Strength Training for Women Over 50: 11 Best Moves


Although getting older is unavoidable, it is not necessary to age nicely. Maintaining excellent physical and mental health as you age is based on a variety of factors; nevertheless, one of the most important things to consider as you age is weight training. The strength training techniques outlined here have been demonstrated to be useful for women over the age of fifty.

I have over 35 years of expertise as a personal fitness trainer. My clients have aged, and so has my body. From personal experience, I can attest that strength training not only makes you feel and look younger and stronger, but it also literally slows the aging process.

Furthermore, while there are numerous forms of physical activity, strength training is where the true anti-aging magic occurs. Muscle is essential for a healthy metabolism, higher energy, better sleep quality, weight maintenance, and hormonal balance. Strength training is one of the most beneficial kinds of physical activity for women over 50, and now is the time to start!

  1. 1 Basic Squats

    Here’s how to perform a basic squat:

    • Maintain a high stance, with your feet hip-width apart. The feet, hips, and knees are all facing forward.
    • If you plan to sit in a chair, bend your knees and sit your buttocks back in the same position.
    •  First and foremost, you should keep an equal amount of weight in both heels. This allows you to maintain your knees behind your toes. 
    • To finish the workout, squat to the bottom, pause for a time, and then rise back up to stand. 
    • The targeted muscles are the core, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. 

  2. 2 Modified Push Up

    Here’s how to perform a modified push-up: 

    By bringing your knees back behind your hips and placing your hands below your shoulders, you can achieve a more relaxed and comfortable position. Position yourself on your knees to begin.
    In order to maintain the length of your neck, you should keep your eyeballs in front of your fingertips. In order to exercise your lower body, you should also squeeze your glutes and inner thighs together. This will help you strengthen your lower body.
    The proper way to perform this exercise is to slowly lower yourself to the ground while keeping your elbows back at an angle of around 45 degrees.
    You should make it your objective to return to the starting place as quickly as possible.
    Until you have finished the required amount of repetitions, you should continue doing this.

  3. 3 Reverse Grip Double Arm Row

    To start this exercise, bring your legs together and sit back into a little squat position. This will be the beginning of the workout. Your glutes and abdominal wall will both be engaged as a result of this exercise. It is going to be the arms that are going to be holding the weights. The arms are going to be stretched out in front of the body with the palms facing upward against the ceiling.  
    After you have felt the lats and triceps engaging, return to the starting position with control. Pull the elbows slightly past the hips so that you can feel the muscles in your upper body engaging. Bringing your elbows back by contracting the muscles in your upper back together is the method that will allow you to achieve this goal. To get started, start with a lighter set of weights and focus on exercising in a controlled and methodical manner. At the point where the range of motion is at its highest point, wait for three seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position once you have completed the exercise.
    The primary muscular groups that are utilized in this exercise routine are the shoulders, upper body, triceps, and back.

  4. 4 Full Body Roll-Up

    Here’s how to perform a full-body roll-up:

    Begin by lying on a mat (or on the ground) with your arms stretched above your head, legs extended in front of you, and feet bent in front of your face.
    Take a deep breath in, then raise your arms above your head and curl your chin toward your chest. Exhale as you roll your torso up and over, keeping your legs straight, using your abdominal muscles, and reaching down to your toes.
    As you begin to roll back down your spine, one vertebra at a time, take a deep breath in and exhale as the upper portion of your back falls to the ground and you stretch your arms back up above your head.
    Repetition of moving slowly and rising and lowering with the abdominal muscles without using momentum is necessary.

  5. 5 Dumbbell Deadlifts

    Here’s how to perform a Dumbbell Deadlift

    Position your feet hip-width apart, with the weights toward the front of your thighs. Begin the exercise from this position.
    As you slightly bend your knees and slide the dumbbells closer to the floor, concentrate on clenching your abdominal muscles and keeping a completely flat back.
    Squeeze your glutes, and then utilize your hamstrings to lift and return to an upright position. Send your buttocks backward with a slight hip bend.

  6. 6 Forward Lunge with Bicep Curls

    Here’s how to do a Forward Lunge with A Bicep Curls: 

    To begin, establish a tall posture with your feet about hip width apart. When you take a substantial stride forward with your right leg, lower your back knee to the floor and repeat the process. At the bottom of the lunge, bend both legs at a 90-degree angle. This is the right position.
    To complete the bicep curl at the bottom of the lunge, bring the weights in towards your shoulders. After then, push off your front foot and return to the starting position.
    Repeat the process on the other side.
    The target muscular groups are the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and biceps.

  7. 7 Forearm Plank

    Here’s how to hold a forearm plank

    Lie down on the ground with your forearms resting flat on the ground. This is the starting position. The position of your elbows should be such that they are immediately below your shoulders. A distance equal to the breadth of your elbows should be maintained between your hands.
    Bring your body up off the floor while maintaining a straight line from your head to your feet. Engage your core, press down through your elbows, and raise your body off the ground. By bringing your navel closer to your spine and contracting your glutes, you can ensure that your hips remain in alignment with your shoulders.
    Keeping your grip for thirty seconds to one minute.

  8. 8 Single Leg Hamstring Bridge

    Here’s how to perform a single leg hamstring bridge

    Position yourself on your back, knees bent and hip-width apart. Your feet will rest flat on the carpet stacked beneath your knees. As soon as you're in the bridge position, extend your right leg as far as it will go toward the ceiling.
    Begin by squeezing your glutes and lower body, then lifting your hips off the mat to form a bridge position. The hips should be dropped and lifted for the necessary number of repetitions before repeating the exercise with the left leg.
    One change that could be made is to keep both feet on the ground when doing the bridge. If you want to push yourself, you can attempt the single leg option to make the exercise more difficult.

    We target the hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps.

  9. 9 Tricep Kick Back

    Here’s how to perform a tricep kickback

    Begin by placing your feet together (or hip-width apart) and sitting back into a small squat position with your arms bent at 90-degree angles and weights at your chest sides. Perform the workout starting from this position.
    Keep the line from your shoulder to your elbow joint continuous as you press the dumbbells back past your hips. Only one movement should occur: from the elbow joint to the dumbbell. Hold the weights at a 90-degree angle as you return to the starting position.

  10. 10 Shoulder Overhead Press

    Start with your feet hip-width apart. Set up a goalpost position with your arms by bringing your elbows out to the side and settling into it. With the abs firmly in position, stretch the elbows straight out from shoulder height.
    Keep your arms straight as you press the dumbbells directly overhead. Make a controlled return to your starting position, which is the goal post arm position.

  11. 11 Bird Dog

    After getting down on all fours, position yourself on a mat or any other surface that is soft.
    As you contract your abdominal muscles, reach one arm behind you and stretch the opposite leg behind you. Do this while simultaneously pulling in your abdominal muscles.
    Five to ten seconds should be held, and then you should return to all fours. At this point, you should be engaging your lower body.
    Perform the same steps on the other side of the object.  

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Imogene O. Boyett
Imogene O. Boyett journey as a writer started with a single notebook and a big imagination. Growing up in a small town, she found solace in creating entire worlds on paper. What began as a hobby transformed into a lifelong career. Today, Sofia blends her love for adventure, culture, and everyday life into her work, providing readers with engaging stories and thoughtful reflections that leave them both entertained and inspired.


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