If you’re like me, you’ve undoubtedly received a text (or 10) that made you want to do this to your phone:
Well, we’re not alone. Here are 21 people who received text messages that made them want to scream:
1. These t3xts from a g33k who I would NOT lik3 to m33t:

2. These texts from an infuriatingly unhelpful doctor:

3. And these texts from a seriously creepy father to his son’s girlfriend:

4. These texts from a middle schooler that read like a foreign language from the future:

5. These texts from a boss who only replies “Ok thanks” no matter what you send him, including questions:

Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks

Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks Ok thanks

6. And these texts from another creepy dude hours after he bought $10 barstools from this woman on Facebook Marketplace:

7. These texts from a nightmare roommate who is screaming (yes, screaming) at 4 a.m.:

8. This text from a self-centered neighbor who could give zero shits this person’s home burnt down:
![Text message reads: "It's [redacted], one of your uphill neighbors. Sorry to hear about your fire. I hope your insurance is going to cover it. Can you tell me what your plan is? It's pretty unsightly right now."](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2024-05/28/21/asset/6277fbb57808/sub-buzz-5379-1716930296-7.png?downsize=600:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto)
9. And these random-ass texts from an ex-wife:

10. This text from a girl who is nothing if not efficient:

11. These ridiculous texts from someone with seller’s remorse:

12. And these texts from a customer who appears to have skipped all of elementary school:

13. This text from a shockingly cheap homeowner to a cleaner:

14. These pathetic texts from an arrogant, sexist jerk:

15. And these texts from a friend who is a little slow on the uptake:

16. These texts from a guy that took a hard left into inappropriate-ville:

17. These texts from an even grosser guy on a dating app:

18. And these texts from a random account that, I guess, really likes SpongeBob:

19. These texts from a doctor’s office that charges you up the wazoo for canceling, but has no prob canceling on you:

20. These texts from an a-hole of a landlord who wouldn’t just let his tenant’s parents park on her graduation day:

21. And these texts from someone who gives maddeningly unclear responses: