8 Images Of People Captured On Google Street View Got Placed At Original Locations By This Artist


Paolo Cirio, an Italian artist, initiated an intriguing project in the year 2016, which investigates the concepts of visibility and privacy. We would like to extend an invitation to you to have a more in-depth look at his project, which is titled “Street Ghosts.” These challenges are much more relevant in the present day.

Within the context of the project titled “Street Ghosts,” Cirio reproduced life-size photographs of individuals that were caught by Google Street View and positioned them in the precise areas where they were initially photographed.

The viewers are confronted with the disturbing reality of unauthorized exposure through the use of these photographs, which serve as a reminder of the unobserved effects of data surveillance.

More info: Instagram | paolocirio.net | twitter.com |


The remark that “All art is quite useless” was made by Oscar Wilde, and it can be found in the preface to his work The Picture of Dorian Gray. A common interpretation of it is that it is a commentary on the very essence of art itself. A supporter of the aesthetic movement, which emphasized the concept of “art for art’s sake” — the notion that art should not have a practical or moral purpose, but rather exist only for the purpose of beauty and expression — Wilde was a proponent of this philosophy.

When Wilde says that art is “useless,” he is implying that in order for art to be worthwhile, it does not necessarily need to have a practical purpose. Instead, its value is derived on the intellectual or emotional experiences that it conveys to the recipients. Even when it does not fulfill a traditional goal, it is nonetheless able to challenge, inspire, and have an engaging effect.

Bored Panda had an interview with Paolo, during which he discussed the inspiration that led him to develop this project.

Personal information and privacy are at the center of this issue, which bridges the gap between the real and virtual worlds. It is street art that reveals how large corporations collect data from our lives and the cities in which we live. “The purpose of this project is to broaden our understanding of privacy and to bring attention to the problematic practices of large technology companies,” wrote Paolo.


A towering, streamlined office skyscraper is the destination of a man who is walking down a crowded downtown street. He is clutching a leather briefcase with one hand while clothed in a stylish business suit of his own design.

Long shadows are formed by the light in the morning, and the sound of his polished shoes clicking regularly on the sidewalk is audible.

In his immediate vicinity, individuals are rushing in all directions, a mixture of professionals and commuters, and the atmosphere is filled with the sound of traffic and the activity of city life. As he approaches the glass doors of the building, he is eager to begin his day at the workplace. His look is intent, and his stride is deliberate.


In addition, Paolo provided us with information on the procedure for the “Street Ghosts” project. Within his writing, he stated, “I concentrate on a specific city, followed by a neighborhood or even a particular street.” I search for people who were recorded by the automobile camera on Google’s vehicle, taking into consideration the most fascinating photographs and settings.

Following the creation of silhouettes, I make an estimate of their heights, print their photographs, and then directly stick the posters onto the walls. Sometimes I do this in the middle of the night, and other times I do it with the assistance of art institutions.


Especially considering the mirrored surfaces that create an illusion, the man’s stride towards the sleek, contemporary structure with those enormous glass windows might very well be a resemblance to that classic moment from Wonder Woman. If you would like, I can modify the graphic to make it look less “jet-like,” or I may investigate the possibility of taking a whole other approach!


We were curious in Paolo’s point of view about the evolution of people’s perspectives on privacy and surveillance over the course of time. In his writing, the artist stated, “Since I began my work in 2012, my perspectives on privacy and surveillance have undergone significant shifts.”

The situation is still in a state of flux; post-COVID, many individuals appear to be less concerned about monitoring, but after 2016, people were preoccupied about their privacy. With that being said, it is always dependent on how personal it becomes. When something is relevant to you on a personal level, it becomes serious. Because of this, the project is meaningful; it has the potential to become the print of you that is shown on the wall of your city.


When real people’s pictures were used, it’s likely that a variety of responses were received. It was a matter of curiosity for us to know whether any of the individuals whose photographs Paolo featured in “Street Ghosts” have contacted him.

In his writing, Paolo stated, “The responses are extremely diverse; some people adore it and find it humorous, while others are concerned and worried.” Even after a period of twelve years, it continues to create answers that are intriguing.

Because of the remarkable appearance of these figures and the fact that they frequently adopt peculiar poses, people like imitating them and even occasionally want to be one of them.


In conclusion, we inquired about the message that Paolo believes “Street Ghosts” conveys to the viewers of the film.

As the artist put it in his writing, “We are all already ghosts of the digital realm.” There will be a day in the future when technology firms will exploit our photographs and images to resuscitate us without our permission or authority. We shall be transformed into digital and artificial intelligence ghosts, appearing on screens in a ghastly and peculiar manner, while our private lives will be revealed and managed.

Another thing that Paolo said was, “We need to take control of our future ghosts already.”


It appears that there is a peculiar reflection or form behind the glass in the picture, which may be a “ghost sticker” effect behind the Google-like design. This is something that can be seen in the photograph. A peculiar coincidence may have occurred as a result of the reflected surfaces or forms that were present in the background of the office building. A creepy vibe is definitely added by this!

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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