Easy Apple Cider Chai (Chaider)


This fall, are you looking for a method to add some flavor to your hot apple cider? Apple Cider Chai, also known as chaider, is a delectable beverage that combines the spiciness that is characteristic of chai with the sourness that is characteristic of apple cider. And the recipe is as simple as it can possibly be!

Apple Cider Chai

Hot Apple Cider Chai is a type of apple tea that is flavored with cinnamon and gives off all the warm and fuzzy fall emotions that you could ever want.

It is brimming with a plethora of warming spices derived from the chai, including cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, as well as all of the sourness that is characteristic of a superb apple cider.

This straightforward recipe for chaider (yes, chai and cider) is an excellent alternative to the traditional method of steeping mulling spices in cider.

If you have a need for a delicious hot beverage to curl up with, you can prepare a fast mug full of it, or you may make a large quantity all at once for your family and friends.

Why You’ll Love Cider and Chai

Delicious Fall Drink: If I’m being completely honest, chaider makes me think of apple pie, but without the crust. It’s almost as if the sweet and spicy flavors of apple cider and chai spices were destined to be together.
How Long Does It Take to Make: Using cider and chai tea concentrate that have already been produced, this recipe may be put together with relative ease. The only thing you need is a few minutes to get it warmed up.
Cook a Single Cup or More for a Large Group of People: You may prepare a large batch of apple cider chai for the big game, Halloween, Thanksgiving, bonfires, or any other autumn occasion just for yourself, or you can make a nice mug of it for yourself exclusively. Your visitors will be able to have a cup of chaider whenever they are ready because the slow cooker maintains the proper temperature for the chaider.

Apple Cider Chai Recipe

The recipe is the easiest one ever to create, regardless of whether you prefer to make apple cider chai with only two ingredients or transform it into an indulgent masterpiece by adding additional spices and garnishes that are delectable.

Apple Cider Chai Recipe
After combining cider with chai tea, all that is required to make a straightforward apple cider (chaider drink) is to warm it up.


Apple Cider
Optional ingredients include cinnamon sticks and other whole chai spices, as well as chai tea concentrate.
To finish off the dish, whipped cream and caramel sauce, which are completely optional but quite delicious.

Apple Cider: Instead of using apple juice, you should use apple cider for this recipe. These two beverages are not the same.

Juice concentrate is used to make apple juice, which is then sweetened and processed.

The flavor of apple cider, on the other hand, is more tangy, and it is produced through fresh pressing and minimum processing. And that is the goal that we must achieve.

Chai Tea Concentrate: It is possible to obtain a boxed tea concentrate such as Tazo or to prepare your own chai concentrate at home. Chai is known for its robust flavor. I would not suggest steeping chai-flavored tea because it is not very flavorful enough to warrant the effort.

Cinnamon Sticks and Chai Spices: Let the apple cider and chai mixture warm up, and then steep a few chai spices in it. This will add an additional layer of chai spice.

It is not required that you do this, but if you want a little bit more of your preferred spice (cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, star anise, etc.), then this is the way to go about it.

When I prepare slow cooker chaider for a party, I prefer to add a few cinnamon sticks and star anise only for the sake of adding some visual appeal. (For further instructions, please refer to the post’s conclusion.)

Whipped cream and caramel sauce are something that are actually considered to be extras; nevertheless, oh my, they have the ability to transform a delicious cup of hot apple cider chai into something that is a little bit more decadent.

As a result of the addition of whipped cream and caramel drizzle, this beverage is comparable to a Starbucks Caramel Apple Spice, but in my opinion, it is significantly more delectable.


A small saucepan should be used to combine the apple cider and the chai tea concentrate. It should be warmed over a medium heat.
In the meantime, while the chaider is heating up, add cinnamon and other whole spices. To have a more intense chai flavor, steep the chaider with entire spices for a minimum of five minutes. This will let the flavors to be incorporated. (You are not required to complete this step.) Alternatively, you may simply warm it up until it reaches the temperature that you prefer to drink from.
To a mug, pour the chaider juice. If you are using whole spices, make sure to strain them out.
To serve, top each portion with whipped cream, caramel sauce, and cinnamon powder. This apple cider chai drink is elevated to a higher level of excellence by the addition of a scoop of whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel sauce toward the end. Again, this is completely voluntary.)


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Lynette D. Brown
Lynette D. Brown writing is driven by her love for adventure and new experiences. Whether it’s an insightful piece on travel or a fun exploration of fashion trends, her enthusiasm for life is infectious. Ava has a knack for turning even the simplest moments into something extraordinary, and she thrives on sharing those stories with readers who are as curious and open-minded as she is.


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