7 Copycat Recipes That Taste Like the Real Thing

Why are IHOP pancakes so fluffy? We answer that question and more below!


If you can prepare it at home using materials that you might already have in your refrigerator, there is no reason to waste money driving to a takeaway restaurant or purchasing it online. The fact that all of these recipes are being shared on the internet has caused some businesses to express their displeasure. To what extent, however, are these imitation recipes able to approximate the original? Let’s find out, shall we?

  1. 1. IHOP Pancakes

    What is it that gives pancakes from IHOP its "hop"? It's up to us to tell you. The recipe has been broken, and it is now being made available to everyone who wants it! As it turns out, the secret to making flawless griddle cakes is to use flour that has been sifted precisely, to mix the ingredients with a mindset that says less is more, and to use a lot of real buttermilk. In the book "Onion Rings and Things," the recipe is presented here.

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  2. 2. Chipotle Burrito Bowl

    It is possible to duplicate the smokey chicken burrito bowl that Chipotle serves. Without a doubt! If you believe it's difficult, you're wrong. Because you need to marinade the chicken in the adobo chipotle (with the sauce) in order to achieve that actual Chipotle flavor, the chicken is the only component of this dish that accurately represents the original. The recipe for the ideal spicy chipotle chicken has been uncovered by Delish, and it is now available for you to explore and sample.

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  3. Q: What do you usually order at a fast food restaurant?

    1. Chicken Nuggets
    2. Burger
    3. Fast Food Salad
    4. Ice Cream
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  4. 3. McDonald's Chicken McNuggets

    Using this recipe for Chicken McNuggets, you can recreate the deliciousness of McDonald's Chicken McNuggets in the comfort of your own home. The recipe that is provided by Mashed is really detailed, and they even have the bite-sized shape totally figured out. What is the key? Simply putting the chicken in a food processor will not only allow you to chop it into chunks, but it will also give you the texture of the well known Chicken McNuggets. The recipe for the dish can be found here: Mashed.

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  5. Q: Which of the following restaurants would you order from?

    1. KFC
    2. McDonald's
    3. Chipotle
    4. IHOP
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  6. 4. KFC Coleslaw

    Would you be interested in recreating the Coleslaw from KFC? Due to the fact that its sweet and sour flavor makes it the ideal cooling accompaniment to hot fried chicken. The recipe for this famous coleslaw was perfected by Gonna Want Seconds, who helped make it famous. What is the key to making this well-known side dish? A plenty of buttermilk, just to give it that distinctively sour flavor! There is also a certain method for chopping and grating the cabbage, so get started on it as soon as possible!

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  7. 5. DQ Ice Cream Cake

    It is common knowledge that the chocolate cookie layer in the middle of the DQ Ice Cream cake is the most delicious component of the cake. It goes without saying that the layers of chocolate and vanilla ice cream are also not a bad thing. The Brown-Eyed Baker has unquestionably mastered the art of making ice cream cakes, which is a difficult task in and of itself, let alone a DQ. Although the layer in between is nothing more than hot fudge and crumbs from Oreo cookies, it is quite delicious. A recipe is provided here.

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  8. Q: What seasoning do you like on your food?

    1. Salt and Pepper
    2. Italian Herb Seasoning
    3. Cheese
    4. Chili Seasoning
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  9. 6. McDonald's Apple Pie

    Each and every one of McDonald's Apple Pies has a flavor that is unique and cannot be found anywhere else. The golden frying technique or the specific quantity of cinnamon sugar that is sprinkled on top of that dough that has been deep-fried must be responsible for this. The Slow Roasted Italian has mastered the skills necessary to create the ideal McDonald's Apple Pie, complete with a flavor that is reminiscent of golden fried apples. To get the best possible crispiness, it is essential to maintain a thin dough.

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  10. 7. McDonald's Sweet and Sour Sauce

    At this point, it goes without saying that you are going to require a delectable sauce in which to dip all of these imitation goodies. The sweet and sour sauce offered by McDonald's is a well-known condiment that is typically ordered with chicken nuggets or as a dip for fries. In addition to being an excellent all-arounder, CDKitchen has worked out how to prepare it in the correct way! Whether you choose to believe it or not, this delectable sauce is comprised of apricot jam, Heinz 57 sauce, and Italian dressing. A recipe is provided here.

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  11. Q: What's your favorite dipping sauce?

    1. Sweet and Sour
    2. Honey
    3. BBQ
    4. Cheddar Jalapeno
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