People Are Sharing The Craziest Ways Their Vinted Orders Were Packaged


Shopping at thrift stores and purchasing items that have been previously owned may be an excellent method to cut down on waste, avoid contributing to excessive consumerism, and give “pre-loved” items and clothing a second chance at life. One of the sites that allows you to accomplish that is Vinted, which has millions of people that are enrolled.

On the other hand, when you sell anything, you have the challenge of packing it accordingly. There are some individuals who would want to be as environmentally conscious as possible, and as a result, they choose to send their mail in unconventional ways.

A collection of the most ludicrous, outrageous, and inventive ways that vendors on Vinted have packed their products is presented here for your delectation. It never occurred to me that a pizza box might be such an excellent container for sending a garment.

#1 My Vinted Frozen Pizza Has Arrived.

My frozen pizza from Vinted has finally arrived. Despite the fact that the dress I ordered arrived in this packaging, which was otherwise in perfect condition, I just thought it was very hilarious.

That sounds like a funny surprise! It’s always amusing when packages arrive in unexpected or amusing packaging. At least the dress made it in good condition! What did you order?

According to a statement made by a spokesman for Vinted to Bored Panda, “Our most recent impact report demonstrates that by shopping for used items on Vinted rather than purchasing new items, our community was able to avoid 678,691 tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2023.”

“That is the same as flying between London and Los Angeles 512,414 times,” the speaker states. There is, of course, a great deal more that you may accomplish, such as the manner in which you pack your previously owned stuff.

According to Vinted, they urge their members to become more environmentally conscious in other aspects of their lives as well, not simply via the act of buying for used items.

According to a spokesperson for the firm, “We love seeing members get creative with their packaging—just as long as it’s safe and doesn’t damage the items that are being sent,” the spokesperson said. “Whether it’s using cereal or pasta boxes, recycled shopping bags, or other eco-friendly packaging options, we welcome inventive choices that are good for the planet.”

#2 Wonder What That Is

What a hilarious and unexpected turn of events! It never fails to be hilarious when things arrive in packaging that is either unexpected or humorous. To be fair, the dress was in good shape when it arrived! What did you want to order?

#3 Vinted Packaging Never Disappoints

While you are browsing through this list, you could find yourself wondering, “How is it that the platform allows these ridiculous packages?” On the other hand, Vinted does not state unequivocally that you are not permitted to mail earrings in a plastic Coca-Cola bottle. Having said that, they do have certain laws about packing.

According to the information provided on their website, the use of a cardboard box is the most optimal method of packaging an item.

But not standard paper bags; those have a tendency to become wet in a short amount of time, which might cause the items to be damaged for the customer. According to what is said on Vinted’s website, “the box should be in good condition in order to protect the item from dirt and moisture while transportation is taking place.”

#4 Genius

It seems that you came across some packaging that was either clever or unique, and it seemed to truly impress you. Discovering novel concepts that make unwrapping a more enjoyable experience is always a wonderful experience. For what sort of product was it the packaging designed?

#5 Genius Or Just Wrong?

Without a doubt, reusing old boxes and plastic bags is a smart method to package products, particularly when it comes to shipping or relocating. As long as they are stain-free and robust, this is a fantastic way to be environmentally conscious! In addition to that, it has the potential to impart a distinctive quality to the package. Have any of the materials that you use for packaging ever been recycled in an inventive manner?

#6 I Had A Book “Packed” Like That And The Chick Got Mad

In the event that the box or bag is too large for the item, you will need to fill in the area that is left vacant. The individuals on this list are examples of those who opt to utilize juice bags that are 10 liters in capacity. Vinted suggests using “bubble wrap, foam, paper, newspaper, or corrugated material.” However, it is important to note that personal preference is always important.

The organization asserts that the most advantageous choice for a package is to make use of the one that is provided by the carrier that is located closest to you. It is also conceivable that a carrier will refuse to send an item in certain circumstances. This is because various carriers have different standards that they must meet.

It seems as though you had a really frustrating encounter on your end! Especially when reselling on sites such as Vinted, it is of the utmost importance for sellers to make certain that the things they are selling are packaged to the necessary standards.

Attaining proper label removal is an essential component of proper packing etiquette. Have you been able to find a solution to the problem, or has it left you with a negative impression for future purchases?

#7 I Got A Package From Vinted In A Garbage Bag

It would be rather rare to get an item that was wrapped in a rubbish bag. Using a rubbish bag might give the impression of being unprofessional or negligent, despite the fact that it is wonderful that the item came. We can only hope that the contents were in excellent condition despite the unorthodox packing! Is it anything that you found humorous, or were you more worried with the way it was presented?

#8 This Wrapping Of A Baby Bouncer from A Horror Movie

Particularly for something as harmless as a baby bouncer, packaging that conjures up images of a horror movie may be extremely startling. My my, it must have been quite the sight! Have you found yourself laughing at the packaging, or have you found yourself more of a “what were they thinking?” moment?

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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