8 Tricky People Who Exploited Loopholes To Pull One Over On Greedy Corporations, Mean Landlords, And Other Jerks


Don’t you think it’s great when the underdog comes out on top for a change on occasion?

Unseen flaws! You have to adore them! Over the course of your life, unscrupulous individuals and greedy businesses will pull one over on you a great deal more than you will ever pull one over on them. Therefore, it is so, so lovely when you eventually return the favor and (for once) come out on top!

People have been revealing on Quora the instances in which they have effectively used a loophole to outwit people in authority, and it is quite fulfilling to read about these instances. Go ahead and check them out!

1. When I was 10

The Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Kids Birthday Club was something that my parents enrolled myself and my younger siblings in when I was ten years old. My address and the month of my birth were sent to Krispy Kreme, and they were intended to give me a voucher for a free dozen doughnuts every year on my birth month until I reached the age of 12 and was no longer eligible for their Kids Club. After all, the Kids Club was supposed to be reserved for children, right?

On my birthday, however, Krispy Kreme failed to remember to ask for the year. They were completely unaware of my age. Because of this, I had been a member of the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Kids Birthday Club for a total of 19 years by the time I was 29 years old.

My sister and my brother, who joined up at the same time as I did, each received 228 free doughnuts. This means that I will receive a total of 228 free doughnuts myself.

There are 684 free doughnuts.

In recent years, our family has seldom ever purchased donuts.

Since that time, Krispy Kreme has closed the loophole that allowed new signups. In the beginning, they required individuals to list their whole birthday down to the year in order to become members of the Krispy Kreme Kids club (which they momentarily and regrettably referred to as “KKK”; this is not a joke) and now they do not even provide the opportunity to join.

On their birthday and on some special days (such as Tax Day, Halloween, and National Doughnut Day), adults can sign up to get a single donut, but it is the only time they can receive one.

My enjoyment, on the other hand, persisted until the year 2023, when it was finally over. At this point, I feel compelled to purchase my own birthday donuts. We are overjoyed to be adults.

2. My Dad’s Lexus was stolen right out from his carport

“The Lexus that belonged to my father was taken from his carport, and he immediately reported the theft to the authorities as well as to one of his insurance companies. The insurance company compensated him for the automobile after two weeks had passed due to the fact that the vehicle had not been found.

After another week has passed, he receives a phone call from the authorities informing him that they discovered his vehicle parked in a different town. Not a single scratch could be found on it, and it had also not been driven a significant amount of kilometers because of this.

The automobile is now in the possession of the insurance company, and they have decided to put it up for auction. In order to reclaim his vehicle, my father attends the auction and places bids on it. The offer was won by him with an additional $10,000. So he drove his automobile back to his house with an additional ten thousand dollars in his pocket.

3. I’m not sure how widespread this ‘trick’ was..

It is not clear to me how popular this ‘trick’ was, but I learned it from a close friend who I had known since infancy. To put this into perspective, this was back in the day when public pay phones were everywhere.

During our conversation, he demonstrated to me that if I dialed ’10ATT1′ on a pay phone, I would receive a different dial tone and would be able to dial out without cost. A great number of ‘free’ calls were made by us back in the day. Additionally, I was able to make long-distance calls and even contact those 976-CHAT lines, which would typically cost me $1.99 per minute.

While I was out with a group of pals one evening, we went to a shopping area and used all of the pay phones there. Each of us then dialed the line.

Even though there were other individuals on the line, we all pretended that we were “regulars” and that we were familiar with one another through the chat line. What is the source of this trick that my friend learned? I have no knowledge. It was my assumption that he had a relative who was employed with the telephone company.

4. Every year, I purchased McDonald’s Trick or Treat books

“I made it a habit to buy the Trick or Treat books from McDonald’s every year.” Coupons for twelve ‘free’ goods were included in these books, which were sold for one dollar apiece and included items such as ice cream, burgers, apple slices, yogurt, and fries. It was the plan to hand out one of the coupons to each and every person that came to your house to perform their trick-or-treating. For the remainder of the year, the vouchers remained valid until December.

When I made my usual purchase of ten books, I observed that they did not carry a date of expiration for that particular year. This was around ten years ago. I returned to the store and bought an additional fifty or one hundred books (I can’t remember the exact number), but by the time I finished, the shop had already run out of them.

All those years, we made use of those books! There are a few coupons that I have left over, and they are waiting to be used. There was NO LIMITATION ON AGE, and there was even NO EXPIRATION! In light of the fact that the expiration date was absent, it was necessary for ALL McDonald’s to recognize them regardless of the month or year. Some of these vouchers were provided to a certain site that had never even seen them before.

5. Instead of paying for Netflix, I profited

“I not only made money, but I also made money from Netflix.” During the process of upgrading my account from Basic (which costs €8 per month) to Standard (which costs €11 per month), I ended up discovering this loophole by mistake. Exactly one day before I was going to be paid on a monthly basis, I changed my mind and dropped to Basic. This occurred a few weeks after I had originally planned to upgrade to Basic. It was my assumption that I would be charged eleven euros because I had utilized the Standard account for the majority of the month.

On the other hand, I was taken aback when I learned that they had only charged me eight euros. Because I was wondering about whether or not it would work every time, I upgraded my account once more and then downgraded it one day before I was meant to pay. I felt it could have been a glitch, and I was anxious to find out whether it would work every time. Once more, the price was only eight euros.

“I was aware that I had discovered a gap, and I proceeded to take advantage of it. When I had been using a Standard account for three months, I made the decision to see if it would also function if I upgraded to a Premium account. Netflix Premium would be an excellent option for me because I have three siblings who all like watching Netflix. How about this? It was successful.

To put that into perspective, I would be sharing a Premium membership with my siblings for the next five months, yet we would only be required to pay €8 for it.

I did not inform my siblings about the loophole, which is the most heinous thing that could have happened. They felt that I was required to pay fourteen euros. They gave me €10.50 since we had previously agreed that each of us would pay €3.50, and I received that amount. And Netflix only required me to give them eight euros of that.

Consequently, not only did I receive Netflix at no cost, but I also made a profit of €2.50 each and every month. In addition, all that was required of me was to downgrade my account to Basic exactly before I was paid (which occurred at precisely the same time each month), and then immediately after that, I had to upgrade it to Premium.

For a few months, it worked wonderfully, but after that, I started to feel a little bit terrible about it. Netflix was something that my siblings watched a lot less than I did, but they were the ones who were responsible for paying for it. In the same time period, I also read an article that stated that Netflix was losing millions of dollars annually due to the fact that customers did not pay for the service.

The amount of this was excessive, so I decided to cease exploiting this loophole. There is still a Premium account that I share with my siblings, but we are paying the whole fourteen euros for it.

I’m from the Netherlands, therefore I can’t say for certain whether or not this is applicable in other nations. By now, it could have been corrected. In addition, it may have been a bug that was specific to my account and only functioned for it. No one knows. My advice is to avoid making use of it.

6. I’m currently attending a large university in the US

“At the moment, I am enrolled at a prestigious institution in the United States. Simple prerequisites are in place for my minor: I am required to pass at least four of the ten classes that are being offered. It has come to our attention that four out of the ten lessons are provided by the same instructor.

Both in the fall and in the spring, he is a teacher of two classes. I made the mistake of taking him once. I have taken him three more times, and I have gotten my minor by achieving A grades in each and every one of his classes. Also, I can assure you that I would not be able to complete a fundamental course with any other instructor.

Despite the fact that he is physically there, this professor administers quizzes and assessments on a weekly and monthly basis. After logging into a specialized piece of software that does not let us to do online searches, we proceed to take the examination alongside him. All of the questions were multiple-choice. However, this is where things start to become interesting…

The majority of his inquiries had more than one possible response. As a result, he designed the test in such a way that let you check as many answers as you want. For instance, we may choose both option A and option B because the answer might be any one of them. However, the exam did not keep track of the number of answers that we chose.

Only if you checked the correct box was it checked; it did not check to see if you checked the incorrect box. On the other hand, if the answer was A and B and I checked A, B, and C, then it would be considered correct.

Then, what did I do? In practically every single question, I checked the answers that were A, B, C, D, and E. Due to the fact that I checked each and every response, the program would recognize that I had checked the correct answer and then label the question as correct. In order to keep things as realistic as possible, I would occasionally intentionally tick only one box for a few questions in order to get them wrong.

My average score during the entire semester was somewhere between 95% and 100%. In addition, quizzes and examinations accounted for 75% of his overall grade, while the remaining 25% consisted of merely mundane assignments. My overall grade point average (GPA) increased substantially as a result of these classes, and I now have a very attractive minor to add to my resume.

7. I was accepted by Harvard Medical School

The Harvard Medical School admitted me without requiring me to fulfill all of the qualifications and without my having to take the MCAT. When I arrived to MIT, it was the fall of my junior year. The girl I had a love on was a senior, and we were studying and hanging out together when she expressed her disappointment that her MCAT results were not satisfactory.

When I was looking over the brochure for Harvard Medical School, I came across something that I noticed and believed would be a significant loophole. My advice to her was to refrain from providing them with the MCAT results because they were not truly a condition for admission. Obviously, she did not trust me and I was given the challenge to apply and check whether that ‘loophole’ worked. Yes, I did it.

“Despite being a junior and not having all of the prerequisites, I submitted my application on the very last day that applications were allowed. I finished my application at four in the morning, after preparing for a few of examinations and working on a problem set or two.

It came as little surprise when, a few weeks later, I received a letter from the Dean of Admissions at Harvard Medical School advising me that there was no record of my having taken the MCATs. This meant that, unless their information was inaccurate, they would be required to withdraw my application.

After a number of unsuccessful attempts, I was finally able to talk with the Dean of Admissions when I phoned the admissions office:

I am Dean Paul. The letter that I got informed me that you would be required to withdraw my application since I had not yet taken the MCAT.

“I am aware of that. Do you have any experience with the MCAT? Is that not accurate?

No, I have not done so.

We are sorry to inform you that we will be unable to accept your application; the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a prerequisite for admission to Harvard Medical School.

I must respectfully disagree with you, sir. I beg your pardon. Harvard Medical School does not need applicants to take the MCAT in order to get admission.

Let me get this straight: as the Dean of Admissions, you are going to inform me what the prerequisites are for admission.

I concur, sir. I am assuming that you are referring to the paragraph that may be found on page 29. This paragraph includes the MCAT as one of the prerequisites for acceptance into Harvard Medical School.

“You are absolutely correct.”

“Well, it is very clear that the MCAT is a requirement for entrance; however, it does not state that the MCAT is a requirement for admission.” Consequently, if you decide to accept me in April, I will gladly take the MCAT during the summer and have it ready for you by the time I start next semester in September.

“Oh, I don’t think that’s what it means,” the speaker said.

“I am aware that it might not be what you intended, but I have checked with two of my professors in the field of linguistics, one of whom is a Nobel Prize winner, and they come to the conclusion that this is the meaning of the paragraph.”

So, hmm. I’ll have a conversation with the people that are on the committee, and then I’ll get back to you.

Two days later, he phoned me again and informed me that the committee had considered the subject. He stated that although it was not what they meant, they agreed that it did indeed imply exactly that, and so they would not withdraw my application. He also stated that they would not not withdraw my application.

At first, I was extremely thrilled, but then I understood that all it meant was that they were not going to formally withdraw my application; nevertheless, they could still just unofficially remove it, which means they might disregard it and reject me. To tell you the truth, I didn’t give it much thought until I received a call with an invitation to come in for an interview (that’s a completely different tale!).

As the month of April approached, a substantial packet with my acceptance letter was delivered to me. There was another letter that I received a couple of weeks later, which reminded me that I had not yet satisfied all of the entry criteria. These requirements included the English and Biology requirements, as well as the MCAT, and it asked me to let them know when I would be able to meet them.

Naturally, at the beginning of the next year, the text in the brochure was altered in order to close this loophole!

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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