

Imogene O. Boyett

For as long as I can remember, which is sometime around the time that I was approximately five years old, I have had a strong passion for drawing and being creative. A significant portion of this can be attributed to the fact that I was raised in a household that was musically and artistically inclined. My drive to create has always felt as natural to me as any other fundamental human need, and it has motivated me to experiment with a wide variety of artistic mediums over the course of my life, ranging from painting to music to photography to, eventually, digital illustration. I have spent a significant amount of time studying design in my spare time, and I have even had the opportunity to work professionally in web and marketing design on multiple occasions. However, in many respects, I consider myself to be more of a creative explorer and tinkerer than an artist. Having this way of thinking has made it much easier for me to be much more flexible with what I choose to broadcast on my social media channels. I have been able to let go of my tendency to be a perfectionist and instead focus on trying something new and seeing whether it is successful. There are times when it does, and there are times when it does not, but regardless, I always come away with something new from it!

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