Healthiest Alcoholic Drinks, Straight From Dietitians


A significant portion of us are aware of the ingredients we put into our bodies when we have a cocktail or two. But how much is it possible to enjoy a drink or cocktail without compromising our health-related goals?

For the most part, there’s nothing wrong with lounging on the couch with a large glass of red wine or heading out for a few drinks with friends. Many individuals now consider this to be a part of their lives, and there is nothing wrong with any of these pursuits! According to Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., CNS, “too much of a good thing can be, well, too much.” She notes that this is true for most vices.

“Moderately and with lots of water to offset the diuretic effects,” advises dietician Serena Poon, explaining that this is the “healthiest” way to consume alcohol. Furthermore, you possess the capacity to make well-informed choices about what, when, and how much you drink.

The next time you feel like having a drink, you can choose from a list of fifteen of the healthiest alcoholic beverages that Poon and Gittleman have provided, along with an example of what constitutes healthy drinking.

  1. 1 What Is Drinking In Moderation?

    What exactly does moderation in drinking mean? "This is a tricky question because the line between healthy drinking and unhealthy drinking is really more about total consumption than individual drinks," Poon contends. Gittleman recommends "one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men as moderate alcohol consumption."

    The negative effects of alcohol on the body can also be mitigated by moderate alcohol use. Better beverages have less sugar, clear alcohol, and calories because they don't cause hangovers, weight gain, or insomnia, among other negative effects. Drinks high in sugar have the potential to disrupt your sleep cycles, metabolism, and blood sugar levels.One After a night of drinking, you might get jitters because alcohol naturally elevates blood sugar levels, which can result in hypoglycemia.

  2. 2 When Is The "Best" Time Of Day To Drink?

    Additionally, you should control when you drink. Poon underlines, "One of the most crucial aspects of general health is getting enough sleep, and the way alcohol is metabolized can have a significant impact on sleep quality. It's recommended to consume at least four hours before bedtime3, according to research, to prevent sleep disruptions."

  3. 3 Some People Shouldn't Drink At All

    It is also important to note that there are certain people who should fully refrain from drinking. As a proposal, Poon offers a suggestion in the following recommendation. "Communities who would want to abstain completely would include pregnant women, people who struggle with alcohol abuse, people with certain conditions such as liver disease, and people who are on certain medications," Because alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system, Gittleman underlines the relevance of establishing whether or not any drugs you are currently taking are contraindicated. This is because alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system. "This includes over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen," she says in her article, "which can interact with alcohol to cause stomach bleeding and liver damage when taken in large amounts." Furthermore, she mentions that alcohol consumption might lead to harm to the liver.

    For the sake of preserving their commitment to leading a healthy lifestyle, certain populations might find it more beneficial to refrain from using alcohol. "In my opinion," according to Poon, "people who are trying to lose weight and people who are training for an endurance event5 or preparing for a big presentation at work can benefit from abstaining from alcohol. When Poon refers to scenarios in which people are trying to lose weight, he is specifically referring to the circumstances described in the following paragraphs. To add insult to injury, if you are having digestive issues or anxiety, you might consider abstaining from alcohol for a period of time to see if it helps.

  4. 4 Keep Your Cocktails Simple

    If you do not fall into any of these categories but still want to drink alcohol, there are some types that are better for your health than others. Poon suggests that "the simpler, the better you are." Sugary mixers, syrups, sodas, and tonic water should be avoided while choosing alcoholic beverages. Instead, opt for cocktails with one or two components, high-quality clear alcohols, and hydrating mixers such as water and soda water. Gittleman also suggests putting herbal garnishes into beverages, such as mint, basil, ginger, or rosemary, to enhance the flavor.

  5. 5 Red Wine

    For many, red wine represents the pinnacle of alcohol moderation. Poon asserts that it is "relatively low in calories and also offers some health benefits."The author continues by stating that red wine has heart-healthy antioxidants such as resveratrol and proanthocyanidins.

    According to Gittleman, "studies have shown that drinking a moderate amount [of red wine] with an alcohol content of 12% to 15% daily can help prevent heart disease." ) Because of their high fiber content and "have been shown to lower bad cholesterol levels," she suggests red wines produced from the Tempranillo grape, like Rioja. The polyphenols in red wine, she goes on to claim, help keep blood vessels flexible and may even lower cancer rates.

  6. 6 Tequila On the Rocks

    Despite the fact that tequila is still classified a depressant, it is often referred to be a "upper." There is a lot of debate concerning this idea, although some research suggests that tequila may not have as severe depressive effects as other alcohol. "People often report feeling better after drinking tequila," adds Professor Poon. She claims that in some cases, "small studies indicate that it is possible that the sugars in tequila do not shift blood sugar levels like other alcohols."

  7. 7 Vodka Soda

    Because it has less sugar and calories than other drinks, vodka soda is frequently seen as one of the bar's healthier options. In addition, Poon says that since "soda water is hydrating, it is nice to mix a small amount of clear alcohol with a beverage that is similar in nature." After that, squeeze in some [citrus] to give it an extra dose of vitamin C.

    Gittleman asserts that the aforementioned spirit has further health benefits. "Vodka, for example, can improve blood circulation and helps to develop collateral vessels which connect the heart to the lungs," 12.
    Chu LM, Lassaletta AD, Robich MPR, and others are also included. What effects do vodka and red wine have on the circulatory system and collateral-dependent perfusion in pigs with high cholesterol? September 2012; Volume 126, Supplement 1, Pages S65–S72; Citation: 10.161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.082172

    as claimed by Gittleman. She also advises staying with gluten-free products like Crystal Head, Blue Ice, Tito's, or Chopin.

  8. 8 Bloody Mary

    The inclusion of fresh vegetables elevates this cocktail. "I like Bloody Mary cocktails because they are full of vegetables!" Poon says in response. "You would want to keep consumption to a minimum, though, as each drink packs in quite a few calories." Be on the alert for high-sodium garnishes and add-ins.

  9. 9 Mezcal On the Rocks

    This drink is definitely a winner due to the fact that it contains fresh vegetables. Poon proclaimed with a lot of enthusiasm, "I like Bloody Mary cocktails because they are full of vegetables!" "You would want to keep consumption to a minimum, though, as each drink packs in quite a few calories." Be wary of garnishes and add-ins that incorporate a significant amount of salt into their composition.

  10. 10 Mezcal On the Rocks

    Because of its smoky flavor, mezcal makes a lasting imprint in the mouth. To get the most out of it, go slowly. Poon notes that "like tequila, mezcal does not seem to spike blood sugar as much as other alcohols," which is one of the reasons why it is a healthier alternative.

  11. 11 Wine Spritzer

    Spritzers are perfect for hot weather. "Though not extremely common in the United States," says Poon, "I enjoy the technique of combining wine with sparkling water. Not only does this reduce the alcohol and calorie content of each drink, but it also adds a hydrating component."

  12. 12 Dry Champagne

    Due to the fact that sparkling wines and Champagne are both alternatives, it is possible to enjoy an extravagant cocktail in a manner that is rather healthy. The selection of a dry variety is the most essential thing to do there. "Dry wines indicate a lower level of sugar," that is the argument that Poon makes in his paper. "If you are worried about sugar consumption, dry champagne is the way to go!"

  13. 13 Mulled Wine

    Although mulled wines are a popular beverage during the holiday season, you may enjoy them at any time of the year. Mulled wines are a popular drinking option. "Mulled wine pairs the antioxidants of red wine with a blend of healthful spices and herbs that can give your drink a therapeutic boost," according to Poon in his explanation of the phenomenon.

    When making your choice, Gittleman suggests that you go with an organic kind of wine. He says this is the best option. According to the findings of the researcher, certified organic wines contain a lower amount of sugar, additives, and preservatives, and they may also help reduce headaches the following day.

  14. 14 Margarita with Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice

    "Skinny" margaritas are not only spicy (particularly with jalapeño), but also delicious. Furthermore, you can enjoy the excitement of a "mixed drink" without the added sweetness. "The key here," Poon wrote, "is to ditch the bottled syrup and lime juice and stick with fresh lime, high-quality tequila, ice, and maybe a splash of soda water." The bartender at your restaurant will almost likely be able to make one of these popular drinks.

  15. 15 Specialty Cocktails Made with Fresh-Pressed Vegetable Juice

    Poon makes the observation that "Depending on where you are, it might be possible to get a cocktail made with fresh-pressed green juices." It is of the utmost significance that you avoid purchasing packaged green juices, which are frequently filled with sugar, and instead choose to consume a vegetable juice that has been obtained through the process of fresh pressing.

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