10 Of The Most Traumatizing Stories About Being Attacked By Canada Geese


A compilation of stories that are quite intriguing! Do you want to delve more into some of those or tell me more about them? It seems as though things may range from being really exciting to being downright terrifying.

1. The Literal Wig-Snatching Goose

It seems like a crazy story to be told about the Literal Wig-Snatching Goose! Imagine that you are in the park on a typical day, when all of a sudden, a geese appears out of nowhere and begins to steal wigs as if it were on a mission. This particular goose may have pushed things to a whole new level by going for people’s hairpieces, despite the fact that geese traditionally have a reputation for being hostile and territorial.

I can see the mayhem that would ensue if someone were to casually saunter along, taking pleasure in their day, then all of a sudden, a goose swooped in, grabbed their wig, and flew away as if it were a prize. Individuals could have been taken aback by this, particularly considering that geese are not normally recognized for committing crimes relating to hair!

In the past, geese could be seen all throughout the campus of my institution. For example, I once witnessed a young lady making her way to school when a geese suddenly began to charge at her, knocked her to the ground, and then proceeded to pull out one of her hair extensions and run away with it.

2. The Geese Gang

Although I was heading home, I had to pass through a cemetery on my way. After what seemed like no time at all, this goose began chasing after me like there was no tomorrow.

As I raced, I noticed that there was a flock of wild geese in front of me, along with some young geese, and I thought to myself, “Holy shit, I’m in geese territory.” I made an attempt to go home, but this geese bit my leg, and I felt like I was going to death. In my haste to get home, I devoured a tub of ice cream. This is a genuine Canadian horror drama.

3. The Geese From Hell

Being young and naive to the Canada goose’s less-than-stellar reputation, my sister and I thought it would be amusing to go up to a flock of birds yelling and swinging our arms around like an insane person in an attempt to frighten them away. As it turns out, we were completely unaware of the fact that the Canadian goose is not the type of bird to give up without a fight.

The next thing we knew, we were being dive-bombed by a whole flock of geese, and we were forced to duck (no pun intended) and take shelter because it seemed like we were in the middle of a nuclear assault exercise from the 1950s.

You are familiar with the classic tale in the Bible in which Jesus cast a number of devils into a group of pigs, right? Absolutely certain that it was a translation error. mostly due to the fact that the Canadian geese is the creature that I have encountered that possesses the soul of a demon. All of our ponds ought to be filled with holy water as soon as possible.

4. The Goose Who Skipped Lunch

The goose in question is a real danger! Not only did it take your falafel in the middle of your eating, but it also went for wigs. Such arrogance is on a whole other level. The goose seemed to be enjoying your dinner right in front of you as if it were no big thing. I can see you standing there, maybe in astonishment, without a falafel, while the geese was eating.

This particular goose seemed to have taken the situation to heart, despite the fact that geese are not scared to pursue their desires. After it had finished, did it at least have the courtesy to give you a smug smile, or did it merely waddle away with its prize?

5. The Wedding Crasher

My aunt’s wedding that I attended when I was a child included me as the flower girl. During the time when we were getting photographs taken, I went to pet a goose near the pond. Not only did it bite my hand, but it also pooped on me. I was so full of innocence and optimism that I did things like that. Even though I am not sure if it was out of fear or simply sheer vengeance, it nevertheless managed to destroy both myself and my outfit on that particular day.

6. The Goose Who Wants You Bread Or Alive

When I was in elementary school, my neighbors lived directly close to a pond where a large number of geese would hang out and relax. While I was at their house to play with their two children, they screamed that they were in the backyard. I walked over to their house to play with them.

When I returned, I discovered that they were giving bread to a minimum of twenty geese. After looking at me, one of my neighbors exclaimed, “Here, feed them,” and then flung a full loaf of bread at me out of the window. When I looked up, I noticed that all of the geese were watching at me right as I grabbed it.

They charged toward me at such a rapid pace that I was unable to escape. At least five times, I was “bit” by someone. In the end, I flung the bread in the direction of the pond and then sprinted back to my house.

7. The Territorial Goose

At the time, my horse and I were competing in a cross-country jumping competition, and we had a lot of familiarity with the terrain and the possible fauna that may be encountered. In an instant, my horse comes to the conclusion that these geese are the antichrist. The monstrous goose then growled at me after he threw me into this stagnant water that was packed with goose poop. That day, I am thankful to God that I wore long sleeves.

8. The Repressed Childhood Memory

As I was swinging in the bucket swings when I was three years old, my father left to get a drink of water, leaving me defenseless in the swing. I was unable to move from where I was sitting. I have a strong suspicion that around twenty geese surrounded me, began honking, and made their way closer to me. Perhaps because I had a popsicle in my hand.

On the other hand, I booted him square in the beak when he went a bit too near to me. In response to the fact that he saw me being surrounded, my father came sprinting back and drove the geese away. I believe that it is the sole recollection I remember of being three years old.

9. The One Asshole

During the time that I was riding my bicycle across one of the most important bridges in the city, a flock of geese began to make their way down onto the pathway.

I find myself yelling and jerking about when one of them decides to fall just in front of me, almost causing an accident for the motorcyclists who are following behind me. After I have made myself out to be a possessed waving tube inflatable, the friggin’ goose then makes the decision to move out of the path, most likely smiling to himself about how successful he was in completing his task.

10. The Geese Who Heightened Campus Security

During the current academic year, a pair of extremely hostile geese constructed a nest on the top of the building that included the campus cafeteria. At first, it appeared that students would be safe provided they avoided making direct eye contact with the geese.

However, as time went on, the geese began charging at anybody and everyone who attempted to go dine in the cafeteria. The security personnel on campus were anxious and constructed a temporary wall in order to safeguard the students and to prevent the geese from approaching the entrances. For the sake of argument, let’s simply suppose that the majestic might of the Canadian Geese was insurmountable by construction cones and mesh fences.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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