From Laughing At A Donkey To Drowning In A Toilet — 05 Extremely Bizarre Ways Historical Figures Died


Without a doubt, Rasputin’s legacy is one that is both interesting and complicated, and it has captivated the public’s interest. His contentious existence, together with his tragic end, provides for interesting narrative. He was a mystic and confidant to the Romanovs in Russia, and his life was a source of much controversy.

The song “Rasputin” by Boney M. is very appealing and conveys his narrative in a way that combines historical elements with disco vibrations. The fact that his life has been the source of inspiration for art and music is a fascinating example of how certain historical personalities continue to be mysterious and important long after their time has passed.

1. Zachary Taylor:

Zachary Taylor, the 12th President of the United States, who is mostly forgotten, had a fairly peculiar finish, which was partially owing to the fact that America was celebrating its “birthday.”

In the year 1850, when Taylor was attending a Fourth of July party, he dealt with the blistering heat by swallowing a huge quantity of cherries and iced milk. After returning to the White House, he continued to experience the affects of the scorching day by drinking numerous glasses of cold water at that time.

On the next day, the President fell unwell, despite the fact that the sickness appeared to be rather moderate at first. On the other hand, he quickly began experiencing significant stomach discomfort, which only became more acute over the course of the subsequent five days. After that, more symptoms manifested themselves, such as cramps, thirst, nausea, and diarrhea.

On the morning of July 9, 1850, Taylor called for his wife, Margaret Smith Taylor, who was the first lady at the time. He ordered her not to grieve for him and said, “I have always done my duty, and I am ready to die.” The only thing I regret is that I will have to leave behind some friends.

Alexander S. Wotherspoon, Taylor’s Army physician, indicated that the official cause of death was a bacterial infection of the small intestine, also known as cholera morbus. This illness was most likely obtained by Taylor from germs that were present in either the raw milk or water that he took on the Fourth of July.

The acidity of the cherries, in conjunction with the raw milk, may have been the cause of Taylor’s deadly case of gastroenteritis, according to some other views. One of these explanations suggests that the cherries themselves may have been what caused the incident.

2. Isadora Duncan:

Isadora Duncan, a pioneer in the field of modern dance and a highly regarded choreographer, passed away in an automobile accident. Her cause of death, on the other hand, was probably not something that the majority of people would relate to a deadly accident involving a car…

Duncan went for a trip with a French chauffeur in an Amilcar CGSS on September 14, 1927. At the time, she was having her first experience behind the wheel of the vehicle.

As Duncan was leaving that evening, a friend who was visiting at the time, Mary Desti, who is the mother of the director Preston Sturges, pleaded with him to wear a cape because the temperature was decreasing during that time. However, the dancer would only agree to wear a long scarf that had been hand-painted by Desti. This was the only thing she would wear.

It was a mistake to select these particular accessories. While she was sitting back in her seat to take in the ocean breeze, her flowing scarf became looped around one of the wheel wells of the vehicle. After a short period of time, Duncan was smothered by the sheer power of the scarf being looped around the axle, which forced her to tumble out of the passenger seat. She was executed instantly as a result of the force of landing on the cobblestone street below.

It would appear that the dancer had made a shocking prediction about the awful end that she would meet. She shared her thoughts with a reporter from the Associated Press the day before she passed away, saying, “For the first time I am writing for money; now I am frightened that some quick accident might happen.”

3. Chrysippus:

In the event that you have ever played The Sims, there is a high probability that you have experienced the death of a Sim due to laughing. Although this may appear to be an entirely fabricated scenario, it actually occurs more frequently than one might imagine. Chrysippus, a Stoic philosopher from Greece, is considered to be one of the most significant examples given.

With regard to Chrysippus’s demise, the Greek biographer Diogenes Laërtius, whose most renowned book is The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers Volume 1 (which was subsequently translated by R.D. Hicks), expressed his thoughts as follows: “There are those who believe that he passed away due to an episode of excessive laughter.”

The reason for this was because he saw his ass eating figs, and he instructed his old wife to give his ass some unmixed wine to drink thereafter. After that, he laughed so hard that he passed away.

The TL;DR Following the observation that his donkey had consumed some figs, Chrysippus practically passed away from laughing at his own jest.

4. Rasputin:

Rasputin, a revered Russian mystic and faith healer, passed away in a manner that would be appropriate for a scene from a John Wick film.

Rasputin gained popularity with Czar Nicholas II and Czarina Alexandra after he demonstrated his ability to halt their son Alexei’s bleeding, which was caused by his hemophilia. This was demonstrated despite the fact that Rasputin had a reputation for being a charlatan. Over time, Alexandra came to the realization that Rasputin did, in fact, possess magical abilities, and his influence spread not just inside the ill-fated Romanov family but also within the Russian government.

The healer is claimed to have effectively dominated the country by using Alexandra as a voice for his personal agenda few years later, when the Czar left to head the Russian troops during World War I. This is said to have occurred when the Czar left to lead the Russian forces.

Because of this condition, the fire that was already there over the depravity of the Romanov family was fueled even further. As a result, a group of Roman aristocrats came to the conclusion that it was time to rid their nation of Rasputin’s authority, and they did so by whatever means necessary.

5. Attila the Hun:

We have all heard about Attila the Hun, who was the ruler of the Huns, an invader, and a ferocious warrior. However, this powerful character did not pass away in the manner that one would anticipate that would be the most horrible.

During the year 453 CE, Attila made the decision to wed his third wife, a young woman called Ildico. This decision was made as he was in the process of planning an assault on yet another Eastern Roman Empire, as well as its emperor, Marcian.

During the festivities surrounding the wedding, it was stated that the ruler indulged in an abundance of food and drink before retiring to the bridal room. When Attila did not show up the following morning, the royal guards became suspicious and smashed down the door of the wedding room. This occurred because Attila had not been seen. When they arrived, they saw the newlywed woman sobbing uncontrollably next to the body of her beloved husband.

Attila’s body was searched, and no wounds were found. Many believed his death could have been a plot by near-thwarted emperor Marcian or even that Ildico might have played a part in his demise; however, most accepted that his cause of death was more a casualty of drunkenness than a malevolent plot, as it appeared that Attila had simply choked to death on his own blood after falling asleep with a bad nosebleed.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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