

Imogene O. Boyett

In addition to his visibility on the internet, we were curious as to whether or not the artist also takes part in art shows or galleries. We were informed about a number of occasions where Fong had the opportunity to exhibit his artwork, such as the Salon des Beaux Arts in Paris, France; the Art Expo Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; or art galleries in France, the United States of America, Taiwan, and Singapore.

In addition, Kamwei shared with us further information regarding some of the most memorable instances of reactions of individuals who have witnessed and loved his artwork: "There are a lot of good ones." I had the honor of receiving a large number of positive evaluations on my online shop, with many of the reviews praising the quality of my artwork. To mention a few examples, I had the opportunity to receive these reviews. In addition, I got the opportunity to interact with a number of amazing individuals while I was exhibiting my work at the Salon des Beaux Arts and at the gallery in Paris. My conversation with them was not only enjoyable but also enlightening; it is a wonderful feeling to be aware that my artworks are cherished and respected.

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