70 Funny Texts To Send To Your Crush


Funny things can help you connect with your crush and break the ice. They might laugh and think of you fondly when you send them funny texts. You can send these 70 funny texts to your crush and they will definitely smile and maybe even laugh.

Playful and Lighthearted Texts

  • Texts that are fun and silly
    Do you have a name? If not, may I call you mine?
    Can you do magic? Because you make everything else go away when I look at you.
  • Have you got a Band-Aid? I almost hurt my knee when I fell for you.
  • What’s your name? Because you have everything I’ve been looking for.
  • May I follow you home? Because they always told me to follow my dreams.
  • Are you a parking ticket? For the simple reason that you are FINE.
  • Have you got a map? I got lost in your eyes.
  • What’s your name? Because I feel like I have a link.
  • Are you a fire? I want s’more because you’re hot.
  • Do you steal? Because you made me fall in love with you.

Clever and Witty Texts

  • That’s what you’d be if you were a veggie.
  • Have you got a pencil? Because I want to go back and erase your past.
  • Are you from another planet? Because you just took my heart away.
  • Have you been in the sun, or are you always this hot?
  • I’d spend all nine of my lives with you if I were a cat.
  • Are you French? Because you like Eiffel.
  • Is it really this hot, or is it just you?
  • Are you a bear? Because dammit.
  • You’d be an acute triangle if you were one.
  • Do you look like a storm? Because you make my heart beat fast.

Silly and Cheeky Texts

  • Do you go back in time? As I look ahead, I can see you.
    Could you give me a kiss? I’m going to return it.
    A fine-apple would be the fruit you are.
  • Are you a light? Because you make my day better.
  • Can you find your way? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
  • Are you a snowflake? Because I like you so much.
  • How do you spell your name? Because you’re the balm.
  • What do you look like? Since I love you.
  • May I take you to dinner? I can’t seem to forget about you.
  • Like raisins? What about going on a date?

Random and Quirky Texts

  • That’s what you’d be if you were a veggie.
  • Do you think love can happen at first sight? If not, should I keep walking?
  • Can you do magic? Because when I look at you, everyone else goes away.
  • Do you have a library card? Because I want to check you out.
  • Does your dad box? Because you’re so strong!
  • You’d be for all time if beauty were time.
  • Are you a fruit? Because I like the way you look.
  • Are you a loan? Because I’m interested in you.
  • I would put U and I together if I could change the order of the letters.
  • Know a lot about words? Because you make my life more full.

Flirty and Funny Texts

  • If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a pile of them.
  • Are you a sigh? Because I smile every time I see you.
  • Have you been in the sun, or are you always this hot?
  • You would be a catch if you were a fish.
  • What’s your name? I don’t want to be without you.
  • Are you a spaceship? Because you just took my heart away.
  • What would we eat for breakfast if we were having a cozy Sunday morning at home? a) Eggs and bacon b) Pancakes c) Crèpes d) Acai bowl e) Please let me know the answer.
  • Could you give me a kiss? I’m going to return it.
  • Are you a light? Because you make my day better.
  • If how you look could kill, you’d be a very dangerous tool.

Puns and Wordplay Texts

  • Do you play a drum? For the reason that you make my heart beat.
    What kind of cat are you? I love you because you purred your way into my heart.
    You would look like a cute pie if you were a treat.
  • Are you an electrician? They make my life better because of you.
  • What kind of lock are you? We are connected, and you hold the key to my heart.
  • It would be my favorite song if you were a track.
  • Do you look like a flower? Simply because you’ve made my heart grow.
  • Do you look like a bear? Just because you’re really special to me.
  • Being a joke, you’d be a real door-knocker.
  • Are you a planet? As a result of your strong gravity pull.

The Art of Sending Funny Texts To Your Crush

Sending your crush funny texts is a fun way to start talking to them and get to know them better. Showing your personality through humor can make your crush feel more at ease around you. Don’t take these words too seriously when you write them. Avoid saying or writing things that could be taken the wrong way or as rude. Monitor how they respond and change how you do things based on what they say. Somewhat funny text can make their day and bring you closer together.

Using humor to flirt is very effective. These funny texts will help you get closer to your crush and make them smile and think of you very fondly. Realize your own uniqueness, enjoy life, and let your identity show.

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Layla love for words began with poetry, but it didn't take long for her to explore every corner of literature. From heartfelt essays to thrilling short stories, her writing mirrors her broad interests and eclectic experiences. Now a full-time writer, she enjoys capturing the beauty of life's complexities and sharing them with the world, always hoping her readers walk away with a new perspective.


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