10 Lies You Actually Believed As A Teen


This is not a passing phase! This is the true face of who I am!

“If you get a bad grade, your life is over.” – When in fact, a single grade is only a small portion of the overall picture, the assumption that it may damage your future is a widespread misconception.

“Everyone is judging you.” – Having the impression that every error is being scrutinized, despite the fact that the majority of people are too preoccupied with their own lives to notice.

“You have to find your passion now.” – When you are young, you are under a lot of pressure to have your entire future planned out, rather than taking the time to discover your hobbies over time.

“Being popular equals happiness.” – This is the notion that having a certain social rank will ensure fulfillment, which is not always the case.

1. “I can’t wait to stop getting zits one day.”

A comment that is relevant, particularly for those who have struggled with acne for an extended period of time. This is a reminder that certain things remain in your life even as you develop, and it portrays the bittersweet sensation of betterment without final closure. You could want to incorporate it into a personal reflection, character dialogue, or anything else. What are your thoughts on this?

2. “$1,000 is a lot of money.”

That is an accurate picture of the problem of financial stress, which is something that a great number of people can identify to. Earning money, only to see it go very immediately owing to the costs of life. The mention of one thousand dollars brings home the point that in today’s world, that sum does not go very far. This would be an excellent topic for discussion in a discussion on the realities of adulthood or the management of finances. Are you currently working on a scene in which a character is showing their frustration with this?

3. “Everyone but me has their shit together.”

It’s one of those times when the illusion of control or guidance suddenly shatters, and the world feels a lot more uncertain than it did before.

With that being said, there is also a rather freeing aspect to it, which is the realization that everyone is simply finding things out as they go along. An excellent opportunity for introspection in a novel or for a character to come to grips with the unpredictability of life might be created by making use of this.

4. “I’m very mature for my age.”

This statement captures the common experience of looking back at oneself and laughing at how much you’ve changed since then. It makes you grimace at your former self and realize how much you’ve evolved. It does a wonderful job of capturing the combination of self-awareness and humiliation that comes with becoming age.

In a contemplative monologue or discussion in which a character is facing the consequences of their previous actions, it would be an effective use of this technique.

5. “This isn’t a phase! This is who I really am!”

This statement accurately reflects the balance that exists between trying to bury the unpleasantness of memories from high school and embracing it by sharing the laughter with friends. This exemplifies how the passage of time enables us to laugh at something that may have previously caused us to feel embarrassed.

Something like this would be perfect for a character who is looking back and either finding comedy in their history or making peace with it.

6. “In fact, I’m pretty much an adult already.”

This statement captures the traditional irony of the adolescent years, which is that you had the impression that you were so mature at the time, but you subsequently realized how young and naive you actually were. It is an excellent supplement to any contemplation on the misunderstandings and development of young people. Are you going to use this as a part of a character’s internal monologue or as a humorous chat about maturing?

7. “Hangovers aren’t that bad!”

Especially when compared to how much simpler it was to recover from hangovers when one was younger, this is an excellent approach to convey the unpleasant reality of adult hangovers. It is ideal for a situation in which a character is coming to grips with the less enjoyable aspects of getting older since it has the potential to be conveyed in a manner that is either comic or regretful, depending on how it is given.

Do you want to incorporate this into a humorous moment, or perhaps a contemplation on the seemingly little lessons that life has to offer?

8. “Socks are a terrible gift.”

The common perception that many people have about socks as presents, which is that they are either uninteresting or impractical. It is an excellent setup for humor, particularly if it is followed by a character’s shift in viewpoint over the course of time, with the individual coming to realize how much they cherish those “terrible” gifts as they move through life.

This might result in a humorous chat or reflection in which a character considers their previous opinions in comparison to their new respect for realism.

This sentence perfectly captures the shift in priorities that occurs with the transition from childhood to maturity, when functional presents such as socks become actually thrilling. It would be an excellent choice for a comical or uplifting occasion, as it would demonstrate how much an individual has learned to appreciate the necessary and insignificant things that life has to offer.

9. “Once I’m 21, I’ll REALLY feel like an adult.”

The notion is brought full circle by that follow-up, which is quite useful! It catches the underlying sensation of impostor syndrome in maturity, which is when you are meant to feel grown-up but don’t feel that way most of the time and wonder whether anybody other than yourself actually does.

A good touch of reflection and relatability is added to the concept that despite the fact that life is always changing, there are still certain things that will always remain unclear. This is something that would be a wonderful complement to a character’s internal introspection or to a very meaningful chat between two pals.

10. “I can’t wait to stay up late all the time.”

This statement has a tone that is lighthearted and somewhat sardonic, representing the pleasure of late-night freedom that is typically associated with being a young person.

It encapsulates the sensation of defiance and the excitement of violating norms, only to subsequently come to terms with the repercussions of those decisions. It is possible that it might be a humorous addition to the conversation of a character while they are reminiscing about their carefree days, maybe just before they had to face the reality of being exhausted the next day.

This statement does a wonderful job of highlighting the difference between the late nights that occur during youth and the newly discovered appreciation for rest that comes with being older. It is a reflection of a widespread pattern that, as we mature, we place a greater value on self-care and well-being.

It is something that would be suitable for a moment of self-reflection or awareness, possibly after a period of tiredness or after an experience that took place late at night.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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