
Imogene O. Boyett

Getting fit is easy; keeping fit is far more difficult. Everyone understands that desire fades over time, and taking a vacation from exercising might make it difficult to get back on track. Here are a few suggestions to help you keep on track for a healthy lifestyle. First and foremost, set a goal; understand what you're working for and what you hope to attain through training. This will undoubtedly help you stay motivated, even at the darkest moments. Second, make your expectations realistic, and try to create a goal that pushes you without being so difficult that you give up, but also without being too simple that you don't genuinely improve your body for better. Last but not least, remember that consistency trumps high scores and peaks: you don't have to perform at 100 percent all the time, and you don't even have to begin with long workouts; what matters is that you divide your exercises into bite-size pieces that you can "swallow"— nothing kills motivation faster than an inappropriate pace in your routine, and your body will subconsciously avoid high-stress activities.