

Imogene O. Boyett

Blanche draws inspiration from a wide variety of sources, including her personal life, odd ideas, and even "silly" concepts. Her working lines are sometimes absolutely relevant, and then they are startlingly abrupt. Other times, she finds the most unusual comic twist to work in a narrative or a short story with a funny twist. Sometimes she finds the most unlikely comedic twist to function in a story. When she is having trouble coming up with ideas, she frequently makes use of online programs that generate random words and then examines each one to see if it elicits an idea. She explains, "Because of this, my comics are either completely random or relatable to the majority of people." "The existence of ideas is not the same thing as motivation. Even if I don't always feel like drawing, I don't let that deter me from doing it. You need discipline in addition to motivation in order to be successful. I wouldn't be where I am right now if I had let myself down each and every time I found myself lacking motivation.

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