

Imogene O. Boyett

While you are scrolling through this list, you will notice how vividly it portrays the strange side of humanity and how accessible these photographs are to interpretation. Objects that are difficult to classify have the potential to throw us off our game, forcing us to direct our attention toward the resolution of these puzzling issues. Because, after all, many of us have a strong need to comprehend what is immediately in front of us, and if we are unable to identify what it is that we are looking at, we begin to experience feelings of unease and confusion.

Gregor Kennedy, a professor of higher education, and Jason M. Lodge, a psychologist who specializes in the study of psychology, both believe that bewilderment is typically encountered when we come across new knowledge. More so when this new information is difficult to understand, goes against common sense, or is completely different from anything we have ever experienced before. In spite of the fact that it is difficult to argue that feeling bewildered is at least a little bit annoying, it can be helpful (and sometimes even required!) when we are trying to learn something new. It is important to note that perplexity is a component of the epistemic emotions. In other words, it’s a feeling that’s especially related with the development of our knowledge and understanding.

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