

Imogene O. Boyett

Lastly, the commissions I've had to create portraits of pets have always been a source of immense satisfaction for me. The pleasure of being commissioned to produce pet pictures for pet owners all over the world is something that I will always appreciate. Unquestionably, the trust that is put upon me by pet owners who treat their animals as if they were members of their own family is extremely fulfilling. The sharing of photographs of their dogs beside their portrait is a common way for them to convey their joy and thanks.

Furthermore, I discovered a greater sense of fulfillment when I received commissions for pet portraits from pet owners who wanted a memorial portrait for their pets who had passed away. As a result of this, I feel a profound feeling of duty because I am putting together a memorial that will last for their cherished dogs. It is a significant show of empathy for departed pets that have left beautiful memories in the lives of their owners, in addition to being an undertaking that is creative in nature. The actual connection that the artwork had with their cherished pet was something that I found to be very enjoyable.

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