The Second Part Of Benson’s Sunlight Is Finally Found! (15/15)


Imogene O. Boyett

It is not surprising that users on Instagram have a positive opinion of Svetlana's work. On the other hand, we were curious in the response that the artist received from viewers of FatCatArt that was the most unexpected or unforgettable.

"When people say that I improved an original painting," Svetlana shared, "I am flattered." If I may say so, I received comments like that rather frequently. Also, I adore it when museums that display original paintings share and praise my artworks. For example, the Albertina Museum has praised my interpretation of Albrecht Durer's "Hare," and the Van Gogh Museum has said things like, "Who would have thought the Starry Night by @fatcatart would get more likes than the Starry Night itself?" It is the post that has received the most likes on our page!'"

An additional list of Svetlana's all-time favorite musicians was also presented by her: Quite a few of them! I have a deep appreciation for every artist that I have recreated, including Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Leonardo da Vinci, Claude Monet, Hieronymus Bosch, and Edward Hopper. Enjoy!

"Adopt a cat," she said as a final piece of advice.

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