24 Hilariously Relatable Memes That Capture Everyday Life Social Media Faux Pas and Pop Culture Moments

Funny things change as quickly as fashion trends in the digital world. Memes and text pictures have become the new way to connect with others and laugh. This set of 24 pictures shows what current humor is all about, from awkward school moments to funny misunderstandings. Each picture shows a part of everyday life that all of us can relate to, whether it’s the annoying parts of social media, the funny parts of school or the strange things that happen to adults. Look through this collection of funny pictures and see if you can find yourself in any of them.

The Reluctant Night Owl

funny relatable memes
Night Owl

Someone who stays up late and looks tired. Since the world doesn’t stop for long, staying up late can seem like the only way to enjoy being alone. People often struggle with the need for “me time” after a long busy day. This meme shows that battle.

Unenthusiastic Replies

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Unenthusiastic Replies

Someone sharing something deeply with a friend, who replies, “OK.” It’s happened to all of us: we were excited to tell someone about an idea or experience, but all they said was “OK.” This meme shows that moment of disappointment when you realize that not everyone is as excited as you are.

Playlist Liberation

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A person with a big smile removing a song from their playlist. Getting rid of a song that doesn’t make you feel anything is like letting go of a mental weight. This meme shows how satisfying it is to make your mix fit your mood and tastes at the moment, showing how deeply personal music is.

Friends Aren’t Food

funny relatable memes
Funny friends

A person in a strange outfit holding a sign that says “Friends aren’t for eating.” This is a funny take on the idea that friends are there to help, not to feed you. People find it both charming and funny when the silly idea is shown by the innocent look on their face.

Young Shakespeare Wannabe

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Shakespeare Wannabe

A child in primary school writing in a dramatic way. Every young writer has felt the thrill of making up their own story and picturing themselves as the next great author writing lines like “It was a dark, gloomy night.” To all the over-the-top writers out there, this joke speaks to you.

Multiplication vs. Division

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Multiplication > Division

A picture of a kid holding a sign that says “Multiplication > Division.” Division has a reputation for being hard, while multiplication may be easy for some. For many people, multiplication is the easier process in math, which is shown by this meme.

Chaos in the Classroom

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The students are having fun while the teacher is not looking. People often remember the best times at school when they were being silly and breaking the rules. This meme shows how exciting it is to break the rules, which is a common experience that brings friends closer together.

Do children seem to be shrinking?

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younger students

Two girls are looking at the younger students and thinking if each year they get smaller. This joke makes fun of the way older students see younger students as smaller and less mature, even though we all used to feel the same way.

The Realization of Not Wearing Mascara

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face scratching

Picture of a girl with a happy face scratching her eye. One small victory in life is being able to rub your eyes without spreading your makeup. People who like the rare times of bare-faced relaxation will relate to this meme.

Is It So Hard to Believe?

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Hard to Believe

The girl is looking away with a sly grin and the text says she doesn’t have a crush. People think someone has a crush even more when they say they don’t. Everyone has had the funny experience of not being believed when they say something personal.

The Trouble with Bathrooms

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School bathroom

Someone walks into a school bathroom and sees a group of girls smoking and staring at them. Finding your way around school bathrooms can be like going into a social zone that you’re not supposed to be in. This picture shows the critical looks of people who aren’t there to use the bathroom.

When Your Friend Talks Big

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Friend talks big

A picture of a person with wide eyes that says they are talking to a friend who is afraid of the “Momo” figure. As a teen, you have to make fun of people who talk a lot but have irrational fears. This meme perfectly shows that fun sarcasm, which makes us think of our own little quirks.

A Fantasy Story with a Swap

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Fun with makeup

A girl with goth makeup making fun of her toy turning into a Transformer. In this meme, everyday items come to life in a silly fantasy that makes your mind run wild. A funny take on how to mix pop culture with everyday life.

Observational Comedy

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Observational Comedy

People tell someone with a green nose ring that it looks like “horns.” It’s sometimes shocking and funny at the same time when someone makes a comment that is so true. When someone says that a nose ring looks like “horns,” it can easily turn into an unintended roast.

Historical Callback

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Historical callback

A caption that talks about freedom and makes a reference to history. A lot of the time, humor deals with events in strange ways. The funny side of liberation is poked fun at in this meme, which brings history into daily life.

Unconventional Beauty Advice

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Beauty tips

A girl whose real eyes are covered with paper cuts that look like eyes. For people who don’t have certain eye colors, unusual beauty “hacks” are understandable. This joke is funny because it shows someone going too far with do-it-yourself beauty tips.

The worst thing about DoorDash

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Serious situation funnier

The image shows a delivery driver who looks confused and is labeled with information about a gun-related incident. There are times when deliveries go badly. This joke shows the strange and sometimes dangerous side of food delivery, making a serious situation funnier.

Mean Girls Never Retire

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Girls never retire

A person who knows that nursing homes have “mean girls” Who knew that the things that happened in high school would affect people later in life? It’s funny that this joke makes it seem like cliques might exist even in nursing homes.

Flashback Phrases

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Dramatic pictures

A set of dramatic pictures that look like a movie trope. An exaggerated version of the “dead wife flashback” trope that appears in many movies is used in this meme to show how common and overdone it is.

Celebrities with puppies

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Celebrity with puppies

Imagine dogs gathered around someone dressed as Snoopy. These puppies see “Snoopy” as a star. Sometimes, the smallest exchanges can feel like huge deals.

Revenge Working Together

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Working together

Hollywood star who has been hurt, with a message about two people paying each other’s bail. In a surprising turn of events, this meme, which is jokingly called “ape helping ape,” shows unity in vandalism.

Loyalty Questions

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Boyfriend jokes

An image of a text message exchange in which a boyfriend jokes about asking his girlfriend if she is “survivable.” Through a playful look at the female body, this funny exchange asks questions about trust in a dark way.

Friends to the Rescue

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Rescue call

A Spanish text message conversation in which someone asks a friend for a “rescue call.” This joke shows how friends always call each other up with a “excuse” to get out of a sticky situation.

An Akuma Attack

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Dramatic reaction

A person having a dramatic reaction to a black butterfly by calling it a devil. People’s everyday actions, like seeing a butterfly, are turned into dramatic moments with a funny twist.


There is a wide range of feelings and events shown in these 24 memes, from funny to sad. All of them are a good reminder that there’s usually a meme that fits our events just right, no matter how unique they seem. So, the next time something goes wrong, know that you’re not the only one!

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Layla love for words began with poetry, but it didn't take long for her to explore every corner of literature. From heartfelt essays to thrilling short stories, her writing mirrors her broad interests and eclectic experiences. Now a full-time writer, she enjoys capturing the beauty of life's complexities and sharing them with the world, always hoping her readers walk away with a new perspective.