“All We Did Was Look In His Direction”: People Are Opening Up About The Worst Celebs They’ve Ever Encountered, And I Did NOT Expect To See Some Of These Names


“I could understand if we’d badgered her for a selfie or stopped her for pointless chat, but literally, all we did was notice her walking…”

Celebrities are still people no matter how well-known they get. Like us, they have good and bad days; occasionally, unhappy fans may encounter them on a poor or trying day and experience the more rude conduct of their preferred celebrity…

Jackytobacky, the Redditor, then asked: “Who is the rudest celeb you have met? What took place? I soon understood why people claim you should never meet your heroes – here are 10 tales individuals told about their worst experiences with celebrities:

1. The Kardashians:

“For myself, the Kardashians are it. After they went, my colleagues told me who they were; I didn’t know at the time. When the mother [Kris] arrived at my place of employment, she was on her mobile the whole time and waved off anyone asking her if she needed assistance.

The younger two, Kylie and Kendall, wrecked the store in meanwhile. They kept snatching objects, begging their mother to buy them for them, and then flinging them on the floor. They left large objects from the rear of the store in front, even dragging them. She hardly tried to raise her children either.

She hardly loaded the goods onto the conveyor belt at checkout, hence I scanned her stuff and left it in her cart. She stated she needed bags, so I unwillingly bagged the stuff and placed it in the bagging area for her to load into her cart. She then pulled out her card to pay, tapped it, then tried to offer it to me. She had to use the machine, I informed her pointing at it. She slipped her card then stood there looking as though there was nothing else to do.

She probably wondered, “Why is this taking so long?” Girl, you have to input your PIN and indicate approval to the amount. Few years later, I believe she recorded an episode of her podcast while shopping with her kid at a grocery store. And they’re having the nicest time since it’s so “new” and “excite.” They are so faking.

2. Oprah Winfrey:

Oprah went to Walter Reed, the military hospital, while my cousin was there. Having been the only member of his caravan to escape a roadside bombing, he returned from it with brain injury, two lost legs, and a wife who “Dear John’d before he was even out of surgery”.

My cousin naturally responded “hell no,” when asked (on video) if he would do it all over again for his country. Oprah then started teaching him about what patriotism meant.

Though he yells “Let it go Oprah” every time she comes up in conversation, he is doing good now.”

3. Henry Winkler:

“I was a 12-year-old lad living in New York City at the time and really loved the Fonz lunchbox, poster, t-shirt, etc. Who did I see strolling at a block party on West 90th Street? Henry Winkler? ‘Please, Mr. Winkler, might I have an autograph?’ I hurried up to ask.

Still walking fast, he turned to me and yelled, “GET AWAY!” and carried on. Still in awe, I stood there. One of the nice women accompanying him stopped and asked for my address.

I informed my mother I no longer wanted the T-shirt when I got home, pulled down the Fonz poster. Two weeks later, The Fonz shows up in the mail autographed 8×10. Before I ripped it up and tossed it away, I spent a lot of time staring at that glossy. That is very accurate. Now an adult, I know that people have difficult days.

People I know who have worked with him tell me he is a very wonderful human being. But me, twelve years old, shall never forget.”

4. Kenny Rogers:

“This took place throughout the early 1990s. I oversaw security in a big Canadian business hotel. Every major group that came to our city stayed at our hotel. I showed Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers from their guest floor to the lobby to their limo one morning at 4:30.

Standing outside the elevator, Ms. Parton approached me and remarked, in her charming southern belle accent, “Y’all sure grow ’em big up here in Canada.” I am six foot five inches tall. She gently rested her arm on mine. She was really as sweet as pie! I flushed and lost all memory of my work.

As Kenny stepped on the elevator, he hardly turned to face me.

I took the keys with me even though I had assigned the elevator to personal use so it would remain on the floor with open doors. Having worked there for several years, I had forgotten which of the about thirty keys on the ring operated that elevator when it was time to descend to the lobby in my hurried state. I searched the key ring, key by key, two or three separate times and there was a long delay. Kenny was staring at me the entire time, barely hiding a simmering anger behind surface level control.

When I tried to put the elevator back into group service, I stumbled and lost the keys in my hurry after at last I discovered the correct key. Kenny sounded louder and more annoyed, but Dolly sprang to my rescue, caressing my arm once again and exclaiming, “Sugar, you just take your time; we’re in no hurry!” Another noise came from Kenny, but Dolly shushed him.

At last we arrived at the lobby, and I led them to the carport and waiting limo. As he left the door and got into the car, Kenny never even looked at me. But Dolly paused to converse with me for a little, thanking me, then tipped me a $100 cash. That exceeded what I could have earned in a day in past times! She followed the same procedure with the bellman who had carried down their bags. Overall class act!

At the same time, that was my least favorite and favorite celebrity!

5. Madonna:

About twelve years ago, I worked in a boutique luxury retail store; many celebs visited there as the product was hip and the staff/clientele was extremely low-key. I ran into everyone from Paul McCartney, Gwen Stefani, Victoria and David Beckham, Steven Tyler, Goldie Hawn, well-known musicians and designers, etc.! The point is that we were expected to provide everyone with the same degree of service when individuals of different degrees of celebrity came in.

The store operated on group commission, just as many other like stores. One day Madonna arrived and spent hours shopping. One of our personal shoppers showed her everything, grabbed her sizes from stock, helped her try items on, and arranged her changing rooms; the store had seven stories, so there was plenty to see.

I looked after one of the floors. One of my employees, who had been working at the shop the longest out of all, approached her when she got to my floor and very gently told how much her music had meant to him growing up as a homosexual man in a communist nation in the 1980s. From where I stand, it was simply a genuinely sincere “I’m a fan” acknowledgement—not rude or unprofessional. Rolling her eyes, she moved away from him disgusted. He broke down once she left our floor.

After trying on plenty and wasting everyone’s time, she shopped a bit more then bought nothing. But if that’s not enough to make her the rudest, we got a call the following day from one of the most expensive names we had (like 5-digit items) telling we were to give Madonna whatever she chose for free.”

6. Robert Duvall:

“Robert stayed here or was in Jacksonville filming part of Days of Thunder or another movie around 1989 or early 1990. Ten years old, my family and I were out to a rare supper at one of the better restaurants in Jacksonville Landing (RIP).

Immediately identifying him, my dad—a big Godfather I/II fan— leaned into the table and gently but silently told my mother, “That’s Robert Duvall! Der From The Godfather! He watched my parents glance over and frowned at them before waving the waiter over and mumbling something to him.

The waiter shook his head, and Robert Duvall started to clearly get enraged and pounded his fist on the table. The waiter responded back to him, shook his head once more, then Robert got up, dumped some money on the table, and departed. The waiter then came over with a bottle of wine for my dad and stated, “Complements of Mr. Duvall.”

I can only surmise that he was also an amazing asshole to the waiter before we arrived. He overdayed. My dad and the waiter spoke for a few minutes on the way out, and on the way home in the vehicle he informed my mom that Robert Duvall tried to get us booted out as my dad knew him and he didn’t want to be disturbed. All we did was glance toward him.”

7. Bill Nye:

“Although I haven’t met many celebrities, Bill Nye the Science Guy was the most nasty. Growing up in Seattle, I stumbled into him with my dad when I was small when he was getting ready for a shot for that show on Alki Beach.

That show made me a major nerd; it also made him one of my heros. My father instructed me to go say hello, so I went and said hello; Bill answered in something like “Get out of here, kid!” We are busy! Where are your parents right now?” ‘Right over there!’ I exclaimed, pointing at my father across the shore. Bill advised me to leave him alone; I was heartbroken (mind you, I was perhaps six or seven).

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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