
Imogene O. Boyett

As is the case with the majority of artists, Steven admitted that he experiences creative obstacles on occasion. However, during the course of his life, he has acquired a few strategies that assist him in persevering through difficult situations. When I am up against the wall and a deadline is looming over my head, my creative brain is at its most productive. Something about being aware that a task is due in a short amount of time stimulates the flow of ideas. Regardless of how hard I try, I am never able to get more than a week or two ahead of the deadline for submitting an article to a publication.

When I am facing writer's block, I have a few strategies that I use. Because I work digitally, I am able to save all of my prior characters and backdrops from past strips. After that, I will copy and paste the characters into a variety of various settings, positions, and environments. I find that visualizing my characters in my brain and allowing them to interact on their own is the most effective way for me to overcome writer's block. I merely sit back and observe as I facilitate talks for them to have. The majority of the time, it makes me think of something, or if I'm lucky, the conversation will inspire me to create a full finished gag.