Art shows how people feel, whether they are happy or sad. There are times when we find pieces that amaze, please, and calm us. These pieces show us the good things in life and give us hope when things go wrong. We love some of these works because they make us feel like we’re a part of something bigger and more exciting. We stop, take a big breath, and smile at how beautiful this is.
Art doesn’t always see the good in things. It sometimes leads us into the dark and puts us in harm’s way. It’s possible to feel bad for a long time after seeing scary art. These pieces play with fear by making us leave our comfort zones and think about our safety, which is something that beauty can’t do.
Some scary pieces are more than just colors or forms; they tell a story about the unknown. They usually make us feel safe, but when we look more closely, we see things that make us wince. What’s true? This piece makes us think about that and brings up our darkest fears. Images that follow your eyes and scenes that are twisted can be scary.
Some people really like scary or creepy art, but not all of them do. These make it safe for us to explore our strangest and scariest fears and dreams. They show us how close the line is between scary and beautiful art and how strong scary art can be.
5 yokai
The kudan is a yokai with the body of a cow and the face of a human. They supposedly live a few weeks and can foretell the future. A supposed kudan mummy is in the collection of Chan Kihon Kihara, a mystery collector. Stories about kundans likely originated from real calves born with birth defects
Could you live in this intense maximalist home filled with dolls, crucifixes, and taxidermy? Featured in the book “Art of Gothic Living.”
"Like a ghost made of white glass
A mother stares quietly
Sights of an existencial mirror
Is what she cries
One face speaks the love
The other only witness the harsh
With backbones and ribcages
A temple mas made
Tears are the blessing rain
And mute is the land they stand" -
Last bite. Now, you’ll never be able to threaten me again. Digital art by me
9 Painting
10 A train
There's something really weird about this picture of a train that has been torn apart following a boiler explosion.
13 Gashadokuro
25 reaper