If You Love Coffee, You Might Like My Comic Series Featuring Funny Beverage Characters (30 Pics)


To introduce myself, my name isImogene O. Boyett, and I am a computer programmer who is a huge fan of coffee and moonlights as an artist who is completely hooked with it.

A small web comic and art brand was established by me in the year 2017, with the intention of carving out some time in my hectic schedule to engage in creative activities on a daily basis. It was the perfect time to get a drawing session in, so why not make the whole thing about coffee? Coffee time was the finest time. In addition, coffee had played a key role in my professional life, beginning with one of my first jobs as a barista and continuing on to eventually design websites for well-known espresso machine brands and other businesses.

I eventually came up with the name “Coffee Hotline” to describe my creative endeavors, and although it is not a phone number that you can call to instantly locate hot coffees in your area, I like to think that it is a representation of the connections that coffee makes in each of our lives through the mediums of art and community. Through this initiative, I’ve had the pleasure of making connections with a wide variety of fascinating individuals, including comic book lovers, baristas, coffee entrepreneurs, and artists, amongst others.

More info: Instagram | twitter.com | youtube.com | teepublic.com | Etsy

  1. Imogene O. Boyett

    For a great number of individuals, coffee is more than just a beverage that tastes good and helps them wake up; it also symbolizes a warm and inviting environment, good friends, good books, excellent music, and a great deal more. It is such a varied subject, and there is a great deal of sources of motivation to be discovered within it. Using it as a source of motivation, I have created a plethora of comics, animations, music, and garment designs, all of which can be found on my social media accounts. I am thrilled to share with you some of my favorite comics here.

    My artistic inspirations and influences do not come from a single source — that much is certain. On the other hand, I am a major lover of Japanese anime and animated cartoons. There are several anime series, some of which include Bravest Warriors, Regular Show, Gravity Falls, Cowboy Bebop, and Fairy Tail. As someone who is obsessed with color palettes that have a warm and inviting atmosphere, I probably spend the most of my time adjusting and balancing hues, rather than actually creating.

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  3. Imogene O. Boyett

    The Comics of Coffee Hotline mostly examines the world through the eyes of adorable cups of coffee that are packed with healthy energy, dad jokes, and just plain silly things. I would like to believe that the kind of vitality that I get from a steaming cup of coffee gets transferred directly into this fictitious multiverse that I am inventing that is laced with caffeine.

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    Imogene O. Boyett

    For as long as I can remember, which is sometime around the time that I was approximately five years old, I have had a strong passion for drawing and being creative. A significant portion of this can be attributed to the fact that I was raised in a household that was musically and artistically inclined. My drive to create has always felt as natural to me as any other fundamental human need, and it has motivated me to experiment with a wide variety of artistic mediums over the course of my life, ranging from painting to music to photography to, eventually, digital illustration. I have spent a significant amount of time studying design in my spare time, and I have even had the opportunity to work professionally in web and marketing design on multiple occasions. However, in many respects, I consider myself to be more of a creative explorer and tinkerer than an artist. Having this way of thinking has made it much easier for me to be much more flexible with what I choose to broadcast on my social media channels. I have been able to let go of my tendency to be a perfectionist and instead focus on trying something new and seeing whether it is successful. There are times when it does, and there are times when it does not, but regardless, I always come away with something new from it!

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  7. Imogene O. Boyett

    For the first time, when I started making comics, I would sit down with a cup of coffee and my iPad, begin sketching a mug or to-go cup, and then attempt to think of a joke on the spot. Anything that is related to coffee is typically appropriate as a topic of discussion. When I think of the interaction that 'coffee' would have with another item that could also be placed on a tabletop or counter, it is one of my favorite prompts to think about. What ways might their perspectives on the world be different or similar? In the event that I was unable to think of something humorous within the thirty to sixty minutes that I allotted to myself, I would settle for something that was complete and utterly stupidly preposterous. For the most part, it produced the desired results, and I have continued to use the same procedure for more than five years. My mind is pretty much always hunting for tiny jokes wherever I go during the day, but I still think that a warm coffee shop environment is my favorite spot to get inspired - right from the source! This is the only thing that has changed, and it is the only thing that has changed.

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  9. Imogene O. Boyett

    It has been an amazing pleasure to create comics about coffee for those who have the same passion for the beverage as I do. Hearing that my stupid comics that are fueled by caffeine made someone's morning more enjoyable is the sweetest thing that could happen to me. The only thing I want to accomplish with this endeavor is to spread more and more cheerful and silly energy around the planet. Having said that, it is inevitable that not every single cartoon that I create will strike a chord with every single person, and that is simply the way things are. Because of the way social media algorithms operate, we may experience feelings of inadequacy if we do not achieve a specific amount of engagements with each post we create. However, engagement counts do not really reflect the value of art. Therefore, at the end of the day, my primary objective is to just enjoy myself while creating work that I find happy in the process of creating, and I hope that some of that happiness can be shared with other people.

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Imogene O. Boyett
Imogene O. Boyett journey as a writer started with a single notebook and a big imagination. Growing up in a small town, she found solace in creating entire worlds on paper. What began as a hobby transformed into a lifelong career. Today, Sofia blends her love for adventure, culture, and everyday life into her work, providing readers with engaging stories and thoughtful reflections that leave them both entertained and inspired.


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