Dentists Are Revealing The Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their Dental Hygiene, And You’re Probably Guilty Of These


The proper technique for crushing is essential. I am unable to tell you the number of patients who claim to wash their teeth twice a day, yet I still detect enormous plaque blobs at the gum line, and their gums appear as though they might bleed if you gave them a close look.

In the past, a member of Reddit posed the following question to the dentists who are active on the platform: “What is the most common error or misunderstanding that people have regarding dental hygiene?” They disclosed the most significant “lies” that individuals think in relation to oral hygiene, as well as the information that they ought to get instead. Here are some of the replies that have opened my eyes the most:

1. Do not ‘whiten’ your teeth with charcoal toothpaste! 

I strongly advise you not to use charcoal toothpaste to ‘whiten’ your teeth. As a result of your actions, your enamel is being damaged, and your teeth are becoming weaker, more prone to cavities, and more sensitive.

Avoid using those charcoal whiteners that are black in color. You are causing damage to the enamel of your teeth by rubbing small pebbles against them. Because of this, they seem whiter for a short period of time. This is because the top layer of enamel, which was unclean, was scraped away harshly, exposing the layer that was underlying, which was brighter and whiter. Nevertheless, if you want that enamel to endure as long as possible, you should avoid destroying it in a forceful manner.

2. Please don’t by expensive toothpaste off social media.

Please refrain from purchasing pricey toothpaste from social media platforms. Through my personal experience, I have witnessed patients who are a dental disaster, who have had me to remove several teeth, and who have advertised their preferred charcoal toothpaste on social media by using photographs that have been doctored up.

Another trick: if the toothpaste is classified as a cosmetic product and follows different labeling regulations, then the reason why it has ‘aqua’ as a key component is because it is being intended for use as a cosmetic product.

As a general rule, this occurs due to the absence of sufficient proof or the fact that the corporation has not invested the necessary time or resources to investigate whether or not their product truly accomplishes anything. Because of this, it is classified as a cosmetic, and then they call it quits.

3. It’s not the amount of sugar consumption that’s a problem

The frequency of sugar consumption is the issue, not the quantity of sugar that is consumed; this is the problem. A bottle of Coca-Cola that is two liters in size may be consumed in less than a minute, which is not a good thing since your teeth are exposed to the sugar and acid for less than a minute. To put it into perspective, imagine drinking a massive cup of soda all through the morning while you are at work.

Therefore, for the entirety of the morning, your teeth are subjected to a nearly continuous exposure of sugar and acid. Compare it to tearing off a Band-Aid in a short amount of time as opposed to progressively removing it over the course of something like four hours.

The use of sugar in black coffee is detrimental because bacteria consume sugar and convert it into lactic acid, which causes your teeth to deteriorate and leads to the development of cavities. The sugar component of black coffee is omitted, and the acidic component is delivered in its place. Another thing that might lead to difficulties is drinking black coffee on a regular basis throughout the day.

Concerning gum that does not include sugar, be sure to look for xylitol, which is fantastic for the health of your teeth and gums. Despite the fact that it is harmful to both cats and dogs, it is effectively the most appealing mouse trap in the world for the bacteria that are discovered in your mouth.

4. “Do not brush your teeth for at least one hour after vomiting.

After you have finished vomiting, you should wait at least an hour before brushing your teeth. As an alternative, you should rinse with water using a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and eight ounces of water. If there is no baking soda available, you should rinse with water instead. Enamel deterioration will be accelerated if you brush your teeth after being exposed to the acidic challenge of stomach acid.

If you want to avoid the effects of stomach acid on your teeth, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or a fluoride mouthwash after you have experienced an episode of vomiting. In a perfect world, one would clean their teeth before eating; nevertheless, if this is not possible, one should wait at least an hour after consuming sugar.

5. Dental hygienist here

“I am a dental hygienist,” she said. Brushing the teeth is very important for children. Cavities can develop in the teeth of infants. It is possible for children to have dental pain. In some cases, children require root canals. This does not mean that you may skip cleaning their teeth just because they will eventually lose those teeth.

In a conversation I had yesterday, a mother mentioned that she never brushes her two-year-old child’s teeth. Kindly clean their teeth for them. At such a tender age, please do not pressurize them to get dental treatment. The result is a phobia of dental care and a subsequent avoidance of dentists in later life!

There is a degree of subjectivity involved in determining the appropriate time to take a youngster for their first visit. as teeth begin to come in, according to recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA).

Personally, I believe that the first year of life is a wonderful period (unless there are problems that you are concerned about). When they are one year old, they have practically all of their baby teeth. Providing the dentist with something to look at. At the initial consultation, the dentist will not only examine the teeth of the infant, but also provide guidance and education to the parents.

Additionally, it is a high-stakes game to convince a newborn or toddler to sit, open their mouth, and endure being brushed. Those that do it voluntarily are the ones who panic out. At times, being a parent is the best thing in the world. You keep them under control and get the job done. I had to wrangle my for more than a year before he finally started sitting still and paying attention to me as I brushed him.

6. I see plenty of bad brushing

I observe a great deal of improper brushing. In cases when my patients’ dental hygiene is not as good as it may be, I frequently suggest that they use an electric toothbrush (the Sonicares are the best option). If you are adamant about having a manual, you may practice brushing your teeth by watching the Bass or Charter’s approach on YouTube. Later on, you will be grateful to yourself.

Because I work as a dental assistant, I spend the most of my time in the presence of dentists. If I had a dime for every time I overheard them telling a patient that employing an electric toothbrush is much more advantageous than using a manual toothbrush, I would never have to go back to work. However, this is the case.

In addition, the fact that you scrub your teeth more vigorously does not always indicate that they are becoming cleaner. Due to the fact that you are really inflicting injury, it is more advantageous to use an electric toothbrush; certain electric toothbrushes cease working when you apply too much pressure.

7. Old folks who blast their periodontal pockets

When older people use a Waterpik on the highest settings, they blast their periodontal pockets, and then they wonder why their pockets are becoming deeper. Please make sure that your Waterpik is set to a low setting, and do not leave it in the same location for more than about a minute.

8. Root canals are not that scary anymore

“Root canals are no longer as terrifying as they once were! In the past, there were those terrifying tales about obtaining them in dentistry. In today’s world, getting it done can be more bothersome than anything else, but it will often alleviate some discomfort in a relatively short amount of time.

One of the best ways to preserve a tooth that can be salvaged is to do so. It is not a good idea to scrimp on the crown treatment for root canal teeth because crowns are typically the most effective therapy for these teeth. You’ve already accomplished all of that effort; now, do what’s best for the tooth in the long run!

9. “You should not rinse with water or mouthwash after brushing

When you have finished brushing your teeth, you should not rinse with water or mouthwash. Apply mouthwash before brushing your teeth if you enjoy using it. Because of its immediate application and the scouring that occurs while brushing, toothpaste is the most effective. There is a tendency for mouthwash to contain lower fluoride levels, which are then diluted by saliva.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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