A Suspicious Coffee Cup (1/30)


Imogene O. Boyett

For a great number of individuals, coffee is more than just a beverage that tastes good and helps them wake up; it also symbolizes a warm and inviting environment, good friends, good books, excellent music, and a great deal more. It is such a varied subject, and there is a great deal of sources of motivation to be discovered within it. Using it as a source of motivation, I have created a plethora of comics, animations, music, and garment designs, all of which can be found on my social media accounts. I am thrilled to share with you some of my favorite comics here.

My artistic inspirations and influences do not come from a single source — that much is certain. On the other hand, I am a major lover of Japanese anime and animated cartoons. There are several anime series, some of which include Bravest Warriors, Regular Show, Gravity Falls, Cowboy Bebop, and Fairy Tail. As someone who is obsessed with color palettes that have a warm and inviting atmosphere, I probably spend the most of my time adjusting and balancing hues, rather than actually creating.

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