Millions Are Going Berserk Over The Design Of This Home That A Man Built For His Young Family

1 point

“We wanted to create something that, when we look at it, feels both modern and rustic at the same time,” according to the homeowner’s explanation.

Imagine building something from the ground up

Just for a moment, try to picture yourself constructing something from the ground up; a long-lasting house for your family that you molded out of a bare foundation to become your ideal home. Who wouldn’t want to share all of their hard work with the world through the internet?

This is exactly what Joseph Wilder, also known as u/itsjoejoeyjoseph on Reddit, does in the hopes that it would motivate other people who build homes. It was impossible for him to have foreseen the reaction of the internet.

His custom home went absolutely viral

This man’s bespoke house went viral on the internet. Within the first forty-eight hours, photographs of the interiors of the kitchen and bathroom received more than eight million views and more than eleven thousand comments. We regret to inform you that the remarks did not exactly sing the home’s praises:

Here’s the kitchen design

As a result of the fact that this subreddit is populated by individuals who are enthusiastic about construction, design, and utility, any design that deviates from conventional trends or practicality is likely to generate a fierce amount of discussion.

In the event that the custom house that went viral pushed the envelope with its kitchen and bathroom design, it most likely sparked discussions regarding the aesthetics, materials, or the degree to which specific elements were practical.

From the granite countertops to the cabinetry

There were a lot of things that people had to say about this kitchen, including the granite countertops, the cabinets, the color palette, and even the countertop sink. Indeed, one individual made the observation that “the longer you look, the worse it gets.” When it came to the design of the kitchen, other people had similarly pessimistic comments:

Home builder

The creation of a place that was in line with Joseph and his wife’s own vision was something that they were quite enthusiastic about. The combination of contemporary and rustic features might be a daring design option; nevertheless, it is not necessarily something that everyone is interested in. It’s likely that the r/homebuilding community had strong reactions to any unorthodox parts that didn’t correspond with traditional design standards or preferences that were more practical.

When you are attempting to combine two styles that might occasionally be in conflict with one another, the tension that exists between personal taste and public opinion can be particularly challenging. Do you have any idea of which particular aspects, such as the materials, the layout, or the color palette, caused the greatest controversy?

He said he wanted the kitchen to be calm and inviting

Joseph’s concept of a kitchen that is “calm and inviting but also vibrant and different” is undoubtedly influenced by a popular modern style. The kitchen would have white doors, black hardware, cool white paint, and flooring that looks like gray marble. On the other hand, it seems as though the combination may have been the source of controversy for a few different reasons.

Form and function are frequently considered to be of equal importance within the r/homebuilding group. Certain aspects of the design, such as the color palette consisting entirely of white, would have been considered unsuitable for day-to-day usage, despite the fact that it might appear to be sleek and fashionable.

When it comes to maintaining white surfaces in a high-traffic area such as a kitchen, especially if the space is intended to be “vibrant” while yet being peaceful, it can be challenging. The flooring that had the appearance of gray marble may have given some observers the impression that it was a little sterile or chilly, which is in contradiction to Joseph’s intention of creating a “calm” ambiance.

In the original post’s description

Adding a personal and nostalgic touch to the project is the fact that Joseph’s father had a cabinet business. However, it is also possible that this knowledge opened the door for the r/homebuilding community to analyze the cabinet selections even more thoroughly. Redditors have a tendency to have strong opinions, and given the family connection to cabinet-making, they may have anticipated something special or inventive throughout the course of the discussion.

Typical criticisms might have included the following:

Contradiction in style:

If the cabinets did not correspond with the modern-rustic combination that Joseph was going for, then people would have thought that they were out of place.
Choices of material or finish:

The selection of materials may have been criticized, particularly if they were not of a high-end or practical nature. An example of anything that may have caused a disruption to the overall look would be if the cabinetry did not complement the clean, gray-toned color scheme.
Layout and operational capabilities:

Cabinet placement and usability are two of the most important aspects of kitchen design. If the layout was not perceived as being efficient or well-planned, it may have prompted unfavorable responses when it was presented.

I spotted at least 18 cabinets

Oh, I see, it most certainly gave gasoline to the burn! In a forum such as r/homebuilding, where utility is frequently valued, putting more of an emphasis on cabinets as a “visual choice” rather than a practical one would undoubtedly elicit heated emotions. Hearing that the plethora of cabinets wasn’t maximized for that may have made them feel as like they were wasting their time. This is because many homeowners, particularly those who live in smaller homes, place a high priority on making the most of every inch of storage space.

A few factors that could have caused folks to feel uncomfortable are as follows:

If the cabinets were not created with the intention of providing practical storage options, it is possible that they would be considered a waste of potential, especially considering their size and number.
The concept that cabinets were added more for aesthetic reasons may have struck some people as excessive or detached from the primary objective of a kitchen, which is to provide utility and efficiency.
Many people would have suggested alternate design methods that could have better matched the visual appeal and usefulness of the space, such as including open shelves or fewer cabinets that were more utilitarian.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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