Sometimes, people say upsetting things that make you go, “DID YOU ACTUALLY JUST SAY THAT?!?!?!”

But other times, people literally make the decision to WRITE OUT their ridiculous and/or abhorrent thoughts. Friends, the following 32 images are from those people:
1. First, there’s this hacker who stole someone’s credit card, used it to buy a plane ticket, and then — when the rightful owner of the card canceled the flight — dared to send them this email:

2. Next, I can’t get over that this person — who is two and a half hours late to a dinner their friend is cooking them! — texted such an unbothered excuse:

3. And this unhinged person had absolutely no shame in admitting what they did:

4. This aunt went OFF on her very pregnant niece’s plan to name her baby Lilith:

5. This restaurant thought it was a good idea to affix this sticker to a take-out package saying A) they didn’t have part of the order, and B) they replaced it with “nothing”:

6. This delusional “influencer” gave a restaurant a crap review — despite liking the food — because the owners didn’t give them a discount for posting a photo of the food to Instagram:

7. And this landlord seriously posted about how to defraud people out of their deposit (or bond as they call it in Australia):

8. This jerk on a dating app had no problem typing out this casual cruelty:

9. This franchise owner decided it was totally normal and cool to post this:

10. And this person — who I’m sure is fun at parties — decided it was a good idea to write “don’t care” on this “Fun Fact of the Week” put up by a colleague:

11. This dude bought an entire boat, watched his check get cashed, then dared to send this text:

12. This charmer wrote a note threatening to call the police if their neighbor didn’t stop — am I reading this right? — walking around barefoot:

13. And this person at a guest house in Tokyo put in writing how really, REALLY, REALLY mad they were that someone drank some of their milk:

14. Whoa nelly, this woman is seriously trying to get a refund for wedding photos taken years ago:

15. This teacher thought it was totally normal to give their third graders this complicated project that includes creating “a new toy that has never been made”:

16. This teacher had the AUDACITY to write this note giving their student a zero on a whole-ass paper just because it wasn’t turned in stapled:

17. And this professor had the gall to write an email saying an assignment turned in before the due date was, in fact, late:

18. The person who composed this job training quiz really told on themselves and their company:

19. And this company sent an email to a prospective employee saying they’d be required to eat vegan food only onsite:

20. This car wash attendant had no problem sending a woman this first text:

21. This person sent their neighbor a note insisting they take down ALL of their Halloween decorations…on November 1st:

22. And this neighbor wrote an infuriating and totally unsolicited letter that includes the old “I’m not racist but…” line:

23. This business owner actually sat down and typed out this totally unreasonable rule for their employees to follow:

24. This person — oh boy — accepted a delivery meant for a neighbor down the street, then, after using most of it, tried to sell the rest to the very neighbor who ordered/paid for it:

25. This POS went off like this over a salad…and let me just say this woman dodged a bullet and can do SOOOO much better:

26. And this absolutely demented weirdo threatened legal action against a neighbor because the potted plants on their porch were artificial:

27. Speaking of bad neighbors, this one lost it because someone had a get-together on — checks notes — Thanksgiving:

28. And this gym owner said, “Why yes…this is equally normal and cool!”:

29. These roommates just went ahead and sent a text billing another roomie for…something they didn’t ask for:

30. This jerk (no question mark needed) was totally fine with harassing this woman about not drinking:

31. These “tire fighters” are “sorry, not sorry” about writing this and leaving it on people’s cars:

32. And lastly, this similarly unpleasant person also left a threatening note on a car without any second thoughts: