People Who Had Chance Encounters With Beloved Celebrities Are Sharing Whether Or Not The Saying “Don’t Meet Your Heroes” Really Holds Up


“I still tear up thinking about how kind he was to us.”

An individual who uses the Reddit platform ksndkendkfjeknx posted the following question: “What is your best (or worst) ‘don’t meet your heroes’ story?” People filled the responses with their experiences of encounters with celebrities that were full of excitement. This is what the folks have disclosed:

1. I met Oprah

“I had the pleasure of meeting Oprah. While I was at a restaurant in Los Angeles, the entire crew was discussing the fact that someone had arrived for lunch when I arrived. As a result of our location at the rear, we were unable to have a good view of the front entrance. An ‘OH MY GOD!’ was heard all of a sudden inside our midst. When we looked around, we noticed that it had begun with Oprah.

According to the information provided, the lady who is seated one table over from us attended high school with her. On the other hand, Oprah’s security team was not pleased that she had done so. She snapped photographs and engaged in conversation with everyone in the restaurant until she was essentially hauled away as everyone else in the establishment swarmed to her. I was surprised to see that she was considerably shorter than I had anticipated.

2. I met Robin Williams 

When I was working on a comedy show, I had the opportunity to meet Robin Williams, and he was the friendliest person I’ve ever encountered. During my speech, I raved about how I had to purchase another copy of his first comedy album because I had worn it out on vinyl. He remarked, “I could imagine that your parents were pretty cool.

” After that, he pantomimed breaking a record while he was kneeling over his knee. The majority of them would have ksssht! It was necessary to tell all of us camera operators to move back from Robin after the first day of the shoot. This was due to the fact that we all desired to be in his presence, and we already had an excessive amount of video of him. He spent a significant amount of time conversing with Mort Sahl, another legendary figure.

3. I met Chevy Chase

“When I met Chevy Chase, the situation was about as horrible as you could possibly anticipate it to be. During the early 2000s, I was in New York City, and I was in the back area of a hair salon where they were washing hair. Although I was waiting for someone to wash my hair, I was sitting by myself. Chevy is brought in by them.

Now that I was in New York City, I wanted to appear hip. When I saw someone who I had watched everything they did when I was a youngster, I wasn’t going to get all enthusiastic and jump up and down and seem like I was overjoyed. I could go on and on about Fletch and Caddyshack forever. Chevy and I were the only people in the room at that time. In an effort to maintain my composure, I glanced over, gave a little nod, and asked, “What’s up, Chevy?”

He appeared to be looking at a bug when he turned his attention to me. It was the same pair of purple sunglasses that he normally wears during the day. ‘And you are…?’ he asked me with a gaze that was rather peculiar. He stared at her for a whole five seconds, which was an uncomfortable amount of time. In silence, he returned his attention to the magazine he was reading. I gave the following response to my own inquiry: “I guess not much.” How much would it have hurt the gentleman to behave in a regular and polite manner?

4. I met Martin Short in an alley

“Martin Short was on his way to shoot the Jersey Shore spoof that he did on some late-night talk show when I met him in an alley off of the street in Los Angeles.

He was the world’s kindest person in every way! He instructed security to back off and stated that he had all the time in the world to talk to the individuals who were responsible for putting him in that position on that particular day. Instead of acting like a typical human being, he took photographs, signed things, and just talked to people.

There was a family friend of mine who kept calling him Marty, and he never attempted to correct him. It appeared as though he was enjoying himself. In the event that time had truly run out (and he was in danger of missing his call time), he expressed his gratitude and said his goodbyes in the most courteous manner possible.

5. I met Maya Rudolph once at a festival

“Maya Rudolph and I first crossed paths at a fair. Not only am I a tremendous fan of Saturday Night Live, but I also work in the comedy industry.

The previous moment, she had appeared as a guest star on an episode of Portlandia, and because I was in a state of panic, I spoke a quotation from her episode. She continued my statement and then replied, “I can’t believe you watched that,” which caused both of us to chuckle. Because she was so kind, I found myself like her even more.

6. A fan of Matthew Broderick, Nathan Lane, and Mel Brooks

Matthew Broderick, Nathan Lane, and Mel Brooks are three actors who will always have a special place in my heart. Because they were performing The Producers at the Cadillac Palace Theater in Chicago, where my dad worked as a security guard, they were here. In addition to signing a playbill and autographing a copy of Inspector Gadget for my sisters and myself, my father had the opportunity to speak with Matthew Broderick, who was a really kind and kind person.

The tickets for all of us to watch the performance were also purchased by him. Backstage, we were able to meet Broderick and Lane, and they were so kind that we could not have asked for more. The moment Mel Brooks passed by, my sister shouted out, “Look, Daddy!!! MEL GIBSON!!!”

“Kiddo, I wish,” Mel Brooks said with a grin during the whole conversation. It is most likely one of the memories that I cherish the most. In addition, they autographed a poster for one of my teacher’s children when my father informed them that her autistic son had a favorite character from Mouse Hunt named Nathan Lane. They exemplified the highest standards of ethics and generosity in every way.

7. How Do You Know with Reese Witherspoon and Paul Rudd

In the film How Do You Know, which also starred Reese Witherspoon and Paul Rudd, I appeared in a small number of scenes. For a week, I was able to collaborate with them and meet with them. It was impossible to overstate how kind and affable Paul Rudd was.

With the exception of a few sequences that took place outside, the most of the scenes that we shot were taken indoors. However, whenever he had the opportunity, he would go outside and take photographs and sign autographs with the people. This man is a priceless asset. Also, in regard to Reese, she was a complete and utter…sweetheart! Extremely pleasant and hospitable. On one occasion, she even managed to get ice cream for the whole cast and crew!

8. I met Weird Al and got starstruck

I was so awestruck by Weird Al that I was at a loss for words when I finally got the chance to meet him. “I know you probably hear this a lot, but I’m a huge fan,” I eventually blurted out. That was the last thing I said. ‘I do hear it a lot, but I’ve never heard it from you,’ he said with a smile before continuing his response. “It brightened my day.”

9. I met Tobey Maguire at a fan meet

When I was in 2013, I had the opportunity to meet Tobey Maguire at a fan meet-and-greet. There was a marketing for The Great Gatsby, as far as I can tell. As I reflect on the past, I can honestly say that I felt sorry for him since everyone kept asking him about Spider-Man rather than The Great Gatsby. It was because of some jerk who wanted him to explain the reasons why Sony fired him for Andrew Garfield that he decided to cancel the event before I could get his autograph there.

As a mature adult looking back, I can understand why performers might become offended with something like that. When it comes to some performers who are most frequently identified with a single character in particular, I believe it is a terrible feeling to be aware that no matter what parts you accept in the future, someone in the theater will point at you and ask, “Hey, isn’t that Spider-Man?” I have always felt compassion for Tobey because of the reason why he is struggling.

10. I’ve loved Alan Cummings

“Ever from the beginning of Alan Cummings’s career, I have had a deep affection for him. Forbes Masson was the host of his very first television appearance. Around the same time, I came to the United States of America and met the man who would later become my husband. He casually remarked that he is acquainted with another Scottish man named Alan Cumming.

As Alan was in town for a performance, we were able to catch up with him. In spite of the fact that he had just finished performing and was feeling fatigued, he was really kind and happy to see both me and the children.

In addition to getting together whenever he is in the vicinity, we have also caught up with him in New York. He is one of the kindest persons I’ve ever encountered, and he is completely smitten with our children. On a few occasions, he has even given them short movies on the occasion of their birthdays. Just a beautiful human being.”

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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