

Imogene O. Boyett

It is via the sharing of his illustrations that Tim has amassed more than 142 thousand followers on Instagram. To find out what kind of emotion or response the artist wishes to elicit from viewers, we asked him to share his thoughts with us.

When I sit down to draw, I am typically looking for something that appeals to my sense of humor or something I find peculiar. In every instance in which I attempt to forecast a particular response to a drawing, I prove to be absolutely incorrect. Once a piece of creative work is made available to the public, the artist is no longer responsible for determining its meaning. There are occasions when people offer suggestions that are significantly more perceptive than the initial notion. When it comes to animal behavior or anatomy, I frequently receive corrections. "In the end, I feel an incredible sense of privilege that people care enough to express any feelings they have about the artwork," Tim wrote.

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