It’s Okay To Condensate (7/30)


Imogene O. Boyett

For the first time, when I started making comics, I would sit down with a cup of coffee and my iPad, begin sketching a mug or to-go cup, and then attempt to think of a joke on the spot. Anything that is related to coffee is typically appropriate as a topic of discussion. When I think of the interaction that 'coffee' would have with another item that could also be placed on a tabletop or counter, it is one of my favorite prompts to think about. What ways might their perspectives on the world be different or similar? In the event that I was unable to think of something humorous within the thirty to sixty minutes that I allotted to myself, I would settle for something that was complete and utterly stupidly preposterous. For the most part, it produced the desired results, and I have continued to use the same procedure for more than five years. My mind is pretty much always hunting for tiny jokes wherever I go during the day, but I still think that a warm coffee shop environment is my favorite spot to get inspired - right from the source! This is the only thing that has changed, and it is the only thing that has changed.

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