Which Plant You Should Put At Your House?


Houseplants have long been considered a genuine kind of décor, even from the beginning of time. In a home, they provide it with vitality and harmony. You can find out which houseplant you should bring into your home by taking our handy questionnaire.

  1. 1 How big should your plant be?

    1. Not too big, not too small
    2. Small
    3. The bigger the better
    4. I don't really mind
  2. 2 How much work are you willing to put into your plants?

    1. A lot
    2. Not really too much
    3. If I remember I have plants, I'll put some work into them
    4. I have plants?
  3. 3 What do you want from your houseplant?

    1. Just decoration
    2. Not to kill me with toxins
    3. I want to use it sometimes
    4. I only got it because it was pretty
  4. 4 Where are you gonna keep your houseplants?

    1. In living room where everyone will see them
    2. On terasse
    3. They're small, somewhere visible, like the fridge
    4. In the garden
  5. 5 Which herb do you want to plant in your garden?

    1. Basil
    2. Mint
    3. Rosemary
    4. Parsley
  6. 6 Which flower would you like to have in your garden?

    1. Roses
    2. Small wildflowers
    3. Peonies
    4. Tulips
  7. 7 Which climbing flower you'd like to have in your garden?

    1. Morning glory
    2. Wisteria
    3. Ivy
    4. Honeysuckle
  8. 8 What about shrubs in your garden?

    1. Lilac
    2. Azalea
    3. Gardenias
    4. I don't want shrubs
  9. 9 Do you prefer houseplants or plants in a garden?

    1. I like both
    2. I like houseplants more
    3. Gardens are more beautiful
    4. I don't like flowers
  10. 10 Are you attentive?

    1. Yes, attentive and responsible
    2. Not really, no
    3. Here and there, I can forget my responsibilities
    4. I try to be

Which Plant You Should Put At Your House?

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  1. Quiz result


    You got Philodendron! One of the most popular houseplants and with most recognizable leaves, Philodendron is like a host for a houseplant party, it should be a part of your house garden.

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  2. Quiz result


    You got Succulents! If you're too busy, or just forget to water your plants, Succulents won't mind. All they need is a sunny spot in your house and an occasional sprinkle of water.

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  3. Quiz result

    Peace Lily

    You got Peace Lily! This houseplant is so beautiful, every house should have at least one. It will lively up the place and even if it’s not your center houseplant, it will still steal the show.

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  4. Quiz result


    You got Dieffenbachia! This houseplant originates from the New World Tropics, from Mexico to Argentina. It’s a great addition to your home. But don’t chew on it, it can be poisonous!

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Aria has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.


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