Decorating With Plants: 8 Ways to Use Plants in Decor


Decorating with plants is an interior design technique that can add depth, color, and texture to any home or office.

Why Decorate With Plants?

Decorations for the interior of a home that are inexpensive and may bring the outdoors inside are plants. As a means of filling empty corners, creating warmth, and adding a touch of personality, texture, or color, interior designers typically make use of houseplants. Additionally, if you ever want to change the design of a room or give it a new look, it is simple to replace the plants that are already there.

The use of plants as a decorative element is a simple approach to bringing life into any space. Here are some ideas for decorating your home using houseplants:

  1. Plant some air plants: Plant stands are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and they may be an architecturally fascinating and one-of-a-kind way to exhibit a few potted plants because they are rootless and compact, these plants can take in moisture from the air, making them an ideal decoration for bathrooms. Wireframes, glass planters, and ceramic sculptures are just some of the possible ways to showcase your air plants. There are thousands of other options available.

2. Arrange all of the plants on the shelves and stands:

Plant stands are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and they may be an architecturally fascinating and one-of-a-kind way to exhibit a few potted plants.

3. Construct a terrarium of your own:

These miniature indoor gardens are typically grown in glass pots and typically include succulents, air plants, pebbles, and moss. They are ideal for situations where room is limited, such as in a studio apartment. Showcase your terrarium by placing it on a shelf or windowsill, or by suspending it from a hook on the wall.

4. Make decorations for the walls:

Beginners in the world of houseplants will benefit greatly from succulent walls and test-tube plant walls. In addition to adding a splash of color to the room, this low-maintenance decoration does not take up any floor space.

5. Conceive of a cart for plants:

Make a plant cart out of a bar cart by transforming it. After you have potted each plant separately, arrange them in any manner that you deem appropriate. The plants may be moved more easily into and out of direct sunlight when they are placed on a bar cart that is on wheels.

6. Come up with centerpieces:

If you want to decorate your home with plants, all you need to do is place a houseplant on your coffee table or dining room table. Cacti and orchids are two examples of indoor plants that can be used to create stunning decorations for the mantle of a fireplace.

7. Hang pots from the ceiling:

There is a time-honored method of hanging your potted plant from a hook that is installed in the ceiling. Utilize a macrame plant holder or hang a plant shelf that you made yourself to achieve a more bohemian look. On the other hand, magnetic pots that can be attached to a wall or suction-cup pots that may be attached to your kitchen window are even more unorthodox than the previous examples. Plants such as ivy, ferns, and trailing succulents are considered to be excellent choices for hanging plants.

8. Make use of huge plants located in pots:

Your living space can be revitalized by the presence of large plants and trees. If you want to avoid a messy transfer, you should keep the plant in the pot it came in and then lower it into a beautiful flower pot. You can group these plants to create a more striking effect, or you can use just one of them to make a different kind of statement.

5 Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants

The utilization of some houseplants as decorative elements in your area is possible. Regardless of whether or not you have a green thumb, the following are a few low-maintenance plants that you might want to take into consideration:

  1. Aloe: Aloe plants, also known as Aloe vera, are hardy succulents that require a great deal of strong light to thrive. Even while you won’t need to water them very frequently, make sure to give the plant a good soak whenever you do. Before you water the soil again, be sure it has had the opportunity to dry out completely. The ideal growing conditions for aloe plants include potting soil that is well-drained and designed specifically for succulents and cacti. Both cats and dogs find this plant to be poisonous.

2. Frond with a bird’s nest:

A lush fern, the bird’s nest fern, also known as Asplenium nidus, has fronds that are a vibrant green color. As long as they are exposed to sufficient amounts of indirect light, these plants thrive in humid surroundings, making them an excellent choice for use in bathrooms. It is important to water bird’s-nest ferns regularly so that the soil remains moist but not saturated. The prevention of root rot can also be accomplished by watering the plant around its perimeter rather than in the middle of the plant. It is a clue that you have been overwatering the plant if the green leaves turn yellow with the water.

3. Fiddle-leaf fig:

The fiddle-leaf fig, also known as Ficus lyrata, is a ficus that grows slowly and has enormous leaves. As a result of their ability to grow to a height of ten feet when properly cared for, fiddle-leaf figs are a well-liked option for decorating the living room, home office, or doorway. Fiddle-leaf figs should be watered when the topsoil is dry, and then they should be placed in an area that receives a lot of brilliant indirect light. During the growing season, which spans from spring to fall, these plants require a monthly application of a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen.

4. The Pothos:

The pothos, also known as Epipremnum aureum, is a type of tropical ivy that may be beautifully displayed in a hanging basket and comes in a variety of leaf hues. Low light levels are necessary for the growth of these plants. It should be fertilized once every few months and watered when the top inch of soil is dry. Keep this plant away from children and animals since the leaves of the pothos plant are hazardous when consumed in excessive numbers

5. ZZ Plant:

The ZZ plant, also known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is characterized by its long, arching stems and its glossy, green leaves. Every few weeks, these houseplants need to be watered, and once every few months, they deserve fertilization. As long as they are exposed to a sufficient amount of indirect light, ZZ plants have the potential to grow to a height of three feet.

ZZ plants contain toxic leaves and stems; therefore, it is important to keep them out of the reach of children and animals.

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