Almost all of us have been stunned by a beautiful art at least once in our lives. When you look closely, you don’t know how someone could make something so beautiful and important. Artists help us make sense of the chaos of cities and bring our thoughts together. They make us pause, think, and forget about how busy we are.
Loknam would like to show you 43 statues that can change the way you think by putting you in the world of the artist.
“If you do not see your own beauty yet, do as the sculptor does with a statue which must become beautiful: he pares away this part, scratches that other part, makes one place smooth, and cleans another, until he causes a beautiful face to appear in the statue. In the same way, you too must pare away what is superfluous, straighten what is crooked, purify all that is dark, in order to make it gleam. And never cease sculpting your own statue, until the divine light of virtue shines within you” (Plotinus)
This is one of the two angels at ground level at the Altar of the Annunciation; it is the work of Pietro Bracci. In the background is the 'Annunciation' bas-relief by Filippo della Valle.
The underwater sculpture museum is not the first time they show it and it is always very impressive, it looks fantastic and the most interesting things are perceived differently, from light, water, weather..., nature changes colors so much, from horror and fear to delight and admiration
"The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa" The sculptural group was created in 1645-1652 by the outstanding sculptor of the Italian Baroque Gian Lorenzo Bernini
"Hero and Leander" (Hero und Leander), ca. 1850.
Karl Johann Steinhäuser (1813-1879) -
a famous German sculptor of the classical style.
Material: marble. Charlottenburg Palace, New Wing. Berlin. -