whether I was single. She had a girlfriend. She followed up with, “Yeah, being single is tough, would be nice to just have someone to go on dates with.” When I responded sure, she inquired whether I wanted or was seeking for a relationship. In all my glory and ability with the women, I responded with “yup, sure would be!” Then arrived at class before her.


“In class, a girl offered whether we may study for a small exam at her house together.

Before she can say anything, a buddy overhears and asks whether he could join us. I answer yes right away.

She forward to us her address and a time. When I show there, she opens the door sporting a bikini. Not one other person living in her house She asks me into her room as she changes after claiming she was tanning. After she’s finished, I turn away to be courteous and then strike small chat.

When my friend arrives there thirty minutes later, she informs him the study group began thirty minutes after what she told me.



“A lifetime ago in high school, the really adorable exchange student from Spain sort of corned me and started asking questions about an approaching school dance. It’s like this. Is it interesting? With anyone?

Ynez, if you’re out there, I’m sorry. I’m awesome.


” Watching TV in my dark living room at two in the morning.

Her: gassing strawberry lip gloss

Me: Why is you applying lip gloss?

Her: Taste of strawberry lip gloss is so great.

Me: Haha; you’re strange.

Her: Would you like to taste?

Me: Nah; I already find it to taste great.

Spend several years late-night self-loathing and remorse.


“This was from high school back-off. I was rather bashful. Since first year, I had been killing this girl nonstop; everyone knew this. She had left hints for me always, but I never acted. In arithmetic, I was rather brilliant.

One day as I was leaving class, she stops me and says she heard I’m some sort of math genius and requested me to tutor her. I wanted to know her intended payment to me. ‘Oh don’t worry, you’ll be amply rewarded,’ she replies quite suggestively.

My dumb ass answers, ‘No I need actual numbers to see whether it’s worth my time,’ smh. I was rather stupid, haha.”


“I have rather flexible joints. I was so well-known for performing hand stunts in my early university days. I bend my fingers backwards to reach the rear of my hand, contact my arm with my thumb, form fingers into a Z shape, etc.

This girl I slightly knew requested me for a private hand demonstration at a gathering among students. At the moment, I replied sure and walked her to the kitchen as she laughed. I was only somewhat drunk. She seemed dissatisfied, so I started performing my regular routines and soon realized something was amiss. She said something like “OK cool,” then departed the party stating she was exhausted, confusing me for the remainder of the evening.

It took three days of sobering down before I understood I had screwed up; by the time I saw her again, it was too embarrassing to discuss.”

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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