

Imogene O. Boyett

Recognizing that we are experiencing confusion and taking measures to ensure that it does not persist for an excessive amount of time is the most crucial thing that we can do to make our confusion work for us. Therefore, the first thing that we need to do is acknowledge that we are having perplexity regarding the situation. It has been challenging for the majority of individuals who participated in our study to acknowledge that they had been perplexed by the phenomenon that we were investigating. After conducting in-depth interviews, the researchers came to the realization that it is not disclosed until a considerable amount of time has passed. This is not something that should come as a surprise because there is a negative perception that is associated with confusion. One of the most widespread misunderstandings is that it is a sign of stupidity or a lack of intelligence. However, this is not the case. In order to be able to harness this emotion when you are confronted with challenges that involve new ideas and concepts, you must first accept that it exists. Only then will you be able to harness it. "Be comfortable with this, but seek to resolve it."

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