1. The pick up text:

2. The poetic text:

3. The number text:

4. The tuba text:

5. The sleeping text:

6. The Musk text:

7. The delete text:

8. The Law and Order text:

9. The Google text:

10. The sentimental text:

11. The Merry Christmas text:

12. The salesman text:

13. The spilled water text:

14. The chairs text:

15. The Bubger King text:

16. The Uber text:

17. The Happy Birthday text:

18. The grandma’s new phone text:

19. The self-response text:

20. The Elizabeth text:

21. The coffee text:

22. The grandpa tried to say get something good to eat on voice to text text:

23. The octopus text:

24. The persistant text:

25. The longitude text:

26. The “radio was on” text:

27. The joking text:

28. The hot app text:

29. The iPad text:

30. The grandpa tried to talk about good eats on voice to text text, part 2:

31. The excitement text:

32. The cocky text:

33. The can’t get it to stop text:

34. The Anime text:

35. The sorry text:

36. The RAPTURE text:

37. The bowl text:

38. The brisket text:

39. The Jackie text:

40. And the found your phone text: