21 Fun and Popular Dog Tricks Any Dog Can Learn


Providing your dog with mental stimulation and physical activity can be accomplished by teaching him tricks such as shaking, rolling over, spinning, begging, or taking a bow. This is an excellent method to provide your pet with both. You will also be able to strengthen your relationship with your dog while simultaneously reinforcing the fundamental instructions that you use on a regular basis. Additionally, it is a lot of fun to wow your friends with the tricks that your dog can perform.

To teach your puppy or adult dog a range of cute, interesting, and helpful tricks, you do not need to be an expert dog trainer; even a person who has never owned a dog before may make it happen. The following is a list of twenty-one of the most spectacular and noteworthy dog tricks that you may begin teaching your dog right away.

Give Kiss

Give Kiss
Dog Learning Kiss

Learning how to kiss a dog is one of the simplest techniques that can be taught to a dog. This dog trick is typically very well received by children, despite the fact that not everyone looks forward to a big, wet doggie smooch. If you put a small treat on your cheek and then give your dog the command, you will soon be able to obtain all the affection you desire from your dog whenever you want it!

Additionally, teaching your dog to kiss on cue might assist you in preventing unwanted licking, which is another advantage of this training method.


dog speaking

Dogs can be trained to speak, which is not only a pleasant activity but also helps to tackle a common behavior issue. The “speak” and “quiet” commands are among of the most common recommendations made by dog trainers for putting an end to excessive barking. It is possible to give your dog the ability to bark in specific circumstances by giving them these commands, which also gives you the ability to decide when the barking should begin and when it should end. When you get together with your family, it is also a lot of fun to demonstrate your dog’s ability to carry on a conversation.

Back Up

Back Up
delightful skill

Dogs can learn a delightful skill called “back up,” which can be useful in a variety of different scenarios. After your dog has learned how to back up on command, you may use it to prevent them from rushing out the door, to prevent them from crowding you at the refrigerator, or simply to serve as a source of entertainment for your peers.

When it comes to teaching a dog to back up, it is straightforward. All that is required of you is a little bit of patience and a few rewards. Training a dog to back up a few steps when you give the command can be accomplished in a short amount of time.

Shake Paws

Shake Paws
dog to shake hands

Encourage your dog to shake hands (or paws, depending on the situation) with your pals when they meet you. A dog can typically be taught to perform this simple trick in a few brief training sessions. It is a simple skill that can be taught to a dog. The majority of dogs have a natural love for utilizing their paws, and they will take pleasure in the positive attention they receive when they perform this trick.


dog to wave hello

A dog trick that is both entertaining and very easy to teach is to teach a dog to wave hello or goodbye. To begin, learn how to teach your dog to shake his paws. In order to teach your dog to wave with their paw, you will employ the same motion that they use to shake their body. This is a fantastic technique that will attract people’s attention and will be extremely adorable to watch out for.


dog trick

Put a goodie in close proximity to your dog’s nose, and you will have little trouble getting them to rotate around. Additionally, if you want to make this dog trick more challenging for your dog, you can teach him to spin in a particular direction using this trick. If you demonstrate to your friends that your dog is able to differentiate between left and right, they will be blown away because of your ability.

Sit Pretty

Sit Pretty
sit pretty trick

Your dog will perform the sit pretty trick, which is quite similar to the “beg” command. In this trick, your dog will balance on their back legs while raising their front legs in a sat position. When it comes to shooting pictures of your pet, this pose is quite adorable and ideal for doing so. If you are able to train your dog to sit well and walk on their hind legs, you will undoubtedly leave an impression on anyone who witnesses you interacting with your dog.

Roll Over

Roll Over
dog to roll over

Most people train a dog to roll over in several small parts and work up to getting them to roll over all the way. It may take some effort to train a dog to do this trick, but it is well worth it. It’s lots of fun, and it also serves as a building block for several other dog tricks, such as playing dead.

Play Dead

Play Dead
dog falls

When you hold your finger like a gun, yell “bang,” and your dog falls to the ground to pretend dead, your friends are sure to be blown away by the sight of you. The process of teaching a dog to pretend dead is not as difficult as you would think it is, particularly if you have already taught them to roll over. This is especially true if you have already trained them to roll over.

Take A Bow

Take A Bow
Dog taking a bow

The act of having your dog put their chest to the ground while maintaining their rear end up in the air is referred to as the “taking a bow” dog trick. Although it would appear to be a challenging task to teach a dog to bow, the reality is that dogs are able to bow because it is a natural action for them.

If you watch two dogs being playful with each other, you will notice that they bow rather frequently. Play bow is the term used by trainers to describe this behavior, which is a dog’s method of requesting that another dog come and play with them. You may easily train your dog to bow by taking advantage of the innate playfulness that they possess. In addition to that, it is an excellent way to conclude a showcase of all the hip new tricks that your dog has learnt!


their dog is teaching them to sit

One of the first things that people test out with their dog is teaching them to sit when they are given the command to do so. You could be amazed by how quickly your pet learns to do anything if you provide them with some goodies, exercise patience, and remain consistent. It is imperative that you do not skip this particular trick because after you have mastered it, you will be able to utilize it to teach your dog additional instructions that are more difficult.


lie down

The ability to lie down on command is yet another fundamental dog trick that you may teach your dog. Until you inform your dog that they are allowed to sit or stand up, they will remain lying on the ground until you tell them to. This trick is not only a fun trick to show off to friends, but it is also a trick that can help you educate your dog to do other tricks, such as rolling over.


your dog to come to you

The act of calling your dog to come to you and seeing them run over to be close to you is one of the most wonderful things that may happen. When you teach your dog to come, you are doing more than just teaching them to perform a pretty trick; this command may also assist ensure that you will be able to keep them safe from potential danger.

High Five

High Five
shake their paws

It is possible to teach your dog to give you a high five if they are already able to shake their paws, wave hello and farewell, or wave goodbye. The primary distinction lies in the location of their paw and the manner in which they place it against your hand of the high five. Performing this incredibly adorable trick is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on your friends, and your dog will undoubtedly like the attention that they receive as well.


concept of place

An additional skill that doubles as an essential command that every dog ought to be familiar with is the concept of place. When you want them to settle down and relax in a secure environment, it teaches them where to go, such as their bed or crate, so that they may stay there. This is another simple trick that your dog should be able to learn if you have already taught them other tricks they have learned.


dog to stop

You may convince your dog to stop whatever they are doing when you need them to by giving them the command to wait or stop. This is useful if you want to prevent them from jumping, climbing on furniture, pursuing a wild animal or another dog while you are out for a walk, and other similar behaviors. Another thing that is a lot of fun to do is to demonstrate to your dog that he will halt and wait for the next instruction that you give him.


train your dog to sit and lie down

In the same way that you can train your dog to sit and lie down, you can also teach them to stand on command. This is yet another trick that can turn out to be useful in a variety of different scenarios. Teaching your dog to stand solely on their rear legs is a great way to take things to the next level and enjoy even more hours of fun. It is possible that this one may require a smaller amount of time and patience compared to other tricks, but it will be well worth it because it is so impressive.


Getty Images

Letting your dog learn to jump is a terrific way to train them for agility or just for fun in general. In order to train your dog to perform agility, you can construct obstacles that he or she will have to leap over. Alternatively, you might educate your dog to jump into your arms as a joyful activity. Practicing this trick in stages will help your dog feel more secure and will also protect him from injury.

Eye Contact

Eye Contact
direct eye contact

Your dog will learn to maintain their attention on you and make direct eye contact with you through the use of this method. Training your dog to pay attention to you can be accomplished through the use of commands such as “watch me” or “look.” It is yet another technique that can be helpful in the teaching of agility as well as in the training of obedience. You can also use it on a daily basis to keep your dog from getting into trouble.


game of fetch

There are a lot of dogs that enjoy playing the game of fetch, but if your dog has not been trained to play it, he or she might not know how to play it. Irrespective of whether it is an object that is located across the room or a ball that you threw across the backyard, you can teach your dog to fetch by teaching them certain fundamental skills. This will allow them to recover something and bring it back to you.

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Lynette D. Brown
Lynette D. Brown writing is driven by her love for adventure and new experiences. Whether it’s an insightful piece on travel or a fun exploration of fashion trends, her enthusiasm for life is infectious. Ava has a knack for turning even the simplest moments into something extraordinary, and she thrives on sharing those stories with readers who are as curious and open-minded as she is.


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