Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie

When it comes to casting Glinda in the upcoming Wicked movie, Ariana Grande feels like a dream come true.


When it comes to casting Glinda in the upcoming Wicked movie, Ariana Grande feels like a dream come true. With her powerhouse vocals and sparkling stage presence, she perfectly fits the role of the bubbly, glamorous Good Witch of Oz. Ariana’s experience in musical theater, combined with her pop star charisma, makes her more than ready to bring Glinda to life. Fans can already imagine her hitting those iconic high notes in songs like “Popular” and “Thank Goodness” with ease and style.

Ariana has always been open about her love for Wicked, even performing songs from the musical in past concerts. Her deep connection to the show and her proven acting skills make her casting even more exciting. Beyond her voice, Ariana’s ability to switch from funny and charming to heartfelt and emotional perfectly matches Glinda’s complex personality. It’s clear she wasn’t just cast for her fame she was truly born to play Glinda and fans can’t wait to see her shine on the big screen.


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie


Ariana Grande Was Born to Play Glinda in the Wicked Movie

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Lynette D. Brown
Lynette D. Brown writing is driven by her love for adventure and new experiences. Whether it’s an insightful piece on travel or a fun exploration of fashion trends, her enthusiasm for life is infectious. Ava has a knack for turning even the simplest moments into something extraordinary, and she thrives on sharing those stories with readers who are as curious and open-minded as she is.


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