13 Easy Hanging Plants to Enhance Your Indoor Garden


Any size home can get some life from houseplants, which are easy to bring inside. Adding indoor hanging plants to your collection can step up your plant game. However, setting up a hanging garden might seem a little more difficult than just putting a potted plant in a sunny spot. Installing hanging plants in your home might seem hard, but many options are easy to take care of. The hardest part is probably choosing the right plants for the place.

We asked experts to help us break it down so it would be even easier to choose a hanging houseplant. Maryah Greene, the founder and plant stylist of Greene Piece, says that hanging plants are great for people who don’t have a lot of space. “Some of my favorite things to add to small rooms that don’t have a lot of tabletop space are hanging plants,” says Greene. She also says that they’re easy to style and can make the most of awkward spaces that aren’t made for a shelf or a plant in a pot on the floor. Read on for 13 easy-hanging plants that experts say you should grow in your indoor yard.

Pothos is a good plant to start with if you’re new to plants and want to take it easy. You can choose from many types of this plant, such as golden pothos and lighter-variegated types. Greene says it’s a great plant for beginners because it grows quickly and is “super forgiving.” Just make sure to put your new friend somewhere comfortable with dim to bright indirect light and water her once a week.

Sweetheart Philodendron:

If you want to hang this plant, Sonya Query, master gardener and marketing director at Love, Plants, Inc., says, “Its tropical, heart-shaped leaves trail beautifully down a hanging planter.” It’s also not hard to take care of the sweetheart philodendron. She also says, “Philodendrons are easy to take care of and do well with less light and watering, so they’re great for people who don’t want to do much with their plants.” Just remember to water your philodendron every week. If you want to get your friends and family interested in plants, this is the one you should get because it’s easy to spread.

Philodendron micans:

This soft plant “looks best in simple rooms because the deep green with orange undertones stands out,” says Greene. Like the plant above, this one needs to be watered once a week and kept happy in that nice medium-to-bright indirect light.

Spider plant:

What does Greene say about the spider plant? “It’s another great plant for beginners.” “As it grows, it makes little copies of itself,” she says. Query says that these “little plantlets” are easy to grow into more plants. You could give them as a nice DIY housewarming gift or keep them for yourself to grow a successful spider plant garden inside. We think this is a great choice. Once a week, water this beautiful plant and put it somewhere with low to bright indirect light.

Inch plant:

Greene says that the bright Viney hanging plant is a good choice for “anyone looking to mix up their plant collection.” Put this bright plant somewhere with medium to bright indirect light and, you got it, water it once a week.

Purple passion:

A purple passion plant makes any room more interesting with its deep purple leaves. Put it somewhere with medium to bright indirect light, and remember to water it once a week.

Burro’s tail:

Greene says of the two-in-one burro’s tail, “This is the one if you like succulents and hanging plants.” It’s also possible to hang them because they “grow impressively long, which makes them perfect to hang,” says Query. This plant gets long and full, which is like having the best of both worlds. Put your creative friend somewhere with bright, indirect light, and get ready for even less upkeep: water her once every two weeks.

Swiss cheese plant:

That is what it’s really called, and Greene says it “looks just how it sounds.” This plant can become a very long vine, and its leaves have holes in them. It is sometimes mistaken for Monstera deliciosa, which Greene says is also a very famous plant, but the Swiss cheese plant is actually Monstera adansonii. Water this plant once a week and put it somewhere with medium to bright indirect light to show it some love.

String of turtles:

This delicate plant gets its name from “circular leaves that look like turtle shells.” Greene suggests putting it somewhere with medium to bright light and watering it every two weeks. The line of turtles is a great roommate because it is beautiful and doesn’t need much care.

Sword fern:

Greene says of the sword fern, “Like other ferns, it likes high humidity and moisture.” “Because it grows out bushy and full,” she says, you should hang this fern in front of any parts of your space that don’t look good. The sword fern doesn’t have strict light or watering needs. It only needs to be watered every five to seven days and can go almost anywhere because it likes low to medium indirect light.
The Boston fern is a popular type of sword fern. It is a classic houseplant with big, bushy green leaves. It can live outside in some conditions, but it does best inside all year. Query says, “They love humidity and indirect light.” “Keep the soil moist all the time, and they’ll give you thick, lush fronds.”

String of pearls:

Greene’s best hanging plant has “extremely delicate and fuzzy white flowers” that look like a pearl necklace. Water it once every two weeks and put it somewhere with bright, indirect light. For this plant, don’t give it too much water. Query says to let the soil dry out between waterings, but not so dry that it breaks. Just don’t worry if it gets strong sunlight for a few hours. The string of pearls can handle it.

String of hearts:

This is another simple plant that looks great when hung. Query says that String of Hearts has thin leaves that look like hearts and spread out like a string. They are also easy to take care of and don’t need much attention. “They can handle drought, so you don’t have to water them very often,” she says. Make sure to keep them somewhere bright but not direct light.

String of dolphins:

Like the string of pearls, the string of dolphins grows in the shape of little dolphins, as its name suggests. Magic? Perhaps. This plant should be kept in bright, indirect light, but it’s strong like a string of pearls and can handle a few hours of direct light. Just remember to water it every two weeks to keep it healthy.

How to water hanging plants so they don’t drip water or spill dirt?

Query says that if you pick the right plant hangers or hanging pots, you can keep water and dirt from getting on your floor. Choose a hanging pot with a hole in the bottom for drainage and a pan or tray under it. You should only water your plant when the ground is dry. She says, “Begin by adding a little water.” “After two minutes, see if any has started to drip into the catch tray.” If the tray doesn’t already have some water in it, add some more and wait. Do this again and again until you see water dripping into the catch tray. You could also take the plant outside and put it in the sink to water it. Once the water stops dripping, just wipe down the bottom of the plant and hang it back up.

Where is the best spot in the house to hang plants for sunlight?

Most trees like it when they are near a window that lets in bright, dim light. This is why Query says to pick windows that face north or east. They let in soft light or morning sun without the harsh glare of afternoon,” she says. This is why it’s important to know what kind of light your plant needs. If you’re not sure, Query says, “just avoid south- or west-facing windows without some sheer curtains unless it’s a plant that needs full sun.”

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Aria has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.


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