8 Modern Indoor Plants for Your Harvest Dining Table


Do you find yourself feeling uninspired by the same old ornamental gourds and decorations for the dining table? In addition to being beautiful and contemporary centerpieces for Thanksgiving, tabletop plants can be kept after the holiday is over so that you can take pleasure in their brilliant color throughout the year rather than just during the holiday season. The following is a list of the top indoor plants that are deserving of a spot on your dinner table during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanksgiving Cactus:

This particular plant, much like other holiday cactus, gets its name from the time of year in which it blooms, which means that you can anticipate it to produce a large number of colorful flowers around November. The majority of the kinds feature blossoms that are a brilliant magenta hue, but some variations are yellow, white, and deep red. As a result, you have a wide range of options to choose from to complement the autumn color palette of your dining table display.

Thanksgiving Cactus and Croton


An electric hue may be found on this wonderful tropical houseplant that is kept indoors. Because its green leaves are dotted with fiery scarlet and golden gold, it is an excellent choice for autumnal decoration. You may choose from a wide variety of crotons, each of which has a unique leaf shape and a colorful pattern. As a result, you can arrange a few different varieties on your dining table to provide a touch of texture and visual intrigue.


There is a lot of fun to be had when designing succulent centerpieces. Obtain a variety of succulents that range in size and color and create a collection of them. It is recommended to select a variety of shapes and growth patterns, such as rosettes of Echeveria, spiky Haworthia, and long Senecio that trails behind. You can group them, experimenting with different heights, and you can raise the ones in the middle by placing them on top of decorative accents such as pieces of driftwood.

Succulents and Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen:

The Chinese Evergreen, which is well recognized as one of the indoor plants that requires the least amount of care, is among the most promising candidates for the centerpiece design of your dining table. The patterns on their leaves are so interesting that they appear to have been hand-painted. There are several Chinese evergreens, such as the ‘Leprechaun,’ that have that extremely fashionable silver variegation that everyone is infatuated with these few days. Some of them, such as “Red Valentine,” have a rose pink hue that is scattered throughout, while “Golden Madonna” has a golden honey hue that is streaked throughout.

African Violet:

There’s something about their silky, fluffy leaves that makes them feel so opulent and sophisticated. And with its deep, jewel-toned blooms that come in every conceivable shade of pink and purple, the African violet is unquestionably deserving of a designated space on your Thanksgiving table. It is very simple to take care of them; however, you must be careful not to bring their fuzzy leaves into contact with water.

African Violet and Coleus

Coleus :

The beautiful leaves of this well-known plant that produces foliage are bursting with different colors. We are reminded of a California desert sunset by the bronze, crimson, and gold-toned types, which are perfect for a harvest dinner table arrangement because they strike all the appropriate notes. If you want to combine several indoor plants in one ornamental container, coleus looks excellent as a filler for gaps between taller plants. They are also fantastic for mixed arrangements, which means that you can use them to create multiple arrangements.


The Arrowhead is another name for this stunning tropical beauty, which is characterized by its pointed leaves that resemble dragon wings and its remarkable color variegation that highlights the veins that are present throughout its foliage. Because of its deeper, ashy green leaves that have a slight rose tint, the Syngonium ‘Merry Maria’ is one of our favorite options. Because of their upright growth style, they are perfect for mixed arrangements. Position your Syngonium in the middle of the arrangement, and surround it with shorter indoor plants that are mounded or trailing plants.

Syngonium and Green ZZ Plant

Green ZZ Plant:

Because it requires very little light to thrive, the ZZ plant is considered to be one of the best indoor plants for dining table centerpieces. If the configuration of the window light in your dining room is less than optimal, you won’t have to be concerned about leaving your ZZ plant on the table for a week or two more. The glossy leaves of this plant grow along tall, powerful stems, imbuing it with an artistic and architectural shape that lends an air of contemporary sophistication to the centerpiece of your Thanksgiving table.

The best indoor plants for your dining table may be delivered directly to your home by Plant Decor Shop, regardless of whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving in the warm and sunny state of California or the cold and snowy state of Minnesota. Discover all of our wonderful new indoor plants by perusing our whole catalog. We have everything from colorful tropicals to whirling succulents and low-maintenance plants that are perfect for beginners. Good luck on Thanksgiving.

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Aria has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.


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