My Morning Routine To Get Fit – 15 Healthy Habits To Start The Day Right


There is not a single shred of doubt in anyone’s mind that the morning is the most crucial time of the day.

This is especially true when it comes to getting in shape and shedding excess skin.

Quite simply, it establishes the parameters for the rest of the day.

Consider it this way: if you begin the day with a healthy and balanced diet, you are more likely to maintain that diet throughout the remainder of the day.

For this reason, creating a good morning routine is essential not only for achieving weight loss and physical fitness, but also for doing more throughout the day in general.

And now, I’ll demonstrate how to do it!

There is a pretty good reason why morning routines have reached such a high level of popularity over the past few years, particularly among athletes and girls who are physically active.

The simple act of altering the manner in which you begin each day will not only help you establish a lifestyle that is healthy and balanced, but it will also improve the quality of your life in the long run.

Additionally, I have fifteen healthy morning routines that I will share with you today that will do all of that.

It will be easier for you to begin your day as a healthy and fit person, and they will also assist you in becoming healthier, losing weight, and experiencing a more balanced feeling.

However, the most important thing is that they will alter the way you think about being in the morning.

In the absence of any more ado, let us immediately dive into them!

Fit Girl’s Morning Routine

Over the course of the past three years, I have been following my morning routine, and I simply cannot wait to share it with you!

It seems like you have a complete understanding of how I begin each day.

Take control of your mornings and your life, ladies, and don’t let another poor morning pass you by. Take matters into your own hands and make the most of every morning!

Always Wake Up Same Time Each Morning

Prior to making the decision to force myself to wake up earlier each day, I had never been someone who was a morning person.

Despite the fact that this might not seem like much, it is precisely for this reason why I became a “morning person” in the first place.

When I wake up at seven o’clock every morning, I am in a fantastic mood.

This morning routine of waking up at the same time every morning (yes, even on weekends) has assisted me in developing the habit of getting up earlier, which has made it simpler for me to anticipate the alarm call.

At the very least, give it a week of your time, and you will notice the changes very immediately.

wake up early

Drink A Glass Of Hot Water

It is a habit of mine to drink a glass of hot water as soon as I get up each and every morning.

When I think of this, I like to think of it as a breakfast detox.

In point of fact, it is because it offers a multitude of remarkable advantages:

The cleansing of the digestive tract, the improvement of blood circulation, the promotion of healthy sweating and weight loss, the expulsion of toxins from the body, and the stimulation of bowel movements occur.

Do Some Yoga

The practice of yoga is an incredible way to begin the day.

It rouses each and every muscle in the body and prepares them for the entire day that lies ahead.

It doesn’t even have to be a whole yoga sequence for those of you who don’t have a lot of time to devote to it.

A few poses, like as the downward dog, the cobra, the cat stance, and the kid pose, are regulars for me.

Avoid Screens Right After Waking Up

To begin with, they have a tendency to disrupt my otherwise healthy morning routine.

I have discovered that browsing through Instagram at this hour is a dangerous habit, primarily due to the fact that I typically finish up hurrying through the remainder of my routine.

It was for this reason that I made the decision to put away my phone, laptop, and television for at least the first hour after I woke up.

You should make it a point to devote each and every minute of your morning to developing habits that are of high quality.

avoid screens

Get Some Fresh Air

I am feeling so much better now that I have opened the window and let some fresh air into my chamber.

To give your drowsy organs a dose of fresh oxygen, all you need to do is open the window and take a time to relax.

Then, exhale. Inhale.

Despite the fact that this may not seem like much to the majority of you, I find that engaging in this routine is really soothing and relaxing.

Break A Sweat

Exercising first thing in the morning?! Can you believe it?!

I just want you to hear me out before you go and say “nay-nay sister,” so hold on, baby.

At this early hour in the morning, there is no need for you to engage in any reckless or time-consuming activities.

If you want to begin the day feeling invigorated and active, all you need to do is break a sweat with your favorite moves.

Typically, I begin my workout with jumping squats, followed by lunges, burpees, and then I conclude with a plank hold for one minute.

Despite the fact that it takes around five to six minutes of my morning, it helps my blood flow and gives me a great deal of energy to begin my day.


Take A Cold Shower

I’m willing to wager that the mere notion of it creates freckles on your skin.

Have faith in me, give it a shot, and you’ll understand why I’m doing it.

Simply put yourself in the shower while you are already sweating and switch on the cold spray; this is where the magic happens!

In the beginning, it is not necessary for the water to be ice cold; rather, it can be a pleasant temperature ranging from cold to slightly warm.

Taking a cold shower is advantageous because, in contrast to taking a warm shower, which helps your blood vessels to relax and expand, taking a cold shower causes them to become more alert, making it an ideal choice for the morning.

Give it a shot, and if you enjoyed it, please let me know in the comments section below.

Have A Healthy Balanced Breakfast

When it comes to the day’s meals, breakfast is the most crucial one.

You should never, under any circumstances, miss breakfast, and you should always make sure that breakfast is the highest and healthiest meal that you consume during the day.

Through this method, you will be able to ensure that it remains nutritious during the remainder of the meals.

In my opinion, a nutritious breakfast should consist of a small amount of protein, a healthy amount of fats, and a significant amount of complex carbs that are healthful.

The following is my all-time favorite breakfast:

One-half cup of rolled oats
Half a cup of Greek yogurt
One banana and a palm’s worth of berries

healthy breakfast

One hour after I wake up is the typical time that I eat my breakfast since I don’t want to keep it waiting for too long. I never wait too long to eat it.

Enjoy Your Cup Of Caffeine

Out of all the healthy habits I incorporate into my morning routine, this is one of my favorites.

Coffee is perhaps the reason why I enjoy the mornings so much.

However, the fact that coffee is the beverage that gets me going the most is something that I just cannot dispute.

I have the feeling that I would just crawl back into bed after I have finished my breakfast, but coffee is that little voice in my head that tells me, “You got this, girl!”

I also make sure that my coffee is always black and robust, without any milk and without any sugar at all.

The very aroma of it is enough to pique my interest; I cannot deny the fact that caffeine is highly addictive, and I cannot lie about it.

Although it is true that drinking a large amount of coffee can be hazardous, it is also true that drinking only one cup of coffee in the morning will provide you with a significant amount of beneficial components, such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and niacin on a daily basis.

An increase in your energy levels, a boost to your metabolic rate, an improvement in your physical performance, and protection for your heart and liver are all benefits of drinking this magic! The aforementioned are only a few of the numerous advantages that you will obtain if you make coffee a regular part of your diet.

However, I must confess that the content of the coffee itself is not the only thing that matters; the people with whom you share it are also quite significant.

Every day at nine o’clock, Matt and I get together in the office, and we always have that cup of coffee together. I just can’t get enough of these moments.

It is possible for you to prepare a cup of green or black tea for yourself if you are not a coffee drinker (although I have often questioned if individuals like that actually exist hehe). Both of these beverages contain a significant amount of caffeine.

cup of coffee

10 Make A Plan For The Day

In the event that I do not take the necessary steps to arrange things, how am I meant to be able to find time for everything?

Unless I make a conscious effort to carry out my morning routine, it will never take place.

I then take a seat, typically with my coffee in hand, and I water my plants while simultaneously formulating a strategy for completing everything that I have to do today.

I use my planner to record everything, including not just my daily activities, meetings, and “to do” lists, but also the planning of my meals and workouts.

Because there are hundreds of apps that can assist you in planning your day on your smartphone, it is not always necessary to write it down on a piece of paper.

On the other hand, writing it down actually helps a great deal, which is why I usually use my Fit Babe Fitness Planner to do it.


Stretch Your Feet

We rely on our feet to transport us around and to keep us standing throughout the day. They are responsible for a significant amount of work.

This is despite the fact that we never seem to give them credit for the incredible work that they perform for us on a daily basis. You may improve your morning routine by including a stretch in your routine, which can be highly beneficial to your health.

In order for our feet to be able to take care of us, we need to treat them with the respect they deserve. Feet are not merely bricks that we simply walk around on.

It is for this reason that it is of the utmost importance to set aside a few minutes in the morning to get them ready for the activities that they are going to be participating in during the day.

feet stretch

Have A Green Smoothie

I always make it a point to incorporate as many healthy routines as I can into my morning routine.

To put it another way, one of them was drinking more green smoothies.

Most of the time, I go for my favorite blend, which I refer to as Hulk:)

In essence, I combine:

Ice, avocado, green apple, banana, and kale green apple


There is no need to worry about it being too thick; all you need to do is add a small bit of water.

It is also possible to include a scoop of protein powder, of course, if it is something that you want.

Hydrate Throughout The Entire Morning

In addition to making sure that I always have my preferred water bottle close by, I also make it a point to refill it on a regular basis.

The majority of my morning consists of consuming liquids and going to the restroom at regular intervals of exactly five minutes.

Because it will assist you in maintaining your hydration levels throughout the day, it is essential to drink water first thing in the morning.

In light of the fact that I have training sessions that are really taxing, and the fact that drinking water while working out has been shown to be a poor idea, I make it a point to ensure that I stay hydrated throughout the day.

Pack Up A Healthy Snack

It is possible for snacking to be a fully healthy habit if you adhere to the proper guidelines.

This indicates that you should nibble to the extent that you maintain a clean and nutritious diet.

In order to ensure that I am able to reach out for a decent alternative, I make it a point to always have a nutritious snack on hand.

In addition to a handful of nuts, which are typically almonds or cashews, I pack a large quantity of carrot and cucumber sticks.

healthy snacks

WBR – Walk Bike Or Run

In the morning, you should make sure to use your legs to get to wherever it is that you need to go.

Walk, ride a bike, or go for a run.

Your ability to sustain a healthy lifestyle will be aided by this.

My typical mode of transportation to the office is a bicycle, but on occasion, when I am unable to raise a sweat, I will go for a run.

In the event that I do not have a lot of things to carry with me, I will go for the run to the office, which is only fifteen minutes away.
Through the years, I have been able to maintain my fitness and health by adhering to this healthier morning practice.

In addition to making me feel refreshed, motivated, focused, and prepared for nearly any obstacle that lay ahead of me, it made me fall in love with the mornings.

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Lynette D. Brown
Lynette D. Brown writing is driven by her love for adventure and new experiences. Whether it’s an insightful piece on travel or a fun exploration of fashion trends, her enthusiasm for life is infectious. Ava has a knack for turning even the simplest moments into something extraordinary, and she thrives on sharing those stories with readers who are as curious and open-minded as she is.


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