

Imogene O. Boyett

What does a typical day look like for Alireza when she is working on a new comic? That was the question that we were wondering.

In his remark, he stated, "In general, I make it a point to concentrate a great deal and to disconnect myself from the environment that is all around me right from the start of the day." In my line of work, music is a vital component, and I always listen to music that is devoid of any lyrics when I am working. I try to watch movies and news images, observe various works of art with diverse subjects, study, watch animations, and sometimes I just study so that I can get an idea about the subject I want to create a work about. Sometimes I just study so that I can get an idea about the subject I want to create. As part of my workweek, I also have the opportunity to view the works of other artists and investigate the ideas and concepts that they have. In the stage of the work's performance, I give my full attention to the process of making the work and I avoid dealing with any chores that are not directly related to the work.

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