Hmmm (1/30)


Imogene O. Boyett

People love weird things. Those photos that the more you stare at, the more uncomfortable it becomes or some of those photos don’t make sense at all right? Well Bewilderment can be a really frustrating feeling. I felt like that through out high school while studying physics and it was the worst. Or when I am doing my taxes? Just kidding I don’t do taxes. Now you may think I do not want to be confused. But being in a state of bewilderment is not always bad.
Let us introduce you to the subreddit called "hmmmm". r/hmmm is a subreddit with nearly 2 million followers that is known for posting some of the weirdest pictures on the web. The description says "Internet in a picture". This forum thrives on finding deliciously absurd images, and some of the rules regarding what can be posted include, for example, "no text in the picture (except regular logos)" and "all post titles must be 'hmmm' (in lowercase)". We have gathered some of the most weird and funny pictures we could find. We hope you'll enjoy – but don't worry if your brain hurts after looking at them. If you're still feeling like there's no connection whatsoever between this list and the photos, then make sure you scroll down after you're finished to loknam latest post featuring this very same subreddit.

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